Season 2 Episode 14: Rise Up

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Avi burst through the hospital doors, barreling through with the fast sprint he could muster. He pushed past nurses and doctors. Patients and visitors. He didn't really care what he messed up or jumped over, he just needed to see his best friend. From what he heard, it sounded like a bomb went off at the school. He'd never be able to get past it if Kevin died. And he knew someone would have to pay.

Soon, Avi came to a sliding halt in front of the room number. 205. He practically slammed his face into the glass. He saw Mrs. Olusola sitting in the chair beside the hospital bed, Kevin's hand in her own. Her other hand was gently caressing his head. She looked so broken. Like her soul was sucked out.

He moved to the door, giving a soft knock before he entered. He felt his head stop, seeing Kevin in the current state. He was pale, even with his darker skin tone. His ears were still a little red, but whatever blood that was previously there had been cleaned. He saw there was also some damage to Kevin's wrists and forehead. He couldn't imagine how this happened.


"Don't... just, don't. I just want to hear him breathe." Mrs. Olusola cut him off. Even her voice sounded distressed.

A soft knock came to the door, gathering the two conscious ones' attention. Mr. Olusola stood in the doorway, a jar in his hands. It was filled with a clear, sparkling substance of some kind. It seemed like a gel or something of that nature.

"I brought the Spark." He said, handing his wife the jar.

Avi felt his nostrils tingle. His nose slightly stung, but he felt his head become foggy. It became difficult to focus, as an unbearable buzz filled his ears. Felt something cool touch his head, and suddenly it was all gone. He looked over to see Mrs. Olusola with her hand on his head. He frowned, "What was that?"

"Gemios. An extremely strong supernatural chemical used to hyper accelerate the healing factor." Mr. Olusola said. He dipped his fingers into the jar, taking barely a ghosted finger swab of it before he pulled it out. He traced it over Kevin's throat, closing the jar and putting it down. He took a seat.

Avi furrowed his brows, "How fast is this stuff supposed to be?"

Mere moments later, Kevin shot up with a gasp. His eyes were glowing and his fangs were out and as sharp as ever. He took a deep breath and sighed, "I told you I hate this stuff."

"Shut up, bean pie." Mrs. Olusola said as she pulled him into a hug. Kevin returned it, "At least I accomplished it."

"Accomplished what? Rupturing your eardrums?" Mr. Olusola frowned.

"No. The sirens. I evened the score. And I'd do it again." Kevin said.

"Sirens? What Sirens? You've been fighting Sirens?"

"This is absolutely-"

"They started it." Avi butted in.

"What the-"

"You must be a fool if you think we're gonna let this go on any longer. I understand you've been becoming more of a warrior than a strategist, lately. By that doesn't mean you can go putting yourself into danger! It's irrational!" She shouted.

"Mom! Dad! I don't want you to interfere." Kevin said

"Of course we're going to fucking interfere. You've been fighting Sirens. You know how dangerous that is." She said.

"We know." Avi said, "And we've been fighting with them for a good month, now."

Kevin nodded, "And if that means we die, then at least we died defending ourselves."

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