Season 1 Episode 7: Lab Partner

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Avi walked into the school with a newfound swagger. It was like he was a new man. A better man. A werewolf man.

He turned the corner and grinned widely when he noticed a familiar person digging into his locker. He slowly crept up and was about to blurt out, but it didn't work.
"Hey, Avi." Kevin said, not turning around.

Avi frowned and shoved his hands into his pockets.
"I'll scare you one of these days." He grumbled.
"I doubt it." Kevin said, closing his locker and chuckling softly.

When he came face to face with Avi his mind went into overdrive, but he decided not to voice anything until he was sure.
"Avi? Are you alright? You seem... different." Kevin asked.

Avi grinned widely and nodded.
"You could say that it's something like that." He spoke.

Kevin opened his mouth to speak, but the first warning bell rang.
"I have Chem. I'll text you after class." Kevin said, walking away.

"Please check the roster to find your partners for this project. You have a week to find a unique way to demonstrate your chemistry skills. After all, this is an Honors class." The teacher announced, taking a seat at her desk and beginning to do paperwork.

Kevin stayed seated and waited for his partner to find him. He thought it was always easier to be found than to search. Took less work and more thought.

The sound of someone taking a seat next to him caught his attention and he turned his head.

A pale boy sat in the seat next to him. He'd never met him before.
"Jake. Jake Lyngheiõr." The boy, Jake, offered.
"Kevin. Kevin Olusola." Kevin replied.

The boy pulled out a small notebook and opened it on the lab table, pointing to a page.
"I have a few suggestions." He said.
"That's alright. I've already got something that fits the criteria in a simple manor. We should be able to complete it within the next twelve minutes." Kevin said.

Jake gave a slow nod and put the notebook away, raising a brow at Kevin.
"What did you have in mind?"
"And once we place it over a low heat, the compounds will steam and combine with the light; Showing the primary colors in a beacon of sorts." Kevin finished.
"That doesn't sound simple." Jake said, scratching his head.
"It is once we physically begin. I just told you what it'll do." Kevin said, grabbing a pair of goggles.
"You're really smart, huh?" Jake asked, also grabbing a pair of goggles.
"I don't pride myself on it. I view intelligence as something we should obtain in as high quality and large quantity as possible. I just notice that most of us choose to be blissfully unaware. I'd rather not be wandering into situations blindly." Kevin explained, collecting test tubes.

Jake nodded, not completely understanding.
"Cool. You're like a genius or something." He complimented.
"Genius is something no one has. It's just some of us use our brains more than others. In more creative ways. Thank you for pointing out my creativity." Kevin smiled.

Jake returned the gesture and started jotting down Kevin's actions step-by-step.

Kevin walked into the cafeteria with a blue tray in his hand. He looked around, completely baffled when he didn't find Avi anywhere.
"Don't even try it." Kevin said, continuing forward.

Avi groaned and snatched a tray from the stack.
"I swear! It's like you have eyes in the back of your head." He voiced, grabbing an apple from the stand and continuing down the line after Kevin.
"That's physically impossible for the human body. Although, it may be possible for certain animal species." Kevin informed.

The two grabbed their lunches plopped down at a table, beginning a conversation on animals. Kevin was the one that gave more input than Avi, but Avi still pitched in when he could.

The sound of a tray almost slamming onto the table startled the two. They redirected their attention to see Kirstie aggressively bite into an apple, her face stern.
"Can we help you?" Kevin asked.
"Uh... Kirstie, this is Kevin. Kevin, this is Kirstie." Avi introduced, his nervousness nearly radiating. Avi was almost certain Kirstie could smell it along with hearing the rapid acceleration of his heartbeat.

Scott took a seat a few moments later and Avi introduced them, to which Scott responded with a firm handshake and a smile.
"So... how did you all become acquainted?" Kevin asked, taking a short sip of his water.

Kirstie and Avi exchanged a look and Scott bit the inside of his cheek.
"We... we were hiking in the woods a few nights ago and Avi jumped out of seemingly nowhere." Scott tried.

Kirstie pinched Scott under the table.
"Well I hope he didn't cause any trouble or anything." Kevin chuckled.
"Oh no. He was as chill as they come." Scott smiled.

Kirstie rolled her eyes and took another bite from her apple. She wanted to punch Scott, but she'd rather not draw any attention at the moment.
"We should all hang sometime. We'd get along great." Avi smiled, wrapping an arm around Kevin's shoulders and rocking them gently.

"No. Avi, we need to talk about something after school. I'll text you a location." Kirstie said, getting up and leaving.
"Is she normally that tense about situations or was I doing something wrongly?" Kevin asked.
"Nah. She's just a bi- ow~!" A half eaten apple flew and hit Avi in the face.

"Come by my house around six and we can start on our project. Here's my address." Kevin said, jotting down his home address and handing the sticky note to Jake.
"Alright. I'll see you then." Jake smiled, walking away.

When Jake was driving away, Kevin's eyes narrowed. He felt something was off with Jake and not in a normal way.

"What did you guys want to talk to me about?" Avi asked as he approached them in the woods.
"We need to talk about something that you're now involved in." Kirstie crossed her arms.
"There's a very hostile weresnake roaming around and we need to stop it." Scott informed.
"'We'? Why 'we'? Why do we have to do anything? Why can't we just be werewolves and just get our claws sharpened or something?" Avi frowned.
"Because you were attacked and hadn't we bitten you, you'd have died instantly. Others won't be so lucky." Scott said.

Avi sighed and nodded his head slowly, looking down at his feet.
"Alright. I suppose that's a valid point." He grumbled.
"But the thing is, we don't know for sure who it is. We only have a suspicion that it's the Lyngheiõr kid." Kirstie said.
"So what are we going to do if it is him? Kill him?" Avi asked.
"No! Absolutely not!" Scott shouted.
"Okay! Geez." Kirstie shook her head, shocked.

Scott took a deep breath and sighed.
"I'm sorry. I just I would never be able to live with myself knowing I took someone's life intentionally. We'll just follow the guy around see if he starts doing strange stuff." He explained.
"So what do we do now?" Avi asked.
"First, we need to find him. We'll follow his every move for the next twenty-four hours and if he's normal, we'll cross him from the suspect list." Kirstie said.
"There's a list?" Avi asked.
"Never mind that. Let's just follow him around." Kirstie said.

Scott ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"Alright. Let's find the snake before it strikes." He said, beginning to walk away.
"Don't let him spot you. Alright?" Kirstie said, catching up.
"I've spied on plenty of people before. This should be easy." Avi reassured, smirking.
"Well at least we've cleared up that you're an A+ creep." Kirstie whispered.
"I heard that." Avi said.
"You're point?" Kirstie asked.
"Nothing, I-I suppose." Avi laughed.
"Let's just get this done fast. My mom's making meatloaf tonight and I want her to save me some." Scott said, his mouth watering at the thought of the steaming dish.

Kirstie snapped her fingers in his face.
"He's over there. Let's keep our distance." She said, beginning to walk.
"Alright." Scott took a deep breath and followed her along with Avi.
"It's gonna be a long night." Avi stated.

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