Season 2 Episode 3: Voices

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Kirstie ran her hands through her newly dyed hair once more, grinning at the product. She didn't expect to do it well, but she proved herself wrong yet again. She tied her hair up, planning to do that last.

After spending close to four hours picking out the perfect outfit and perfecting her makeup, more specifically her liner because that was the hardest to do, she was ready. She quickly took a brush, comb, and curling iron to her hair and headed out.

The entire walk to her and Roman's meeting place, she was fiddling with her thumbs. She'd never been on a date before and this was something she didn't want to mess up. She had to nearly punch herself to keep her eyes normal and extending features under control. Dates were always the true test for shapeshifters.

After five minutes, Kirstie picked up Roman's scent. The soft forest pine of his body wash and the natural musk of his body man her even more anxious the stronger it got. Eventually, Roman was within eyesight for her and Kirstie bit her tongue, standing on the severed tree trunk she found and looking at her tightly clasped hands.

Roman smiled as he caught sight of her, making his way through the thick trees, "You look stunning." He called.

A soft blush found Kirstie's face and she looked up, a small smile on her face. This time she didn't really hate herself for blushing, she felt accomplished that she had made an effort to look decent. Usually she was dressed as if always ready to fight, but she was in a purple short dress and matching heels.

Roman made it to the stump, setting the picnic basket down and stepping up with her. He took Kirstie's hands in his own and brought them to his lips, ghosting a kiss on her knuckles.

Kirstie chewed the inside of her cheek as they made eye contact, then smiled a little wider, "You look good, too." She muttered, bashful.

"Man, it's dark out here." Roman commented. He let go of Kirstie's hands to reach into the basket, pulling out an electric lamp and turning it on. He sat on the stump and rolled out a small, thin blanket. He patted it softly, signaling Kirstie to sit.

Kirstie took a seat, leaning on her hands as she did so.
"So, I don't really know what your tastes are, yet. So I just brought stuff." Roman said as he started placing things in the blanket in front of Kirstie.

Kirstie smiled, "I like 'stuff'." She said. Roman smiled as he placed the last of the food out. Kirstie could hear Roman's heartbeat pick up. She didn't know if he was frightened or excited, but for the sake of her own contentment she chose to think the latter.

The two ate and exchanged words, talking of things that seemed to fall into the beginning question of "How has the last twenty-four hours been?".

Then, Roman stood, "I, uh... I wanted to sing something for you."

Kirstie blushed, adjusting herself to look up at him. She had never had a guy sing to her before.

"♪A beautiful flower, staring at me. And she told her name was Ki-irstie!
With stunning eyes and a face so bold, it makes my heart st-op cold.
I've never met a girl like you!♪"

Kirstie was in complete and utter shock. His voice was absolutely beautiful. It was stunning, and soon she felt as though she was in a hot daze. Her claws extended and her eyes changed, but that was the least of her cares. She felt a slow rage bubble inside of her, but she managed to stay perfectly in place. She just wanted to keep listing to Roman's voice.

"♪The most unique girl I've— met before!
I looks like I'll have to do more! Oh!
A strong flower in a field of gold! Your roots clutching it in iron hold!
I wanna take that flower with me!
Kirstie, listen to me sing!♪"

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