Chapter 71

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"Bella! You're here!" Meadow slammed the door behind her and ran over to me. She hugged me and picked me up in the process. I patted her head.

"Ok Meadow let me down." She set me down.

"I'm so sorry I kicked you out the other day. You can stay here as long as you need. The couch you got it. All yours."

"Ok Meadow." I laughed. "Well thank you but i don't want to intrude."

"Nonsense you're welcome here from now on." She looked over at Nolan who nodded with her. "So tell me what happened and how you are still alive."



"... And thats how I ended up here."

"That was very detailed. So this Joe guy?" She asked and nudged me.


Months later everything sort of went back to normal. I mean as normal as it could get. I found out that Ryan got arrested thank god. Adrian, I don't know about him. He probably left him.

I've gotten back to modeling. Everything has been quiet. Too quiet. I am just waiting for someone to show up at my apartment and stab me. I've been on edge a lot. Just the other day Meadow came behind me while we were modeling and I thought she was someone else so I hit her.

I still think about Joe randomly, something about him seemed different. I don't know how to desribe it.

I got out of bed and got ready for the day.

I decided to just go for a walk maybe get some coffee

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I decided to just go for a walk maybe get some coffee. Something probably boring to others, but I find it relaxing. I walked out of my apartment ready for the fall air. I hadn't been officially out in a while. Just going from car to building to car and back to building. Nothing too exciting.

When I reached The Coffee Cafe, it wasn't buzzing with people like it used to. Only a few people in and out. After I got my coffee from Carla, I made my way to the park. Walking through the park is so peace-

"Oi! Watch where your going!" A familiar voice said annoyed. I looked up and saw the one and only Joe.

"Joe!" My eyes widened. "the mysterious man. Funny seeing you here. Aren't you supposed to be in England?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You again? I thought I got rid of you months ago."

"No one can get rid of me." I flipped my hair.

"Americans." He shook his head. "Well it wasn't nice seeing you again." He tried to walk past me, but I stepped in front of him.

"Hold on. I have questions for you." I poked him on the chest.

"Well you're just going to have to ask google." He walked past me and continued down the sidewalk. I turned and fast walked to catch up with him.

"Who are you?"


"Why were you at the house?"

"I don't know." He shrugged and walked faster. I followed his actions and walked faster also.

"Ok... Do you work for a gang?" I instantly regreted asking. You can't just ask someone if they are in a gang. You have to drag them in an alley and then ask. You can't have the public hearing you. He stopped walking causing me to hit his shoulder. He turned to face me.

"Listen love. I saved your ass from exploding so just leave me alone."


"Shut the bloody hell up. Or I will join a gang and kill you myself." He threatened. That shut me up. I've been too close to death too many times. He turned and kept walking. I stood in my place for a few seconds before jogging after him.

"Can I just ask you one more question?"

"If it will get you to shut up and leave me alone."

"OK i promise I'll go. Can I go back to England with you?"

"No now go." He continued walking again and I stayed in my spot. I caught up with him again. He is one fast walker.

"What now?" He asked and sighed.

"Please pretty please." I begged.

"You have family here. Friends. Stay here Bella. Why do you want to go there any way?"

"Because I need to leave here. Yeah I have friends here, but I just need something different in my life. I can always come and visit my friends. Please." I persuaded.



"I don't understand Americans and their fascination with me or my home."

"Joe please. I'll pay for my ticket... I'll pay for your ticket too. Just help me get to London and then I'll leave you alone forever."

"You'll leave me alone?"

"Yes forever. I'll forget who you even are." That is very unlikely but just go along with it so I can go to London.



"Yes now shut up. I am leaving next week. You better be at the airport or I am leaving your ass here." I nodded.

"Thank you so much." I went to hug him but he put his hand out and pushed me back.

"Too close. Leave me alone now."

"Wait here is my number so I can text you and stuff you know." He groaned as he took out his phone. He handed it to me and I put my number in it. He put his number in mine and then we went seperate ways.


"What?! What do you mean your leaving ad moving to England?!" Meadow shouted. "You can't leave your job is here your friends are here."

"But Meadow I need a change. With everything happening with Ryan, Adrian, and Mark is just to much. I need to go."

"Ok. I'll accept it, but I won't like it. You better come and visit. Or I'll come over there and visit." I nodded.

"Of course."

"Have you told Lenny?"

"No I know he is going to go crazy and throw something, but then get over it."


"Bella!" He picked up a plate and smashed it on the ground.

"Yes Lenny?" I asked with a smile.

"You are leaving for London? Without me?"

"Yup." I smirked.

"Well you better send some souveneirs over here or I'll go over there and make you do it yourself." He threatened. I nodded.

"Of course I'll send you postcards."

"I don't want that!"

"Well you'll just have to wait and see what I get you then. Until then you should probably get that cleaned up before Roy gets upset that you broke his favorite plate." I pointed to the shattered plate on the ground and then left.


Should I go tell Hunter? I don't know. I feel like he should know, but I don't know he was kind f a dick when I asked for his help. I have no idea what to do.


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