Chapter 16

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Hunter's POV

"Her name is Bella Amore. She is beautiful. If she is watching this just know when I find you, I will love you until I die." Love? He doesn't know the first thing about love. He is a cheap ass Walmart version of me, and to top it off he is in the clearance aisle.

"Aww sweet. What about Hunter King? I've heard Miss Amore is his personal assistant." So what if she is my personal assistant huh? What is he gonna do about it?

"What about him? We are great friends, and I am sure he won't mind giving up one assistant. He can get a new one." We are not great friends first of all. More like rivals. I hope his company burns and crashes to the ground while I watch from my building.

"At the charity event where we first discovered Miss Amore, he seemed like he cared for her in more ways than one. I have a video." She pulled out a tablet and played the video of me trying to get through the reporters to her.

I really did look good that day. Wow, the suit made me look hotter than I already am.

"Well, I'm sure he was just trying to protect her from saying something she could have said to hurt his business." Wrong.

"So if you found out they had a relationship besides assistant and boss what would you do?" What would he do? He hasn't ever done shit to me. He is too scared because he knows I can crush him like the little roach he is.

"I would fight for her and show her that I am the perfect man for her. Is that all I must get going?" Fight? Does he want to fight? We can fight.

"Of course, Thank you for answering my questions. " Tyler nodded before turning around and getting in his plane or jet. Then the video cut off. I slammed my fists on my desk.

Fucking piece of shit thinks he can come and steal my g- Bella. She better be at work today.

Knock Knock

"Come in Bella." The door opened and Marie, the receptionist, walked in. "Do you need something, Marie?"

"Miss Amore called in sick again today."

"Ok thank you for telling me." She smiled and then left. I slammed my hands on my desk again causing a few things to fall off. What are you doing Bella?

Bella's POV

"Meadow, I thought you would wake up late."

"Well, I didn't I'm here now let's go get your man." She dragged me out of my apartment and out of my apartment building.

"Slow the fuck down Meadow. You are gonna put holes in these shoes."

"Pfft yeah right. I want to get there on time so you guys can see each other and then run into each other's arms."

"Yeah like that would happen. When has that ever happened in real life?"

"Many times actually."

"Ok, whatever let's just get this over with. Mr. King is going to be so mad I missed work today."

"Yeah he will but that won't matter if he fires you. You'll have a rich ass husband who loves you with all his heart."

"He could just be lying to get in my pants." Meadow laughed.

"Him lying? Not a chance he is the most honest person you'll ever meet."

"You've never met him."

"So I can see it in his eyes in his eyes Bella."

"Ok uh great."

She started the car and drive off towards the airport that he was apparently going to be landing at in 45 minutes. It takes a good 35-40 minutes to get there so we should be there on time.

Knowing my luck he will be just walking through the gate, and Meadow will be filming every bit of it for 'memories'.

"We are here come on come on we have to make it." She jumped out of the car and ran over to my side. She pulled me out of the car and then into the airport. People were staring at us like we were crazy. Some people even recognized me as me and took out their phones to record. Because that is what everyone does when something is happening.

"Oh my gosh is that Bella Amore!" A girl screamed. A lot of people started talking and whispering.

"Bella he is in the south wing!" A different girl yelled. I rolled my eyes as Meadow started pulling me to the south wing. My feet were dying. I haven't run this much since high school and I definitely regret not going on morning jogs or something.

I started to see all the news people and flashing lights everywhere. A large crowd being held back by security. I saw one of the reporters spot me.

"Mr. Carter! Bella is here!" He yelled. Everyone went silent and turned to me. I gave everyone a small awkward wave. Then a pathway opened and Tyler started walking through the people like he was fucking Moses.

We just stared at each other as he got closer and closer. Meadow moved away from me probably to record. She is such a mom sometimes.

"Miss Amore you came." He said and took my hand. He kissed the top of it.

"Well, my friend kind of dragged me here. I was gonna wait and let you find me." I replied.

"I always love a good chase but when they come to me it is always easier."

"And you think just because I am here means I want you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"So you don't want me?" I gave him a look and he just laughed.

"Well to start you can quit working at my dear friend Hunter's business."

"I can't do that. I like my job." That wasn't the complete truth but I'd rather have a job and date a rich person than live off of the rich person.

"You can work for me." He suggested.

"I kinda like working with Mr. King." Do I?

"Ok, Amore I can allow you to work for him for a bit longer. But you will soon work for me as my personal everything." We just stared into each other's eyes like they do in the movies until one person's camera went off. Then all of a sudden everyone's cameras started flashing and soon enough everything was back to the way it was before.


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