Chapter 2

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It's been an entire week of working at the café, and I can truthfully say it is absolutely amazing. Thea and Carla are the best people in the world along with Meadow. I met so many new people, and didn't realize how nice or mean most people are until I got this job. I was going to get my first paycheck today and I couldn't wait. I just wanted to be able to go to the store and get one thing I want and not something I need.

"Bella, we're closing up a bit early," Thea said as she walked into the main room. I nodded as I finished up with the last customer. When the customer left, Carla flipped the sign.

"Here you go, guys. Paychecks," Thea said and handed us each an envelope. I smiled and put in my purse.

"Thank you," I said as I picked up my things.

"Don't thank me, Bella. You deserve it. You too Carla. You are both two of my hardest workers." Thea smiled before she put on her coat.

"Bye guys I have a family dinner to attend to. Lock up for me one of you." Thea tossed the keys at Carla. She caught them with ease.

"Well, I have to go meet my brother for his big game. Here." She handed me the keys which I took.

"Bye Carla. Tell your bother I said hi and good luck."

"Bye Bella and I will," she replied before she left. Here I was once again. Alone in this place. I put on my coat and grabbed my purse.

Tap tap tap

I turned around and saw a man outside. I set down my purse and walked over to the door.

"I'm sorry sir-"

"But you're closed," he finished.

"Yea, I'm sorry. I can give you some water if you would like." He nodded and walked inside. I shrugged off my coat and set it by my purse. I turned the lights back on and I grabbed a styrofoam cup and filled it with water. I walked over to the man and handed it to him.

"Actually, I think I'll have coffee," he said and smirked. I applied pressure on the cup, but not enough to make it burst. I wish I did so it would go all over him.

"We are closed. I am not permitted to give you anything but water."

"From here it says you are open so I'll have one cup of coffee please," he said with a serious look on his face. My eyes widened and I realized who I was talking to.

"You," I said and pointed at him. He grabbed my finger and pushed it down.

"Didn't your mother tell u it's not nice to point?" He raised a brow. I remained quiet not wanting to tell this dude my life story. Instead of awkward silence, he continued to talk.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Hunter King." He held his hand out for me to shake. Which I did awkwardly. Very awkwardly.

(A/N Reading after August 20 2021? Well I've gotten rid of a visual for Mr. King. Y'all can't make up your minds who you like lmao)

"My name is Bella Amore." He chuckled after.

"What's so funny?"

"Your name. In Italian, it means Beautiful Love."

"Well, I didn't know that. Although I don't know why that's funny," I said as I started making him coffee. I didn't want to piss off the most powerful man in our city.

"Here, on the house." I smiled and handed it to him.

"For such good service." He handed me two hundreds. I pushed his hand back.

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