Chapter 33

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"Bella wake up," Tyler said softly and shook me lightly. I opened my eyes and I was met with the sun in my eyes. I quickly covered them. I heard him laugh softly and then go over to the window and close the curtains. I uncovered my eyes and looked at him.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Bella. I made breakfast." I swung my legs off the side of the bed and stood up. I followed him out of our room and down to the kitchen. As soon as I reached the stairs, I could smell the food.

"I love waking up to this," I said as we sat down.

"I love waking up knowing that your mine." Tyler brought our plates over that he already made. He set mine down and kissed me. Then sat down in the seat next to mine.

"You're the best Tyler. I don't think I thank you as much as I should."

"No need. You just being here with me and not cheating on me is enough." I laughed.

"Your friend Lenny called earlier. He wants you in to model a new line of clothing today." Tyler said as we ate.

"Ok, you're just going to be at the office so I'll see you later." He stopped eating and looked at me.

"Actually Bella I have to go on a business trip. I am leaving at noon."

" long?"

"1 to 2 months. It's really important." I nodded.

"I understand you do what you have to do. I'll be here when you get back."

"You're amazing." He smiled and kissed my cheek.


"Tyler I have to go!" I shouted as walked to the front door. He came down the stairs quickly. His tie was halfway on and he only had one shoe on. He kissed me right away.

"Tyler comes on I need to breathe." I pulled away. I smiled. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too. I wish you could stay until I have to leave."

"I wish I could but duty calls. Plus if I don't get there before Meadow she'll take all the cute outfits." I said as I tied his tie.

"Well, you better get going. I want to see you on that cover again with the sexiest clothes on. Or cutest whatever clothes he has you wearing." I finished tying the tie and kept my hands on his chest.

"Will do boss." He laughed. And pulled me into a hug.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear, still hugging me tightly.

"I love you so much." Do you really Bella? I pulled out of the hug and kissed Tyler one more time before picked my purse up off the table and putting it on my shoulder.

"Bye Tyler. Don't forget to call please don't forget."

"Every night Amore. I promise." He smiled.


"Bella...Baby!!! Why the long face?" Lenny asked as he approached me.

"Tyler had to leave for a business trip for about 2 months tops. I couldn't even stay with him because of duty calls." I fake smiled.

"Oh, I'm sorry taking you away from your boo. If you would have called, I could have moved it to another time. I'm also your best friend remember that Bella."

"Ok next time." I smiled for real this time.

"Great so we have a special guest modeling for the first time." We walked into the main room where everything would be taking place. Cameras, lights, and wires everywhere.

People trying to get everything organized for today's shoot. I glanced around the room and saw everyone I see every time I come into the model. I saw one of Lenny's employees wheeling in today's clothes.

"Ok, I'll meet them later. I need to go get all the cute clothes." I fixed my purse on my shoulder and jog/ran to the dressing room I started to go through the rack and pull out everything I thought looked good or would look good on me.

Today's theme is Winter and all that. You know the new year coming. And Christmas. Shit. I forgot about Christmas. Tyler and I are going to miss our second Christmas together.

"Meadow in the hiz house!!" Meadow yelled as she walked into the dressing room. She dropped her bags by her side of the room and started going through the racks of clothes.

"You bitch took all the good clothes again. I will get here before you one day and leave you with the ugliest clothes that Lenny designed."

"Look this is cute." I pulled out a nice sweater and scarf to go along. It had a pair of jeans to match. "Sort of."

"Yeah, not as cute as your stuff." She crossed her arms and took the outfit out of my hands. Then she went over to a different rack of clothes farther away from me.

"Ladies we have a few options for the New Years' new lingerie sets." A woman dropped off the rack. I immediately went over and pulled out all the things that looked good. Meadow was trying to get through the racks of clothes to where I was.

"Haha." I laughed and saw her face changed from determination to anger. But you know the friendly anger you have with your friends.

"Bitch! Bitch! Bitch" Meadow shouted as she hit me with the nearest thing. Which happened to be a plastic hanger. Then the door opened. Lenny poked his head through the door.

"Was someone calling for me?"


After changing into our first outfits, we were finally going to meet this 'new' model. Meadow said she may have seen him when she walked in but who knows it could have been one of the janitors for all I know.

"Ok, everyone. For the first time ever we have Mr. Hunter King modeling for us! Alongside Bella Amore and Meadow whatever her last names are because I can't fucking remember it." Lenny announced.

I looked over and saw Hunter standing there. Well, this is not going to go well.


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