Chapter 49

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I am officially back to square one. I definitely didn't think through leaving all of a sudden. I just did not want to be around him though.

Not after what he did. I've been on this bench for what seems like hours for the bus to come. I made a few calls and I might be getting an apartment soon. Better than my last, but nothing compared to Mr. Carter's house.

However, as of right now I am homeless so I need to go to a hotel. I did call Lenny and Meadow, but of course they were still busy and they both won't be back until god knows when. All I know is that they were on a date with their boyfriends.

"Excuse me miss do you think you can move your suitcase over a bit. I have this condition with my legs and they get very weak easily." I looked up from my phone and saw a man not too much older than me.

"Of course." I pulled my suitcase closer to me and he sat down. He sighed in relief when he sat down.

"So are you waiting for the bus too?" He asked. Obviously. What else would I be doing?

"Yeah." I answered.

"Where are you going?"

"Um just to hotel to stay the night." He nodded and looked away. I can't lie, I was very nervous. He was acting very suspicious and who knows he might try to kill me. A few minutes later the bus arrived. I got up and grabbed my suitcase. The man grabbed my wrist before I walked away. I tried pulling my wrist out of his grip. "What are you doing? Let go of me." I demanded. He didn't listen and just held tighter. I looked him in the eyes and he did the same.

"Be careful Amore. They are coming for you." He said in a low, warning voice. I pulled harder and he released my hand. I quickly ran away from him and got on the bus. I sat down in a seat by the window. I didn't see the man get on so I looked out the window, but I didn't see him anywhere. Where did he go?

I realized I was breathing heavily and probably looked like I was running some sort of marathon. I steadied my breathing and leaned my head against the window.


"One room please." I said to the receptionist. She nodded and started scrolling through her computer.

"We have a few rooms available tonight would you like a suite or just a normal room?" She asked and looked at me.

"A normal room will do just fine." She nodded and did a few things on her computer. She rolled her chair back a bit and went under the desk. She came back up with two cards and handed them to me.

"Just incase you might lose one." I nodded and put one in my pocket. I took out the money and paid for the room for one night.

"Thank you." I grabbed my suitcase and made my way to the elevator. It definitely was no 5 star hotel, but it'll be just as good. I have a roof over my head and that is the important part. When I made it to my room, it was very quiet. The hallways were quiet. My room had a cozy feel to it. Yeah it was small, but what was I expecting from choosing the normal room with only one bed. I got the essentials. I don't need the excessive balcony and view.

I got ready for bed and went to bed early. I just needed to sleep after today.


When I woke up, I packed my things back up and checked out early. I wanted to get everything I needed to today. That includes getting the apartment. I've gotten no calls from Tyler which is a good sign. He can forget about me so I can do the same. I wandered the streets for a bit until I found the place where I was supposed to be getting an apartment.

I walked into the lobby area of the apartment building, and there was a woman at a desk. I told her about what I someone told me last night when I called also. She got me an apartment in no time. When I got up to my apartment, I sighed and sat on the floor. I just stared out the windows looking out into the city. I remember doing this in my old apartment even though the only thing I saw was a police station. Or before that a rusty building that looked older than my great, great, great, great grandma.

My phone started beeping in my back pocket. I took it out and checked. It was Hunter. I waited fro the next ring and then answered it.

"Yes Hunter?" I asked.

"Bella Tyler called me last night. And we both know he never wants to talk to me-"

"Get to the point."

"Well he called and wanted to know where you were."

"Well tell him to go fuck himself. Cheating pig."

"Oh yeah about that. I meant to send that picture to Peter. Sorry about that." I frowned.

"So you were going to lie to me about it?"

"What no. I just wanted advice on what I should do with it. Peter seemed like a good person to ask."

"Sure." I said sarcastically. "I'm going to hang up now."

"No! Don't hang up just uh wait a few more seconds."

"are you trying to track me down?" How is that the first thing I thought off?

"No, ok you can hang up now Bye Amore." I hung up and laid on my back on the floor.

What has my life come to?

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