Chapter 46

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"We're home, Bella," Tyler said as he shook me awake. I rubbed my eyes and nodded. We got out of the car, and I went straight to the front door. I grabbed my keys out of my purse and dropped them. I felt Tyler's gaze on me the whole time. I picked them up and put the key in the keyhole. 

Usually, we have people who open the door for us, which I think is a little extra, so I told them not to do it anymore. As soon as I opened the door, a woman was standing in the foyer. I closed the door and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath.

"Tyler please tell me there isn't some random woman standing in our foyer."

"I can't tell you there wasn't. Open the door let's see who it is." I nodded and opened the door again. This time she was closer and was smiling ear to ear. Talk about creepy.

"TYLER!" She squealed. She pushed past me and knocked me on the floor and hugged Tyler. "Oh my, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to." She apologized as she hugged Tyler. Tyler just hugged her back not saying anything. I didn't wait for anyone to help me up because they both seemed busy.

"Do you know her Tyler?" I asked and dusted myself off. When they pulled out of the hug, he answered me with a huge smile on his face.

"She was one of my best friends when I was younger." Oh great.

"That's great you guys can catch up," I said and put on a fake smile. I already don't trust her. One, how does she have a key, and I didn't know. Two, why the fuck would she push me. Tyler walked away from her and came over to me.

"What's wrong Bella?" He asked and put his hands on my arms. I shook my head.

"Nothing I am tired, I'll see you in bed." He nodded and let go of me. I turned and left them to do whatever they do. As soon as I was out of sight, I heard them start to chatter away. I'll admit I am a little jealous, but she is just a friend so I need to deal with it. He deals with my friends so I have to deal with him.


When I woke up, Tyler wasn't by my side. When I first woke up and didn't see him I thought it was a dream, so I closed my eyes. When I woke up a second time he still wasn't there. I sighed and stared at the ceiling for a good 30 minutes. When I finally got up I noticed everything was the same way it was last night. Tyler's clothes weren't on the floor like they usually are. Maybe he cleaned up after himself.

I put my robe on and made my way downstairs. I wish I didn't though. When I got to the last few steps I smelt breakfast. I smiled and went into the kitchen. I saw Tyler and his friend were sitting at the bar eating. I instantly frowned when I saw her.

"Good morning Bella," Tyler said and smiled. I walked over to him and he kissed me on the cheek.

"Good morning Tyler and friend," I said and put on a smile.

"I'm Stephanie by the way. Nice to meet you." She smiled and stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"Bella, what's for breakfast Tyler?" I asked.

"Sorry, Bella. Stephanie and I kind of ate everything I made. I did have some for you, but Stephanie was hungry." I glanced over at her and she just smiled at me.

"Yeah, it's fine guests first right?" I fake smiled for what seemed like the hundredth time and went over to the fridge.  "I think I'm just going to go out for breakfast Tyler." I closed the last cabinet I looked through.

"Ok, I'll come with-"

"Tyler," She whined. "I thought we were going to hang out together today."

"Oh right. Sorry Bella I promised Stephanie I would take her around the city."

"It's fine I'll just see if one of my friends wants to go." He nodded and then Stephanie started talking to him.

After I got ready I called Lenny, but he was busy. Then I called Meadow and of course, she had to be on a breakfast date with her boyfriend. I don't have any other friends. I clicked on the last contact and waited for him to pick up. There's no way that he would-

"Hey Bella, do you need something?" Hunter asked.

"No, I'm going out to breakfast-"

"yes. I'll pick you up." He hung up before I could say anything else. I put my phone away and went downstairs to wait for him. When I got downstairs, I could hear her laughing and giggling. Probably about something stupid. I went into the living room where they were and sat on the arm of the chair next to Tyler.

He turned his attention to me. "You look great Bella." He complimented. I smiled.

"Thank you."

"Yeah, Bella you look amazing." Stephanie complimented.

"Thanks, guys. So are you taking her-"

"We are going out to the city and then Tyler is taking me to this very expensive restaurant. Aren't you Ty-Ty?"

"Um, I thought-" The doorbell cut him off. I got up and opened the front door revealing Hunter. I know we aren't exactly friends but when time gets rough you have to make hard choices.

"What is he doing here?" Tyler asked and got up.

"He," I unwrapped his arm around me. "is coming with me to breakfast. I figured we should hang out you know so I have more friends."

"She isn't going anywhere you," Tyler said and pointed a finger at him.

"She invited me."

"yes I did so bye Tyler," I pecked him on the lips." And Stephanie." I walked out the door closing it behind me. Hunter and I went to his car.

"So who was Stephanie?" Hunter asked breaking the silence.

"Some friend of Tyler's. I think she's up to something."

"That's a little extreme don't you think? Maybe she's just a friend." He stopped the car at a red light and glanced over at me.

"She just seems fake to me."

"She could just be very happy about seeing Tyler again."

"Not likely. She was giving me evil looks. She even ate all of my breakfast Tyler made for me. Tyler didn't even sleep with me last night. He probably stayed up late and fell asleep on the couch. "

"I think you have the case of jealousy."



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