Chapter 15

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"I can see it now Bella. 'Bella Amore richest man alive's assistant comes rushing out of the charity event sobbing.'" Lenny said.

"Lenny it has already been all over the news, social media, and newspapers. Everyone knows who I am."

"Well, that's a good thing. Everyone will see how pretty you are and then you get a modeling job." Lenny explained. I laughed.

"You are one funny person Lenny. Who would want me modeling?"

"If I ever get my clothes brand going, you are going to be my star model along with Meadow."

"My ugly face would break your cameras if you took pictures of me."

"No, you wouldn't. You would bless my camera with your gorgeous face and body. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I can't check you out."

Knock Knock

"Someone knocked on the door Lenny I have to go."

"Ok fine but call me later."

"You know I never call on time. Bye." I hung up before he could respond. I walked over to the door and opened it to reveal Hunter. I slammed it shut before he could get another breath out.

"Bella, open this door right now," Hunter ordered from outside and banged on the door


"Too bad, I want, well need, you to come back to work."

"You came here because I called out sick for one day?"

"Well, yeah."

"That was stupid. Go home Mr. King I'll be in tomorrow."

"But I just want- you know what never mind see you tomorrow." I heard him walk away. I sighed in relief and went back to my couch. The workers across the street were almost done, and they will no longer be working with the there shirts off. What a shame.

"Bellaaaa!!" I heard Meadow shout from the hallway. I walked over to the door and opened it. I saw her running down the hall with her phone in her hand.

"What Meadow? People are probably trying to sleep."

"Ha sleep. Anyways look at this article I found." She shoved her phone in my face. I backed up so I could actually read the thing.

"Multi-billionaire Tyler Carter is coming to our city with one goal in mind. Bella Amore." I read it aloud. "What about it? Oh, my name that's my name. My name is in a news article." I said fake excitedly. I had my name in tons of articles by now.

"You're excited about your name is in there. You should be more excited that the second richest man ever is coming here. For you."

"Well, he will leave as soon as he sees me and how little money I have. I am just excited about my name being on this news article."

"Girl, you need some help. You are beautiful and I am sure he will look past all this." She referenced to the apartment. "And marry you. Then you become rich and you can hand over some of your money to me!" She said excitedly.

"I think maybe I'll help other people first but sure Meadow. You're like 10th."

"Yeah, I guess you could do that. But before any of that happens we have to watch the video that is also here. They interviewed him before he got on his place to our wonderful city." She said and scrolled down. She tapped to play on a video and waited for it to load.

(A/N He has a shirt on)

(A/N He has a shirt on)

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"Mr. Carter can we ask you a few questions." The reporter asked.

"I think I have some time." He fixed his sleeves and faced her.

"Where are you going?" She asked and put the microphone in his face.

"I am going to Rosewood City. On a business trip and to meet a very important lady?"

"Who is the lady? If you don't mind me asking."

"Her name is Bella Amore. She is beautiful. If she is watching this just know when I find you, I will love you until I die."

"Aww sweet. What about Hunter King? I hear Bella is his personal assistant."

"What about him? We are great friends, and I am sure he won't mind giving up one assistant. He can get a new one."

"At the charity event where we first discovered Bella, he seemed like he cared for her in more ways than one. I have a video." She pulled out a tablet and played the video of him trying to get through the reporters to me.

"Well, I'm sure he was just trying to protect her from saying something she could have said to hurt his business."

"So if you found out they had a relationship besides assistant and boss what would you do?"

"I would fight for her and show her that I am the perfect man for her. Is that all I must get going?"

"Of course, Thank you for answering my questions." Tyler nodded before turning around and getting in his plane or jet. Then the video cut off.

"Did you see that?"

"Yeah, how could I not it was right in front of my face. To be completely honest, it's a little creepy that he is making a whole trip over here for me."

"He is coming here. He is supposed to be here tomorrow at 7 in the morning. I think we should go wait for him at the airport." She said excitedly.

"I have work."

"Call in sick. How many days off do you get?"

"Well, he never told me. But I know I told Hunter I would back at work tomorrow."

"You won't need to work when you are married to the second richest man alive. This is like a once in a lifetime thing. Come on you have to go." She pleaded.

"I don't have anything to wear," I said trying to get out of her plan.

"Nonsense you have that dress Hunter got you for the charity event."

"I can't wear that. That is low. Wearing a dress another man got for you while you meet a man who apparently loves you."

"Then we spend that 9, 900 dollars you have saved up in that stupid duffle bag."

"I said-"

"I know what you said but Bella. This is a once in a lifetime thing come on."

"ok fine. Be here tomorrow at 6 or I am going to work instead." A large smile appeared on her face.

"Ok bye Bella get rest we don't need bags under your eyes when you meet him." She waved and then left. I sighed and thought about what Tyler said.

"She is beautiful. If she is watching this just know when I find you, I will love you until I die."


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