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(This is more an Epilogue than a final chapter, but we'll say I pushed them together. It just felt like a good ending. Another chapter might be added at a later time, but undecided at the moment.)


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Adam asked for what felt like the hundredth time as Jake finished packing the last of his possessions into two suitcases. 

Jade was due over any moment to take him home, but it almost seemed like Adam was hesitant to let him go. This wasn't a foster to adopt program, bud. It was cute, though, that Adam cared so much for Jake that he was hesitant to let him finally go live with Jade. 

They had all seen the move coming, but still. It wasn't easy to let go of someone you've gotten used to being around. Even if they weren't a significant other. 

Jake nodded and smiled, leaning forward to hug Adam right as the knock on the door sounded. The look of excitement in the guy's eyes drew a grin to Tommy's face as he stood by the wall, his arms crossed over his completely healed chest. He had a nice scar, but that was pretty much all that remained of his past traumas. 

Jake opened the door for Jade after a nod of approval from Adam. To Tommy's surprise, the guy was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a simple white button down shirt. Don't think I've ever seen him in something that wasn't a suit more than once. 

He looked a lot less a dominant, and more a boyfriend now, somehow. 

Or, he just looks a bit uncomfortable, but he's still smiling and probably changed clothes before coming to get Jake just because he wanted to make sure that the guy felt relaxed coming back to his home. 

"You look really handsome, sir." Jake said with a look in his eyes that almost seemed a bit too personal. 

Jade leaned down and pressed a kiss to Jake's lips, then straightened and offered a hand to Adam, who took it to shake. "Thank you for looking after him." He said with sincerity. 

Adam smiled and squeezed Jade's hand, then slid both of his into his pockets. "You're welcome. Treat him well, or I'll come take him back." 

The look in Jade's eyes told Tommy that he'd definitely fight to keep him. From what he'd heard over the past week, Jade had stretched even more of his rules to make sure that Jake was comfortable around him. Granted, several were still in place, like being called sir, and a few small touching rules, but they seemed to have come to an agreement for the important things and were ready to try living together again. 

They left after a few more minutes of talking, Jade carrying the suitcases while Jake followed him like an eager puppy, his smile never fading. 

"Well, there goes a ship I never thought would sail." Tommy said with a chuckle as he looked over at Adam. 

The guy seemed a little stressed, but he was wearing an honest smile. "Yeah. I actually really enjoyed having Jacob around. He's a great guy and I'm glad that I could help him." 

"Don't worry. We won't leave you out of the loop. You're part of the group now, whether you want to deal with all of us or not." Tommy said as he stepped over to the door. 

Adam chuckled as he walked up and grabbed the handle. "Yeah yeah. I figured I was stuck now. Did you know, his former foster brother's boyfriend was actually his first crush?" 

Tommy's eyebrows shot up, a smirk covering his general smile. "Really? He's okay with that?" He asked. 

Nodding, Adam replied. "Yeah, he was actually really happy about it. He had been worried that someone was taking advantage of his little brother, but he absolutely trusts the guy. They only broke up because of how much stress Jake had been under when they'd tried to date. The guy was younger than him, too, so his brother and his boyfriend are pretty close to the same age." 

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