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(Cause I unintentionally trolled you guys so hard the other day) 


Pulling up outside his house, Christopher leaned back in his seat and just allowed the cool night air from his rolled down window to calm his stockpiled nerves. Work had been busy, which he was glad about. Lots of minor injuries from a fight that had broken out and a few sick inmates had come and gone throughout the day. It gave him something to do with his time besides worry about what Tommy could be getting into back at his house. 

You used to worry about that dumb dog getting into stuff and now you've got a person who listens worse than it. Pressing his fingers against his forehead, Chris heaved a tired sigh, then yawned as a his phone chimed with a text message. 

Retrieving it from his pocket, he turned the screen on, then grinned like the idiot he knew he was. 

T: Miss you

Shaking his head, he shoved the phone back in his pocket and gathered his things. The moment he stepped inside, Skipper was there to greet him. The dog licked his pant leg a few times before running over to sit by the door to the backyard. 

"I know, I know. You were here first so you get the attention first." He mumbled as he set his things down, then went over and opened the door for the dog. Skipper darted out happily and commenced doing his business. 

Since the temperature was decent outside, he just decided to leave the door open so Skipper could have some time in the yard. On to my second not-so-furry house guest. Biting back a grin, Christopher pulled open the door to his bedroom and calmly walked inside. 

There's the puppy. 

And Tommy really did look just like one, messy hair, devoted gaze, and a faint fidget that Chris doubted that he noticed himself doing. "Hello, Tommy." He said, being sure to keep his voice relaxed, even though he itched to run and fall into the man's arms. 

You aren't a sub. 

His mind ignored the words as he dropped right into Tommy's waiting arms. Christopher couldn't remember a single time in his past that he enjoyed being cuddled. Sure, he'd done so on extremely rare occasions with touchy subs, but he never let them hold him. It was always the other way around, and only for a few short minutes. 

Now you're nearly falling asleep in his arms before even a minute passes. 

It was unsettling at first, but as Tommy had gotten stronger and stronger, Christopher had begun to cherish the little attention sessions they managed to squeeze in between his work, cleaning, the dog, and preparing meals. 

"I love you." Tommy whispered as his fingers ran through Christopher's hair, making the man sigh and nuzzle closer. You're acting like a damned pansy. Ignoring his thoughts, again, Chris reached up and grabbed a handful of Tommy's hair, then tugged his head down until their lips could meet. 

It had been several days since he'd let Tommy start using the restroom again. Since he didn't want to keep putting a catheter in, then taking it out when he got home, as those really aren't any kind of comfortable, they came to an agreement that he could use the bathroom as long as there were blankets over all the possible dangerous surfaces. So, anything solid besides the obvious toilet... which he actually got a cushion for, too. 

His job made him insanely paranoid, and after the close call before, he wasn't taking any chances. When their lips finally broke apart, Christopher forced himself back to his feet and went and washed his face in the sink, needing to stay awake. 

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