Small Things

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Turning the phone over in his hands for the hundredth time, Jake knew that he was in trouble. He hadn't done anything, yet, but he couldn't get Jade off his mind. He knew that he should be mad at the man, and technically, he was. At the same time, though, he'd come to an understanding that what had happened had also been partially his fault, too. 

But do I say sorry or is he supposed to? 

He couldn't think straight. He'd kind of let the kiss happen, or at least, hadn't pulled away. But then Jade had pushed him. That clearly wasn't okay, but at the same time Jake knew that he shouldn't have put Jade in that situation, either. Neither of them were ready for any kind of... anything, really. 

You have to keep your job and start saving money. He has his rules, too. You can't handle all of them. 

It was the truth. He liked Jade. Liked the man's personality and way of doing things. It was strict, but at the same time, Jake craved that. He wanted to know what he could and couldn't do. Wanted to be able to go to someone if he was feeling lonely, and not necessarily have to offer his body up for the attention. 

He flipped the phone over again, then turned the screen on right as a text came through. 

I'm sorry for pushing you. 

Jake blinked a few times, then reread the message. 

He really did text me and apologize. 

Falling back onto his bed, Jake held the phone up and eyed the message, reading it over and over. "He didn't apologize for kissing me." He stated to himself. He'd hoped he wouldn't. That meant that he had meant it, at least. 

It was something he could work with... if it was worth it to try. 

Do you really want to get yourself stressed out about this again? You came home and wouldn't leave Adam's lap for an hour. 

He had no doubt that Adam had at least texted Jade something not-so-pleasant, either, but he hadn't asked what it might have been. 

Rolling over onto his belly, Jake heaved a sigh and typed out a lengthy response. When he had finished, he pursed his lips against his blanket, then deleted the message and tried again. Each time he decided to change it, it got shorter. By the time he finally forced himself to push the send button, his message read; Apology accepted. 

He groaned when the phone beeped, letting him know that his message had been successfully sent. Jake was going to turn his phone off and wallow in worry for a bit before he went to sleep, as he did have to work again the next day, when he noticed the little dots flashing at the bottom of his text message screen. 

He's typing? 

Jake's heart gave an odd shiver, his eyes remaining glued to the screen. When the dots suddenly stopped flashing and no message came in, he grumbled into the blanket. When the dots began flashing again a moment later, he perked up, only to be disappointed again when they disappeared. By the sixth time, Jake tossed his phone to the side and crawled beneath his blankets. 

Just go to sleep. He won't respond. At least not tonight. 

Right as he finished that thought, his phone chimed. Jake couldn't have grabbed it faster if he'd tried. He tugged it beneath the blanket, then pulled the blanket over his head. He wasn't trying to hide the message from Adam or anything, as the man had already gone to bed a while ago, but he felt more comfortable reading it under the covers... for some odd reason. 

You're up very late, get some sleep. 

Jake's brow furrowed at the message. The undertone of an order was clearly present, but before he could think of a response, the dots began flashing again, then a new message appeared. 

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