Look Down, Your Heart Stops

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It was clear as day to Jade that something had just gone wrong. He could put together that they were brothers from their last names being the same, as well as their looks, but while Jake looked surprised in a longing, good way, Jana most certainly didn't. The man's eyes had taken on a glassy look, silently broadcasting that he was shocked and trying to put together what had just happened. Or really, how it could happen. 

"There was no history of a living relative..." Christopher mumbled to himself as his hands gripped the chair he currently sat in. 

As Jade watched Jake slowly turn in Jana's lap, as far as the hand Jana had clamped on his waist would allow, he could tell that Jana wasn't happy. In all honesty, he didn't look, really, like anything. His eyes were still glassy, but his pupils were beginning to slowly take over the whites of his eyes with an inky blackness. 

He's dangerous. 

Jade had known that ever since laying eyes on the man, but he hadn't been sure exactly how he reacted negatively to situations. Well, we're about to find out. I need to get Jake away from him before he gets a chance to hurt him, though. With that thought, Jade began to stand from his chair, only to feel a hand grasp his wrist. His attention rose to Christopher, who was standing beside him. 

The man's head gave a minute shake from side to side, telling him not to react. It was hard to listen to another dominant, but Jade could literally feel the tension in the air. If anyone made an incorrect move, Jana would snap. And you can't let him hurt Jake. He's been through enough already. Not that he'd helped that situation much, but Jade was determined not to make it worse. 

"Jana." Domino finally said from where he stood by the end of the table, watching the older of the two red-heads warily. 

Instead of paying Domino any mind, Jana narrowed his eyes on Jake, then seemed to suddenly relax into a dull, zombie-like state. "We need to talk," he whispered as he slowly stood, placing Jake on his feet as he did so. 

Jana made sure to keep his left fingers firmly wrapped around Jake's wrist as he walked toward the bathroom. He didn't even glance at Domino, nor anyone else, as he moved toward his destination. 

"Jana. What are you doing?" Domino tried again, seemingly hoping to get a response out of the man. 

When he got no answer and Jana disappeared with Jake into the bathroom, Jade jumped up and started for the door. Jana seemed to hear him coming because he slammed the door closed, locking it the second Jade's hand wrapped around the handle. 

"Jana, open the door." He said with as much power as he could. He wasn't sure if Jana was a sub or dom, or if he even responded to being told what to do, but Jade knew that him locking the door meant trouble. 

He banged his fist on the old wood several times, then shouted for him to open it again. The only thing he heard beyond the door when he'd stopped hitting it, however, was the sound of the water being turned on in the bathtub. Before Jade could open his mouth to yell a question about it to Jana, he was shoved aside, and literally off his feet, by Domino. 

Jade jumped back up, ready to take a swing at Domino, but pulled his punch at the last second when he saw the bulky man literally kicking the bathroom door in. Is this that serious? He thought in shock, watching as the frame shook on the metal hinges. He thought he'd also heard a gurgled yell from inside the room, but the loud sound of the water thundering from the spigot and Domino's kicks made it hard to tell.  

The next several moments all seemed to happen in a blur. The door began to splinter, then fragmented as pieces of wood were kicked into the bathroom. Domino stormed inside, quickly followed by Jade. He wasn't sure what he'd find, but the second his mind could actually process the situation, he acted. 

Domino was already wrestling Jana away from where he had been leaning over the bathtub, holding Jake under water after having closed the drain. "Get him and run!" Domino yelled even as Jade was hurrying to do just that. 

Jake's body felt like dead weight as Jade yanked him from the bathtub and bolted. He didn't bother to look at anyone that had gathered near the hallway entrance. Nor did he stop when he had stepped outside. He barreled down the stairs, unlocking his car with the key fob as he struggled to keep his breathing from becoming erratic with panic. 

The second he got Jake into the backseat of his car, Jade carefully climbed over him and began CPR. He had a feeling that Jana would try to follow after him to get to Jake, but at least he'd hear him coming down the stairs if he did. Besides, Jake couldn't wait any longer for help. 

After applying the appropriate number of chest compressions, Jade leaned over and sealed his mouth over Jake's after carefully making his lips part. He then blew a strong breath of air into him before continuing compressions. It didn't help that Jade's arms were shaking or that his mind was already thinking about the terrible 'what if's', but after three rounds of CPR, Jake finally gave a bout of raspy, struggling coughs. 

Jade immediately flipped him over, not caring that he was throwing up water on his spotless car seats. He held Jake carefully, patting his back hard as the water drained from his system and he began to shiver violently. Jade knew that the shaking was more likely from the stress of the situation, and possibly fear, than the actual temperature of the water. So, he hugged the guy tightly and ran his hand down his wet mop of dark red hair over and over again. 

"You're okay, Jake. I've got you. It's over and it will never happen again." 

Jade would definitely make sure that it indeed, never happened again. If Jana was that easy to trigger, he wasn't safe to be in society. He knew enough about the man from hearing bits and pieces of conversation. He should have been more careful. 

Looking down at a quietly coughing Jake, Jade felt his gut twist into a guilty knot. I should have been much more careful. "We'll get the cops to come get him. Even if he is possibly your brother, he's too dangerous to be safe around." 

Jade expected that Jake would agree, or at least consider what he was saying for his own benefit. Instead, the young man looked up at him with the most hesitant, yet hopeful, eyes he'd ever seen. The ocean blue in them had dissolved into a mixture of light blues and grays that stole Jade's breath away. 

"Please don't. I-I already knew he was reactive. I just should have seen it. We look so alike, but I didn't want to hope and then get upset when we weren't related. And I knew that he'd had some sort of bad family history, so that also kept me from questioning it," Jake said in between little coughs. His voice was quiet and it sounded like it pained him to talk, but he seemed determined to get his point across. 

Jade, however, wasn't convinced. But, he also wasn't an asshole. Or, at least, he couldn't allow himself to be one right then. "We'll discuss it when we're back home and you've been able to rest. Does that sound fair?" He asked, watching as Jake's eyelids fluttered with exhaustion from his ordeal. Jake gave the slightest of nods as he rested his head against Jade's chest and snuggled into his arms more. "Yes sir." 

"Good. Good boy." Jade replied with a sigh and a small smile as he carefully lifted Jake and stood, shutting the back door and walking around to the driver's side. He knew that it was illegal, but he wasn't going to let go of Jake. He wouldn't be able to bring himself to do it. So, he got himself situated in the driver's seated with Jake resting against him, then fastened the seatbelt around them both. 

I'll just deal with the ticket if I get pulled over. He doubted it would happen since it wasn't too far a drive and it was already dark out, and as Jade got them onto the road and heading back toward his home, he knew that he had a lot of stressful thinking to do that mattered far more than worrying about a stupid driving fine. 

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