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(Awesome cover fanart by MayaDemonAngel) 


Waking up to the sound of the clicking of keys on a laptop was new. As Tommy felt his mind begin to clear of sleep, he realized that he was laying against something that was quite warm. Add the blanket he still felt covering most of him, and he was a bit too hot. 


Afternoon? Not morning? 

"You slept in. It's almost one." Came Christopher's voice from nearby, and just above him. 

Tommy groaned quietly and squinted one eye open. His vision was blurry for a few moments, but after a couple blinks, he was able to discern that he was still in Christopher's bed. He also realized with a bit of shock, that he was lying on one of the man's legs. 

Hello, embarrassment. 

While his cheeks reddened, Tommy tried to focus on what was causing the clicking noise he kept hearing. It only took him a moment, and the feel of constant warm air rustling the top of his head, to realize that Christopher must be working on his laptop. 

"Hey, I'm filling out a general application for Jana to send off to colleges with the documentation from the prison but I can't remember his full name. Do you know it?" 

Tommy felt his lips tug up into a smile as he pushed himself slowly back up until he was leaning against the pillows that had originally propped him up before he fell asleep. 

"Yeah. Jana Alaric. I don't think he has a middle name." 

He saw Christopher nod from the corner of his eye as his fingers clicked away at they keys. When he had finished, he scrolled up the page and began reading through the credentials he'd written. "It's going to be tough to get him in somewhere, even with some of his record being expunged due to his age at the time of the incident, but he's damn smart." 

Tommy felt his heart swell a little, almost as if he had been the one getting the compliment. Jana was important to him, even if he hadn't been his guard for long. He was smart, possibly even a genius with how quickly he picked things up, but Christopher was right. The man would struggle to find a decent college that would want him, even as an online student. 

When Christopher leaned back and actually looked down at him, Tommy felt an odd tickle in his stomach that he hadn't before. Trying to ignore the feeling, he took a good look at the man, then frowned. 

"You didn't sleep much..." 

Christopher just shrugged as he saved the document he had been working on, then shutdown his laptop and set it aside on the nightstand. 

"Chris, you need to sleep." Tommy said, worry coating his voice. 

He knew the man would likely reprimand him, or ignore him, so it was no surprise when Christopher just didn't comment on what he said, but instead hardened his gaze on Tommy. 

"My name is Christopher." 

Tommy felt himself tense slightly, but forced away his dominant emotions to keep the situation from getting stressful. Christopher was challenging him, but he should know that he had little energy to fight that fight. He would need at least another few days before he was ready to butt heads with him. He was, however, looking forward to his chance. 

It was rare to be anywhere near Christopher for long periods of time, and there he was, in the man's house. Even sleeping in his bed. It was more than Tommy could have dreamed of, but now he wanted more. Of what, he couldn't exactly name. Sure, he wanted the attention the man could offer, but he also wanted to extend his own comfort. 

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