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Carrying Jake's dozing body inside took little effort, but Jade could already feel exhaustion creeping in. His mind was going a mile a minute as he got the young man tucked in in the guest bedroom. When he was sure that Jake was breathing well and wasn't going to wake for a bit, he fished his phone out of his pocket and headed downstairs, dialing when he reached the bottom floor. 

Adam picked up on the second ring with a calm "Hello?" 

Not wanting to waste time, Jade did his best to explain what had gone on and that Jake would likely stay over at his place for the evening. He also told Adam that he intended to call Chris, explaining that he was a doctor, right after he hung up. Adam didn't seem pleased, but he was also extremely busy with work and couldn't talk for too long. Jade reassured him that he'd bring Jake back the following day, and Adam grudgingly accepted the idea before saying his goodbyes. 

Once he'd hung up, Jade found his way into the kitchen, intent on figuring out something to make for Jake. That's about the time he realized that he could smell something delicious cooking... and also just how much he loved Rose at that point. 

"Please tell me that's lasagna." He said as he walked over with a tired smile for the old woman. She nodded, making him sigh with relief as leaned against the counter. 

"I figured that you might bring home someone to spend the evening with since you've seemed so stressed. I must admit, though, that I wasn't expecting to see A.J. again." 

He couldn't blame her for being a bit surprised. He never usually brought someone back after letting them go. It wasn't what he did. If they broke a rule, they never stepped foot in his home again, yet he'd carried Jake back completely on instinct instead of taking him back over to Adam's. I need to look after him. He's still not out of the woods. Need to call Chris. He knew that his excuses were just that, but he pushed aside his thoughts and dialed the number he'd plugged into his phone, glad that it had already been given to him. 

Christopher picked up on the first ring. "Where do you live? I need to come check on Jake after I drop Tommy off in a second." 

Jade felt slightly protective about having another dominant come to his house, let alone demanding to, but he knew that Chris was a trained doctor and only wanted to make sure that Jake was okay. So, he gave him the address, then hung up to go back upstairs and check on Jake. 

Thankfully, the man seemed to be resting well. He didn't look completely relaxed, his mind possibly replaying what had happened as a nightmare, but at least he was able to try and sleep. 

Jade wasn't sure how long he stood at the side of Jake's bed, but when the doorbell chime rang throughout the house, he snapped his head toward the bedroom door and promptly hurried out. By the time he got to the door, Rosie had already glanced through the peephole. 

"I believe the man you called is here. Dinner will be done in just a moment, so perhaps you'd like for him to stay?" The idea was a nice gesture, but Jade wasn't sure if he wanted a guest. Especially after what had happened earlier. 

"Yes, thank you. Please help yourself to a meal, then leave the remainder sitting on the stove. I'll get to it when I'm finish speaking with Christopher.' 

Rose nodded to him and walked back toward the kitchen, leaving Jade to turn his attention back to the door. He opened it with a nod, then gestured for Christopher to follow him. Both of them were silent as they climbed the stairs and stepped into the guest room Jake was resting in. Jade followed Christopher right up to the bed, but stepped slightly to the side, as to not crowd the man, yet still be able to watch what he was doing carefully. 

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