The First Time We Fail

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Waking up to the sun peeking through the curtains was somehow unsettling. Jade couldn't put his finger on why he felt like butterflies were flying around his stomach as he sat up on the sofa. His eyes traveled down to where Jake's arms were firmly wrapped around his waist, a sigh slipping from his lips as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. 

Rose appeared a moment later, looking surprised to see him. She glanced down at Jake, then back up to Jade with a cautious smile. "Have you taken the day off, sir?" 

And just like that, Jade removed Jake' arms from around him and ran up the stairs to his room. He took the fastest shower known to man, got dressed, and was back downstairs with his briefcase bag before Jake was even aware of what had woken him up. 


The loud boom of his voice startled the smaller man to his feet in an instant. His hair was disheveled and his pants hung off his hips at an odd angle. "Get upstairs and get dressed. I want you down here in five minutes." 

The look on Jake's face told him that he didn't believe that to be possible, but he didn't argue as he bolted up the stairs, missing a step and landing hard on his left knee. Yet, he continued after just a quiet whimper. Jade remained where he stood, glancing at his watch every few seconds. He was late already, but he didn't want to miss his second meeting of the day, too. 

Three minutes passed before Jake reappeared at the top of the stairs. One of his socks was on inside-out and he was carrying the shoes he'd been bought the day before, but he looked fine. In fact, the pair of new dark blue jeans and soft red sweater fit him well, and brought out his dark red hair. Jade was appraising the whole look when Jake's foot slipped on the carpet, sending him forward and off the stairs with a surprised yelp. 

Jade caught him easily, but their foreheads slammed together from the younger man's momentum. It hurt, quite a damn bit, but Jade bit his tongue and promptly carried Jake out to the garage. Instead of taking the car he had the other day, Jade set Jake down near a small, dark green SUV. 

"Get in the back and put your seatbelt on, then your shoes." He said as he walked around to the driver's side, unlocking it with the fob as he went. When he slid in and set his briefcase on the passenger's seat, Jake was already buckled up and tugging his shoes on in the back. 

Loking in the rearview mirror, Jade let out a tired sigh. He'd been up half the night worried about how he was going to handle this new man in his life, then actually went downstairs and broke his own rule to comfort the guy. He'd broken my rule and yet I turned the punishment into a reward. The idea twisted his gut. He was already in trouble with this man, and he had only had him for a few days, if that. 

As Jade pressed the button on the sun visor to open the garage door behind them, he couldn't keep his anxiety levels from rising steadily. He was losing control of a situation and Jake wasn't even trying to take it. He just wants attention and security... and I just want him to listen and not make mistakes. The realization that it wouldn't happen had Jade's dress shoe pressing down on the brake before he even got the car halfway out of the garage. 

He wasn't someone who just gave up on a situation, but Jake had broken his rules. He would do so again, too. My rules are what's important. He can find another person to look after him. There are tons of people at Leather that... would. The idea was perfect. There were a lot of dominants that were looking for a sweet submissive that would like their attention. He won't have to deal with my absurd rules, and he can pick out someone who he feels comfortable with. 

Jade couldn't believe he hadn't thought of the idea sooner. Putting the car back in park, he quickly opened his door and slid out, telling Jake to follow him back inside. The young man didn't question him, even though it seemed like he wanted to. Jade wasted no time in heading upstairs, calling his secretary to cancel his appointments for the day. When he hung up, he tossed his phone on his bed and quickly changed into a pair of comfortable leather pants and boots, then slid the device into his back pocket. 

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