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Stretching out beneath the plush comforter, A.J. knew that he had to get up soon. Technically, he could already smell breakfast being cooked by Adam, but it had been a long time since he had such a comfortable bed, and nothing he had to do. Peaking out from the top of the blanket, he gave a quiet sigh and forced himself to sit up, pushing the comforter away. 

He reached over to the nightstand and checked his phone, noting that it was indeed time to get up. It was already almost noon. Setting his phone aside, he slid from the large king-sized bed and wandered into the adjoining bathroom.  

A quick shower later, and he was tugging on the pair of jeans Adam had bought him the previous night before dinner, and a navy blue T-shirt. The man had tried to get him to accept a few more items, but A.J. already had all of the things Jade had bought him, the man just needed to bring them over, so he hadn't felt comfortable accepting any more than the one outfit. 

Once he felt presentable, A.J. wandered out of his room and down the hall to the kitchen. His mouth was watering by the time he stepped inside, and it would appear that even his empty stomach was going to be quite full considering the amount of food sitting on the counter. There were two plates, but even the one with less on it had far more than a regular breakfast amount. Not that he would complain. 

Adam turned when A.J. wandered inside, his eyes locked on the smaller plate of food. "Go ahead, kid. There's plenty more if you finish that." 

Finish it? He would probably take all day to eat it, but A.J. was prepared to try and finish it off right away. Taking the plate, he sat himself at the small dinner table in the corner of the kitchen and began enjoying the blueberry pancakes, sausage links, and fresh fruit. A glass of orange juice was added after a few minutes, and A.J. gratefully accepted it with a "Thank you," before downing half of it in one go. 

"I can say that I'm very happy that I brought you home." Adam said as he took the seat across from A.J. with his own large plate of food and drink. A.J. felt his cheeks warm at the man's words, but Adam just chuckled and ate a few bites of his pancakes before replying. "Best hurry, Jade will probably be here soon." 

A.J. glanced over at the clock on the stove and frowned. "He said he'd be over in the afternoon." 

Adam grinned and nodded as he stuck a piece of strawberry with his fork and held it up, as if he were using the piece of fruit to begin a lecture. "You dropped the phone last night and it hung up on him. You didn't call him back, but you texted. He probably thinks that I did something terrible to you and will be over here the second he said he would... which would be twelve-o-one." 

A.J. furrowed hi brow as he glanced toward the hall, and subsequent, door. He didn't think that Jade would be so early. He was busy with work, and just because he said that he had off during the afternoon, didn't mean literally right after noon. Instead of arguing with Adam, however, A.J. just shrugged and continued eating. 

When they heard the doorbell ring a little bit later, Adam's lips stretched into a smile around his bite of pancake as A.J.'s fork hovered just before his lips and his eyes looked in the direction of the front door, then to the clock on the stove. 


Another knock sounded on the door, drawing A.J. from his seat when Adam didn't seem interested in getting it. After setting down his fork, A.J. wandered into the hall, his feet silent due to the thick socks he was wearing. He walked up to the door and glanced through the tiny peephole. Surprisingly true to his word, Jade stood on the other side of the door. He was still in his suit from work, and judging from the disheveled look of the suitcoat, as well as his messy hair, it seemed like he rushed. 

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