Part 59 - Present for Henry

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You wake up on a monday morning and do your routine before heading off to school, when you get to school by soldier driving you there you head to the classroom and you sit by your boyfriend henry
"hi henry" you say smiling at him
"hi (y/n)" henry replies
and then the lesson started, at breaktime you sat with henry in the classroom having you milk carton when henry speaks
"so have you done your christmas cards yet?" henry asks
"no not yet" you say "i need to figure out who i need to give card to other then you and (y/f/n)"
"ok well i need to ask you what would you like for a present" henry says
"umm...well..." you say trying to think of a present idea "i would like a (anything you want)"
"nice choice" henry says
"ok since we're on presents, what would you like?" you ask henry
"umm...something cool and boyish" henry says
"ok i see what i can get" you say then the bell goes off
lesson continued as normal till the end of the day and when you get home from engineer picking you up you head to your room to think, as you were in your room thinking you get a knock on your door and it was scout
"hey tuts" scout says happily "what are you up to?"
"trying to think of a present for henry" you say still in a thinking pose "he said he wanted something cool and boyish
"boyish and cool huh" scout says thinking about it "how about a baseball bat? boys love them"
"...i don't think he likes baseball" you say thinking about it
"oh...ok about car" scout suggested
"hmm...i think he'll like that" you says trying to think
"or how about something around you two being together" scout says "like a key ring or a ring"
"that's a good idea scout, i'll do that" you say happily "thanks scout" you hug him then you run off
"umm...where you going?" scout asked
"to find him something" you say and leave the bedrooms
you then decide to go to engineer who was in his workshop, you open the door and engie turns to see you
"oh hi darlin' what are you doing here" engie says happy to see you
"i just wanted to know if you can help me" you say "i want to make a key ring, ring or something for my...boyfriend"
"aww, sure thing darlin'," engie says happily
"thanks grandma" you say and hug engie
"so what will you like?" engie asked
"umm...i would like a...(you can chose what you would like)" you say after thinking about it
"ok coming up" engie says and he got to work
you left him to do his thing to do something else, a while later you were in your room playing dress up with (y/d/n) and then engie came in
"here you go darlin' what do you think?" engie says showing you the item
"it's perfect" you say happily "oh thanks grandma your the best" and you give engie a hug and a kiss on the cheek
"aww shucks" engie says smiling "well i hope he likes it as much as you do, see you" and he leaves
you wrap up the present for henry and then put it in your bag with a card for him that you made so you don't forget them, you then carry on playing dress up with (y/d/n), a few days later and it was the last week of school, on the friday you take you bag in with henry's present in it and after a long day of school you meet him in the classroom when it was empty
"i got you your present" you says putting your bag on your desk so you can get the present out
"i got your too" henry says doing the same thing
you got your present and card out and you give it to henry, henry does the same giving his present to you and he starts to blush
"your really going to like it" henry says
"thanks henry" you say and you give him a kiss on the lips
the kiss wasn't to long but it wasn't to short neither and after the kiss you both said happy christmas to each other and left to go home, when you got home by medic picking you up you go over to the tree and put henry's present under the tree, the size of the present is jewellery box shaped and in your mind your trying to guess what kind of jewel it is, you then have dinner and after dinner you head to bed with excitement for christmas day.
(Sorry for the long wait, i was trying to think on what to do for this part but here it is now, that next part will be on christmas day and it's going to be the best part and in January is the start of the lost brother part's', see you then 😋)

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