Part 13 - Finding a Puppy

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You wake up the next morning feeling happy, you jump out of bed and realise you are still in your clothes and swimming costume that you wore yesterday when you and the mercs went to the beach, you decide to have a shower and change early before heading to the kitchen, after you done that you head to the kitchen and when you get there you see scout, pyro and heavy sitting at the table while engineer was cooking something
"hey there tuts, engie is making hash browns today, do you want some" scout said as you were sitting down
"sure, i've never had hashie browns before" you say
engie passes you a plate of hash browns and you look at it for a bit before you eat it, you like it and carry on eating it till it was gone
"did you like that, darling" engie said finishing cooking all the hash browns for all the mercs
"it was yummy" you say licking your lips
"i'm glad you like it darling" engie said sitting down with his hash brown
"i'm going to play outside, bye" you say getting out of your chair
"see you later darling" engie said
"meet you out there later, tuts" scout said eating his hash brown
"ok, scoot...i mean scout" you say and go outside
"did she just call me scoot" scout said and pyro nodded in response
you go outside and play around and a while later you feel someone rubbing your hair, you look up and it was sniper
"hello sweetheart" sniper said smiling to you
"hello dad" you say looking around before saying it
"i'll be at my camper van if you need me ok" sniper said before walking off
"ok" you said before carry on on what you were doing
a while later you were playing till you hear a yelp, it wasn't a human yelp it was to high pitch so you decide to investigate, as you was going to investigate, sniper was just climbing onto the roof of his van when he sees you running somewhere so he follows you, when you get to the source of the noice you are at an old barn, you head inside and look around then you notice a puppy (your favourite dog breed) on the floor not moving, the puppy looked to be about 8 weeks old and it was very dirty, you run over and pick up the puppy and see if the puppy alive, as you were doing that sniper finds you
"sweetheart, what are you doing here?" sniper says walking over
" isn't (he/she) moving?" you say turning around
sniper picks the puppy up from your hand and checks it heartbeat, it heart was beating very slowly and it was making sniper worry
"come on, let's take (him/her) to medic" sniper said picking you up and running to medic room
"why?" you ask
"it's not feeling very well but medic will make it better" sniper said trying not to say that its weak
you, sniper and the puppy go to medic's lab, when you all get there you all enter and sniper starts to speak
"medic, me and (y/n) found this puppy in the old barn and (his/her) heart is weak" sniper said putting you down
medic runs over and takes the puppy from snipers hands, he checks (his/her) heartbeat and nods hearing the slow weak heartbeat
"i'll check on the welpe while you get some food and water for it" medic said to sniper and sniper heads out
"is it going to be ok, mom" you said looking upset
"it'll be fine liebste, now just sit in that chair over there while i find out why (he/she)s unwell" medic said putting the puppy on the silver counter also pointing to where he wants you to sit, you sit down and watch medic as he was checking on the puppy, after a quick check medic sighs and goes over to you
"(he/she)s just really hungry and thirsty, i have no idea how long it's been in there but probably to long for it to get to this state" medic explains to you
"that's good" you say "dad should be back soon so (he/she) can eat"
a while later sniper returns with a water bowl and a plate of meat and puts it next to the puppy, the puppy smells the food and struggles to eat it so you help by sticking the food near it mouth so it can take it out of your hand and eat it, after eating all the meat on the plate the puppy was a bit strong but not strong enough to stand up, medic then walks over with a mouth syringe
"let me help (him/her) with the water" medic said, you stand to where sniper was and medic uses the mouth syringe to feed water into its mouth, the water seem to help it get a little more better but it couldn't stand up
"give it water and food again at lunch and dinner time and it should be fully healed by the next morning" medic said
"thank you mom" you say and hug medic, after you and medic let go of the hug medic hand you the puppy
"put (him/her) in your room so (he/she) doesn't run away and keep a close eye on (him/her)" medic said
"i will mom" you say and you with sniper head off to your room
"so sweetheart, do you have a name for (him/her)?" sniper said as was picking you up
"hmm...i gonna call it (your dogs name)" you say (of you don't have a dog you can call it anything you want)
"that's a nice name, you take good care of (him/her) now and don't let me spot (him/her) destroying something ok" sniper said as he was taking you to your room
"ok dad" you say with a smile, when you get to your room, sniper puts you down and you put (y/d/n) on your bed and sit on the bed with (him/her)
"i'll be in my room if you need me sweetheart" sniper says
"ok thanks for helping me today, dad" you said getting off the bed and giving sniper a hug
"that's ok, your very special to us you know that and we won't let anyone tell you otherwise" sniper said hugging you back, he then puts you down and heads to his room
you sit on the bed and bond with the puppy and the puppy has grown to like you, after the puppy had (his/her) lunch and dinner, during your dinner with the mercs, you, sniper and medic told the others about the puppy and they really want to see it when it's better so you told them that they can, you had yours, you fall asleep in your bed and the puppy bury (him/her)self in the bed with you and both of you fall asleep together.
Welpe - Puppy
Also (Y/D/N) means your dogs name for now on

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