Part 51 - Halloween

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You wake up and you remembered it was halloween so you get out of bed, you go to your cupboard and decide on a halloween costume for school since your school has an annual halloween party, you decide to chose the princess outfit and you put it in your school bag, you then head downstairs to have your breakfast and when you goes to the kitchen you see sniper, medic, scout, soldier and engineer
"hi" you say entering the kitchen
"hi darling" engie says "you ready for halloween later?"
"sure am"you say happily "i got a halloween party at school and i've already chose my outfit"
"that sounds like fun" scout says and he rubs your head "you have a good time and you may be able to meet your boyfriend" he says cheekily
you blush up and hide your face in your hands causing everyone to aww
"it's ok sweetheart" sniper says cuddling you
"i know i'm just not used to calling him my boyfriend yet" you say looking at sniper still with a little blush on you face
sniper smiles then he puts you down so you can make your breakfast
"i think it's medic taking you in" scout says "and sniper's picking you up"
"ok" you say making your breakfast
after you had your breakfast you get ready and then medic takes you into school, when you get to school you say good bye to medic and you head into the classroom when you met your friend and henry
"hi guys" you say
"hi (y/n)" (y/f/n) says "got your costume for the party?"
"sure do" you say and smile
"cool, what are you dressed up as?" henry asks
"i'm going to be a princess" you say and you pull out your costume from your bag
"cool" (y/f/n) says "i'm going to be a witch" and she smiles
"what about you henry" you ask henry
"i'm a vampire" henry says
you and (y/f/n) smile then the bell goes off for lesson to start so all of you head to the classroom and sit down in your seats
"right then class" the teacher says "as you know it's the halloween party later and i want to know what you all are going to be dressed up as"
the teacher went though all the students and as she gets to the last student the fire bell goes off so all the students head to the field outside, when they get there and sit in their groups the principal speaks
"i pulled the fire bell because someone has stolen all the schools money" the principal says causing everyone to gasps
all of the students talk to themselves and their friends, you were listening to your friend talking when you see a guy dressed in black running to the gate, you get up and you run to the guy in black
"(y/n)!" (y/f/n) shouts causing everyone to look at you
you call out to the animals in the area which were birds and a bird of pray, a few dogs and cats, squirrels and some rodents, they all gather around you
"catch that guy" you say to the animals and they nods their head and goes after the guy, the bird tackled the guy by swooping down trying to keep the guy distracted until the dogs came and pushed him to the ground, then the eagle swoops down and pulls off the guys mask letting the cats scratch his face and the squirrels and rodents brought back the bag of money the guy was holding
"ok stop" you say and all the animals stop what they were doing and come over to you "thank you for your help, you may return to your place now" and all the animals say goodbye and return to their homes
you head back to the school and when you get back you see everyone worried
"i got the bag back!" you say holding up the bag and everyone looks
they all cheer and your teacher takes the beg out of your hand, she then gives it to the principal and the principal checks the bag to find all the money in the bag, she smiles then watches at you get holded up and everyone cheers for you making you feel special
a while later everyone returns to their classroom and class went on as normal till it was break, you were sitting at your desk with your milk carton and talking to henry and after break it was time for the halloween party so you, your friend and all the girls went to the girls changing rooms to change into your princess outfit, all the girls saw your outfit and awed in cuteness and then they went to the big hall for the party
when you, your friend and all the other girls got to the hall all the girls sit down on the floor and you and your friend sit by henry, when henry sees you he blushes up and you see him blush up
" look...cute" henry says nervously
"thanks henry" you say and you look around to see if nobody was looking before you gave him a kiss on the cheek
henry smiles then the principal speak
"ok students" the principal says "as you know our school money was stolen but thanks to the bravery of (y/n) (l/n), we managed to get the money back so can (y/n) come here please"
you stand up and go to the front with the principal
"as a thanks for your bravery, i award you with this crown and a plaque on the wall" the principal says and she point to a plaque with your picture on it
all the students cheer as the crown gets placed on your head and then the party starts, the party lasted till the end of the day and you were about to leave to find sniper when henry walks up to you
"oh hi henry" you say with a smile
henry then looks around to see if nobody was around then he kisses you on the lips for a few seconds before pulling back
"i love you (y/n)" henry say
" you too king" you say
henry smiles then he walks away to his mom's car, you turn around and you find sniper's camper
"hey sweetheart, how was the party?" sniper says as you get in the car
" went like this" you say and as sniper was driving you explained your story to him
after you explains your story you were already back home and sniper helps you out of the car
"i'm proud of you sweetheart" sniper says and kisses you on the cheek
"thanks dad" you say and sniper snuggles you before putting you down
you then head inside and you meet all the other and (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) in the rec room all talking to each other while (y/d/n) was on scout's lap and (y/c/n) was on medic's lap
"hi" you say "i have a story to tell"
"well sit down and tell us tuts" scout says and you sit down next to medic
you explain your story to them about your day and after you were finished everyone was really proud of you and happy for what you did
"we are all proud of you liebste" medic says and he rubs your head "your are very special to us you know"
"i know and i'm glad i've you all as my family" you say and everyone's hearts melted in love
"group hug" scout says and everyone has a group hug
after the hug it was dinner time so you go and get your dinner and after dinner you go trick and treating with scout, spy and pyro, scout and pyro went on their own while you went with spy holding his hand while you went from door to door, after trick and treating you returned home with a bag full of sweets (candy) and you went through them with scout and pyro
after you went trought the sweet (candy) you were tired out so you went to bed with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) and you fall into a deep sleep
(A/N - hope you enjoyed my halloween part and the next part is the reveal of the genders of miss pauling's twin babies 😋)

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