Part 15 - Never Forget, Never Forgive

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the next morning, (y/d/n) want to go out again so you get washed and dressed before you and (y/d/n) head to the kitchen, when you get there you see sniper, medic, engineer and soldier all having breakfast, they were all having toast with different toppings, sniper was having strawberry jam, medic was just butter, soldier was having raspberry jam and engie was having honey, you walk to the back door and let (y/d/n) out,
"hello sweetheart" sniper says
"morning liebste" medic says
"hello cupcake" soldier says
"mornin' darling" engie says
"morning" you say while waiting for (y/d/n) to come back in, when (y/d/n) come back in you sort out (his/her) breakfast, after you fed (y/d/n), you sort out your breakfast and you decide to have toast with choclate spread, you make your chocolate spread toast and then join the others at the table
"what are you going to do today darling" engie says as you were sitting down
"i don't know...hmm...i know, i going to to teach (y/d/n) some more tricks" you say
"that's a good idea" engie says "your doing a great job looking after (him/her) all by yourself"
"thanks they used to call me the dog whisperer back at my old place" you say
"why?" soldier said
you explain to them the story about the aggressive pit bull and how all dogs love you while finishing your toast
"does that mean you could probably tame wild dog, stray dogs and wolves too" sniper says
"maybe but i don't know yet" you say
"does it work with any other animal" medic say
"i think i can tame cats too but i don't know if i can tame all animals" you say
"that is some talent you got there darling" engie says
"i wouldn't call it ta...talwent, but more trust" you say not saying talent right
then (y/d/n) comes over and you pat (him/her) on the head, (he/she) loved it
"well i'm going, see you later" you say and walk out with (y/d/n)
later the phone rang and engie picks it up
"hello" engie says
"hi it's (y/n)'s mother, can you put the manger on the phone" your mother says
"it (y/n)'s mother and i'm guessing she thinks soldier the manger of the summer camp that isn't real" engie thought
"sorry he's busy at the moment"  engie said lying
"well can you pass a message to (y/n), tell her that i'm sorry for what i said yesterday" your mother says "i was drunk"
"so does that mean she can keep the puppy" engie says
"No! she still needs to leave it there" your mother shouts
"then i won't pass your message to her, goodbye miss" engie said and hangs up
as he hung up medic walks in
"hi engie, who was that on the phone" medic says sitting down next to engie
"it was (y/n)'s mother again, she wanted to apologise to (y/n) but she still won't let (y/n) keep the puppy so i hung up on her" engie says
"what's with her and dogs, is she afraid of them or something" medic says
"i think (y/n) said that she doesn't like them, but she sounds like she hate them to piece" engie say
"but she no bother anymore, (y/n) has a new family in us now and she loves it" medic says
"yeah...oh i better go and make cookies for the child" engie said and puts on an old granny voice
medic and engie laugh at the joke and then talk for a while, meanwhile on the other end of the line your mother is really angry
"i'm going to find that (insert swear word here) and kill her" your mother says and leaves the house
a bunch of hours later, your still teaching (y/d/n) tricks with the help of a dog trick book that sniper had, he said that he had it when he had his australian cattle dog back where he lived and it help him teach a lot of tricks to the dog, as you were teaching the dog, medic finds you
"hello liebste" medic says
"hello mom" you said giving medic a hug
"i was talking to engie earlier and he was on the phone to your ex-mother" medic says "she wanted to apologise but she still won't let you keep the puppy so you know what engie did?"
"what did grandma do?" you say
"well he taught her a lesson by hanging up on her" medic said
"that shows her for being a terrible mother" you say and you start laughing "hey mom, do you want to see what i taught (y/d/n)"
"sure liebest" medic says and you show medic what (y/d/n) knows
"(he/she) is a smart dog isn't (he/she)" medic says rubbing (y/d/n) head
"yeah it only took 2 days to teach (him/her) all those trick" you said proudly
"that's great liebste" medic says and kisses you on the forehead "now come along its dinner time soon"
medic takes your hand and both of you headed to the kitchen, after dinner you and (y/d/n) headed up to bed, got changed into your nightie and jump into bed with (y/d/n) and go to sleep.
A couple of hours later, you get woken up by (y/d/n) growling and snarling at the door, you jump out of bed and go over to (y/d/n)
"what's wrong (y/d/n)" you ask, (y/d/n) response by growling at the door again, you open the door to see your mother standing there looking mad with a knife in her hand
"Hello (y/n)" you evil mother says
"mother!" you say and fall over
"i've come to take you back home" your evil mother says "but first i have a deal with"
(y/d/n) grabs your evil mother trouser leg and shake it, you evil mother then kicks (y/d/n) in the hallway, she then turns to (y/d/n)
"(y/d/n)!" you shout causing half the mercs to wake up, the mercs open the doors to see your evil mother going closer and closer to (y/d/n) tries to run away
"get back here your (insert swear word here) mutt" your evil mother says
you bolt over to your mother to stop her but she throw her knife and stabs you in the arm, sniper then grabs his rifle from under the bed and head out the room, sniper points his gun at your evil mother as she was approaching you to get the knife
"stay there and cover your eyes" medic whispers to you and you do
"i'll take my knife back" your evil mother says and she takes it out of your arm "goodbye you (insert meanest swear word here)"
she was about to stab you in the chest when her head explodes, you don't see it cause you had your eyes cover but you hear it and your evil mother falls to the floor and you feel medic grab you and sniper picks up (y/d/n) and all of you go to the infirmary, when you, medic, sniper and (y/d/n) get to the infirmary, medic put on the silver counter and look at the knife wound on your arm
"mom, it hurts" you say upset
"i know liebest but i'm here to make you better" medic says "how is (y/d/n), sniper"
"(he/she) has a bruise from where (he/she) was kicked but other then that, (he/she) looks ok" sniper replies
"how did she figure out where we were?" sniper asks "we live in the middle of nowhere"
"i don't know but she wanted (y/n) and (y/d/n) dead" medic says
before medic said what he said, you blacked out from loss of blood
"she's blacked out" medic said "i can use the medigun on her"
medic points the medigun on you and the wound heals insanely but it left a mark, he then grabs (y/d/n) from sniper and put (him/her) under the beam, the beam heals (y/d/n)'s bruise and make (him/her) all better
"they are fully healed now, let's take them to bed" medic says and he picks up (y/d/n) and sniper picks you up and takes you back to bed, as they got to the hallway to everyone room, soldier and engineer were cleaning up your evil mother's body, sniper and medic decide to take you to their bed, medic had you on his bed and sniper took (y/d/n) to his bed and they all fall asleep
The next morning you wake up and confused why you were in medic's bed, you remember being in the infirmary before blacking out, you then remember your arm, you look at it and see a pink mark where it was cut, you touch it and it didn't hurt it was just there, you then hear a quite bark from the other side of the room, you see (y/d/n) with (his/her) tongue sticking out and wagging (his/her) tail, you quietly call (him/her) over and (he/she) jumps off sniper's bed and jump up on medic's, you give (him/her) attention then you feel movement next to you, you look over and you see medic waking up
"hello liebest" medic says weakly and rubbing his eyes
"hello mom" you whisper
medic pulls you over to him and gives you a kiss on the cheek
"how is your arm?" medic asks
"there is just a pink thing now" you say showing medic your arm
"yes it will be there for quite a while but then it will heal" medic explains
"what happened to mother?" you ask
"oh she won't be bothering you ever again" sniper says from across the room
sniper walks over and picks you up
"that's good" you sigh "hello dad"
"morning sweetheart" sniper says then he give you a nuzzle on the face and kisses you forehead
"lets go and get breakfast" sniper says and you, sniper and (y/d/n) head to the kitchen, medic stays in bed a bit longer to write a medical report about what he did last night before coming down for his breakfast.

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