Part 5 - Bonding with Medic and Sniper

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You get woken up by a knock on the door and you know it's probably medic so you get up and open the door, medic is standing there with a smile
"hello liebste, i'm here to collect you" medic said
"ok, let me shower and get changed then we'll go" you said
"ok i'll wait out here" medic said and you shut the door and have your shower
after your shower, you get changed and open the door again, medic sees the door open and he picks you up
"come liebste, let's have your check up" medic says and he carries you to the his lab, when you and medic get there medic put you on the silver table walks away to grab his tools
as medic was getting his tools, you were looking around the room and as you were looking around, a white dove cooed next to you, you turn around to look at the dove and you slowly move your hand to his head, he accepted the hand and you stroked him, you were confused for a moment cause you though all birds are shy animals but this one wasn't shy in fact it was really social, medic got back to you as you finished stroking the dove
"oh i see you have met archimedes" he said
"arkamedes" you try to say "why he got a complicated name?"
"it's not that bad to say liebste, you just need to practice saying it" medic said as he picked up archimedes and put him on the medigun
"what's that thing" you say as you watch medic
"it's a.... a very special medical hose pipe" medic said making up a name for the medigunsand he walks over to you
"what does it do?" you say
"it heals away all the scratches, bruises, and boo boo" medic said with a smile on his face and putting his hands on your cheek "now it time to start the check up"
medic removes his hands and picks up a stethoscope, he lifts up your shirt and put the round bit on your chest
"that's cold" you say when the round bit goes on your chest
medic smiles at your comment and goes quite for a moment then remove the round bit of your chest
"you have a good heartbeat liebste, now i need to check your eyes" medic said, he puts down the stethoscope and he grabs a torch from the table, he shine it in your eyes and you wanted to close them but that will be rude so you didn't, after a bit medic turns off the light and put it on the table
"you have perfect eye sight" medic said "lastly i need to check your mouth" he grabs a ice lolly stick from the table
"did you eat all that ice lolly and kept the stick" you say, medic looked at the stick then smiled
"yeah it was a very tastey ice lolly and i decided to keep the stick to remind myself how tasty it was" medic said smiling at what he said, then there was a laugh from the door, you and medic look at the door and it was sniper
"oh hi sniper, what you doing here?" medic said
"well after your done with (y/n), i going to spend time with her, you can join us later if you want" sniper said walking over to where you and medic are
"ok, will you be at your van" medic said
"as alway" sniper said with a smile
"did you know that medic keeps ice lolly stick after he eaten the ice lolly" you say to sniper
"does he now?, he never told me" sniper said laughing and joining in with the joke, medic chuckled and finished checking your mouth
"you are fully healthy, liebste, so you want a lollipop?" medic said as he walks over to his deck
"yes please" you said lighting up your face
"can i have one too?" sniper said cheekly, you laugh at the fact sniper want one as well and your laugh made sniper and medic laugh too
"here you go liebste" he said giving you a lollipop and kissed you on the forehead, you jump down off the silver table
"come on then sweetheart" sniper said picking you up and both of you went to sniper's camper van, medic stayed behind for a little bit to fill out a health form miss pauling gave him about you.
when you and sniper got to the van, sniper helped you get on top of the camper van and both of you lied down and watched the clouds in the sky, you and sniper talked for felt like hours till medic joined
"hello sniper" medic said as he was walking over
"hi medic, care to come up and join us" sniper replied, medic nodded and climbed up on the camper van and lied down next to you
all 3 of you talked for a long time about different topics, played the cloud game, told funny jokes and enjoying the sun while it was still in the sky, as you were looking in the sky, you felt like sniper and medic were like family to you, medic was the caring mother who cleaned up your wound and cared about you deeply and sniper was the funny dad who tried to make you laugh and keep you happy, you loved that and before you know it, it was time to move and have dinner so all 3 of you headed back inside and had dinner, it was heavy turn to cook and he made the goose that sniper found a few days ago, you helped heavy give everyone their plates and everyone was eating, you really enjoyed it and as you were eating, you look over at sniper and medic then you got detracted by heavy
"does (y/n) want to spend time with me tomorrow" heavy asked
"ok but what will we do?" you question
"we can go into town and get some food, we're running out anyway" heavy said
"i'll come too then, i need to get more... sticks" spy said
"ok" you say with a smile and carry on eating your food, when everyone finished, you were about to head off to bed when you get stopped by scout
"hey tuts, i want you to keep a close eye on spy tomorrow, as i said before he's very good at playing hide and seek so make sure he doesn't disappear on you" scout said
"will do, good night" you say and you head off to your room, get changed into your nightie and get into bed and after a while you fall asleep

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