Part 25 - Sick Day

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You wake up the next morning and you felt terrible, you had a really snotty nose, you had a sore troth so your voice was gone and you felt drained
"what's wrong (y/n)?" (y/d/n) says worried
you tried to talk but your voice was gone so only a squeak came out
"i think she's got a cold, go tell someone (y/d/n)" (y/c/n) says
"ok but the door shut" (y/d/n) replies looking at the door
you get up feeling weak and you managed to open the door to let (y/d/n) out and then you went back to bed again,
(y/d/n) ran to medic's infirmary where medic and sniper were and they were kissing when (y/d/n) scratch on the door, medic went over and opened the door
"woof woof" (y/d/n) says and span around
"what is it (y/d/n)?" medic says looking confused, (y/d/n) ran to the end of the corridor and barked again
"i think there is something wrong with (y/n), come on" sniper says walking past medic, both medic and sniper head to your room with (y/d/n) in front
when they get there medic sees that your all pale and he walks over to you, he puts his hand on your head and you were so hot he pulled his hand away again
"oh liebste your ill" medic says worried
"but don't worry sweetheart, medic will make you all better" sniper says walking over and sitting next to you on the bed
"ja and you will be better by tommorow" medic says "i just go and get the medicine" and medic leaves
sniper comfort you by stroking your hair until medic gets back with a bottle of kids cold and flu medicine, he gives you a tablespoon of the medicine and you take it, it had a nice taste but a strange after taste
"now you get some rest liebste, the medicine will kick in while you are asleep and i will give you more later" medic says putting the bottle on the draws and going to the door
"i'll be back later to check on you sweetheart" sniper says stroking your cheek and leaving with medic
you fall asleep after they, (y/d/n) left the room and (y/c/n) stayed with you and fell asleep next to you, (y/d/n) decided to check the living room to see who was there and when (he/she) got there (he/she) can see everyone in there and medic was explaining to then the you were sick, (y/d/n) went over and jump onto an empty couch, after medic said what he needed to say everyone was leaving and as they were leaving they gave attention to (y/d/n) and (he/she) loves the attention, the last person to approach (y/d/n) was sniper
"hey little guy, do you want to go outside?" sniper says rubbing (y/d/n) on the head
"woof" (y/d/n) says agreeing to his question and jumping down off the couch
(y/d/n) and sniper go into the kitchen and open the back door to outside, (y/d/n) bolt away and sniper goes to his camper van and sits in his decchair, after (y/d/n) did what (he/she) needed to do (he/she) when over to sniper and sat on his lap, sniper smiles and pets (y/d/n) on the head before lying back and going to sleep, (y/d/n) curls up and falls asleep on sniper's lap
later medic comes and checks on you, you were still asleep but the medicine medic gave you put some colour back in your face, medic smiles and strokes your cheek with the back of his hand, he then looks out your window to see sniper and (y/d/n) sleeping, he does a love sigh (you know the sigh people do when they are in love) and walks out the room, he then heads to his infirmary so he can play his violin
another while later you wake up from you nap and you still feel terrible but not as bad as before, (y/c/n) woke up the same time
"are you feeling any better (y/n)?" (y/c/n) asks
"a little bit" you whisper
"good, now (y/d/n) is outside with dad" (y/c/n) says "if you want to know"
"ok" you whisper "i going back to sleep" and you settle down and shut your eyes
you were about to go to sleep again when you hear the door open, you look up and it was sniper and (y/d/n)
"hello sweetheart, how you feeling?" sniper asked after putting (y/d/n) on your bed and walking over to you
"i'm ok" you whisper
"that's good" sniper says and he kisses you on the forehead
"oh no" you whisper worried "now i've made you sick"
"no you haven't sweetheart" sniper says putting his hand on your cheek "medic had made a special potion for me and the others so we don't get sick" he lied
"oh ok" you whisper with a smile
then your eyes fell heavy and you fell asleep, sniper smiled and strokes you on the cheek, he was about to get up but you grabbed him by the arm accidently mistaking it for your teddy, sniper was surprised but then decided to stay with you so he lies down next to you and then you snuggle up in his hip, he turns so you are snuggled up in his chest, he kisses you on the forehead and then he falls asleep, later medic came to check on you again and he sighed when he saw sniper sleeping in your bed with you cuddling him, medic walks over to sniper and kisses him on the cheek causing him to wake up a little
"oh...hi doc" sniper says sleepily looking at medic
"hi sniper, what you doing on the bed with (y/n)?" medic asks
"she cuddled my arm so she wouldn't let me leave and when i got on the bed she snuggles agents me so i had no choice" sniper explained "but i know she's ill so that's why i stayed"
medic looks at you and you had your face buried in sniper's chest and you were hugging him, medic smiled and then went around to the other side of the bed and lied down, the bed was quite a big bed so it could fit around 6 people in it, medic then cuddles close to you and sniper, sniper and medic kiss then they fall asleep, you wake up a few minute after they fall asleep and you smile to see sniper and medic cuddling each other with you in the middle, you then see (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) at their feet, you then snuggle up to sniper and medic and fall asleep again feeling safe
you wake up a couple of hours later with both sniper, medic (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) gone and you were the only one in the bed, you felt a lot better and you could even get out of bed not feeling weak, you decide to find where everyone went and after looking for a bit you find everyone in the dining room having dinner
"i see you are better, tuts" scout says as he noticed you
"yeah but my voice is still goneish" you whisper
"don't worry liebste, i will give you your medicine before you go to bed and then you will feel a lot better in the morning" medic says
"thanks mom" you whisper
"now you go back to bed sweetheart and we will bring you some food" sniper says, you nod and head back to bed
after dinner, sniper and medic make you an homemade chicken soup that sniper's mom used to make him when he was younger, medic tries it and he loves it making sniper smile, they then head to your room where you were in bed drawing
"here you are sweetheart" sniper says handing you a tray with the chicken soup and a glass of (your favourite drink)
before you have your dinner medic gives you another tablespoon of medicine and you take it, you then have your dinner and when you were done sniper and medic kiss you goodnight on the forehead and they leave you with (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) sleeping once again.

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