Part 46 - School's New Kid

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You wake up the next morning to do the morning routine before school, after you were ready medic was the one who was taking you into school this time so you and medic get into sniper's camper and head off to school, when you reach the school gate medic kissed you goodbye and says that sniper will pick you up later, you get out the camper and medic drives off, you meet your friend in the classroom and you sit next to her
"hello class" the teacher says "today we have a new student" and a boy walks into the room "this is henry and he's is the president's son"
"umm hello" henry says waving
"hello all the class reply
"right henry can you go and sit by (y/f/n)" the teacher says and henry sits by you and your friend
as the lesson went on you can hear the girls in your class whispering on how cute henry was while you were drawing, you rolled your eyes and carry on drawing but you didn't know that henry was looking at you with a little blush on his face, at break you stand up and went to grab your milk carton from the tray on the teacher's desk, henry wanted to talk to you but then he was bombarded by the girls in your class asking him questions, you see this and you can also see henry looking uncomfortable, you smile then you decide to step in
"ok girls, i think henry is getting uncomfortable" you says "can you back away please"
"ok (y/n)" one girl says "but we will bother him again later" and they all head out the classroom
"thank you" henry says
"your welcome" you says sitting down and sticking a straw in your carton "so i remember the teacher saying you the president's son"
"yeah i am" henry says and sighs
"from that sigh, i can tell you probably don't like it" you says and taking a sip from your carton
'wow she's good' henry thought giving a little blush "yeah he's always dragging me around everywhere like a dog on a leash"
"that's a shame" you says after you sip your milk "but i'm guessing the good part about it is your are allow anywhere like the sweet (candy) shop"
"oh...i've never thought of it like that" henry says
"yeah i'm pretty sure the president has a key to every building in the town" you say "i read it in a book once"
"oh cool i should ask my dad if he has one" henry says
you smile then get up and go over to the tray of milk cartons
"want one?" you says holding a milk carton to henry
"ok" henry replies and takes the carton off your hand
you sit back down on your chair and carry on drinking your milk while henry looks at you loverly
"i'm (y/n) by the way" you says after you take your mouth off the straw
"oh...umm...hello (y/n)" henry says and he blushes up
you giggle and then you and henry talk about different things till the bell goes off for lesson to start again, lesson carried on till it was lunch time and at lunch henry was daydreaming then the class bully came up to him
"hey wimp" the bully says "just to let you know that i'm the boss around here" you hear this and look at henry and the bully
"umm...ok" henry says scared
"so give me all your money" the bully says
"i...i don't have any" henry says
the bully gets mad and picks henry up by the collar, you didn't like where this was going so you stepped in
"hey, leave him alone" you says
"oh...umm...ok (y/n)" the bully says and puts henry down
"if i ever see you bully him again i will slap your face" you says dominantly
"ok ok" the bully says and he runs off kinda crying
"that's sorted him out" you says rubbing your hands together and you sit down
henry was speechless that you stood up to the bully and scared him away, this made him blush even more and you see this
"your blushing" you says and giggle
henry hears what you say and he rubs his face with his hands, you giggle and then you get your lunchbox out of your bag, the teacher is a pretty chill teacher so she'll let you eat your food in the classroom, your friend sometimes joins you but she likes to chill with the girls that are the bullies in a different class, you warned her about them but she ignore you so you just leave her alone, you put your lunchbox on the table and open it to see you have a (favourite topping) sandwich, a chocolate bar, crisps (chips), a biscuit and a drink of blackcurrent juice in a bottle, you take out your lunch and start eating your sandwich but you see henry not eating
"haven't you got lunch?" you ask
"oh yeah" henry says and he takes out his lunchbox
he opens the lunchbox to see he had a sandwich, a carton of apple juice, a chocolate bar, crisps (chips) and a banana, you and henry eat your food while talking to each other and you start to like henry, after dinner you go back to learning and before you knew it was the end of the day so you head to sniper's camper van and get in
"hello sweetheart" sniper says when you get in the van "how was your day?" and he starts to drive off
"well they was this new kid in my class named henry and he's a nice person" you says "i think also he has a crush on me"
"aww" sniper says "(y/n)'s got a crush"
"n,no i don't" you says crossing your arms and blushing up
sniper laughs and then you go quiet, you think about henry and it keeps making your heart skip a beat, when you and sniper get back to the base and head inside you go to your room to see (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) while sniper went to see medic who was in his infirmary as usual, when he gets there he sees medic come out of his dove room
"hey doc" sniper says going over to medic
"hi sniper" medic replies "what did (y/n) do at school today?"
sniper and medic sit down at medic's desk and sniper tells medic what you told sniper, after explaining medic smiles
"aww! my wenig liebste has got a crush" medic says
"yeah" sniper replies and smiles
sniper and medic look at each other loverly then kiss for quite a while, then it was dinner time so everyone went for dinner, after dinner you went to bed knowing you will meet your new friend (crush) tomorrow.
(A/N - i was wondering if i should make the child character and henry a love thing i know there both 6 but it will be cute, also henry os based on a friend with the same name i had at little school 🙂 lastly did any of you have milk cartons at your school i did and the milk tasted delicious 😋 we'll see you peeps next part 😄)

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