Part 49 - First kiss

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You wake up one morning and you do your morning routine for school, when you were ready it was heavy's turn to take you into school and it was going to be scout picking you up, when you get to school you head to your classroom with your friend and you sit by henry
"ok class" the teacher says "today we are going to do pe (sports) first"
some of the students (mainly all the girls) groaned since they don't like pe while the boys were happy to do pe, you all got changed into sports wear and you all met on the field
"ok we are going to play baseball" the teacher says
you know a little about baseball since scout told you about it and how the game works so you were kinda prepared for it, the teacher decided to make you, henry and some others fielders, the game was going well till one kid hits the ball far, henry was going to get it and runs forward but he doesn't see that you're in front of him, he manages to catch the ball and throw it back but he rams into you and both of you fall on the grass, you closed your eyes when henry bumps into you and when you open them you see that you and henry were kissing, henry gets off you quickly after seeing what he was doing and his face was all blushed
"don't worry" you whisper "i don't think anyone saw since you threw the ball back before you fell on me"
this made henry calm down a little, you smile then you and henry carry on with the game, after the game it was break time and to you went to the classroom to have your carton of milk, a big jump later and it was after school, and as you were collecting your bag henry walks up to you
"hey...(y/n), i'm sorry for bumping into you in pe" henry says nervously
"it's ok" you say and you look around to see if the classroom was empty which it was before kissing henry on the cheek "i kinda liked it"
henry blushes up after the kiss and he runs off, you smile then you go and find scout, after finding scout you get in the car and he talks to you
"hey tuts" scout says "how was your day?"
"fine..." you say and you start blushing up "in pe i was a fielder in your favourite game baseball and you know henry"
"yeah your boyfriend" scout says jokingly
"...well anyway he ran into me by accident and....and he kissed me" you say blushed up
"aww! my little sister kissed her boyfriend" scout says and he rubs your head
"yeah..." you say and cover your face
when you and scout get back to the base you head to your room and scout meet all the other mercs in the rec room
"yo guys guess what?" scout says walking into the room
"what is it scout?" spy asks
"looks like (y/n) and her boyfriend are officially a thing" scout says sitting down next to heavy
"what do you mean?" heavy asked
"well she told me that in pe her boyfriend kissed her on the lips while he was trying to catch the ball" scout explained
everyone awwed and then smiled
"sniff...our little girl is growing up so fast" soldier says
"yeah" engie agreed
everyone went back to what they were doing while smiling, meanwhile you told (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) your story and they smiled too
"what was it like?" (y/d/n) asked
"it was...good...i think" you say
"oh good" (y/c/n) "so tell us about the rest of your day"
you tell (y/d/n) and (y/c/n) about the rest of your day and before you knew it it was dinner time and you went to have your dinner with the others, after dinner you went to bed and fell asleep
(sorry this is short i waiting for halloween so i can make a halloween part 😋 then after i will do the build up to christmas 😆 i love christmas)

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