Chapter X: The Rogue Shadow

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November 17th

It had been a full week since Amber had betrayed the Elites, and the base had never been so quiet. Guardian went on routine recon missions with Ruby, hoping that one night they would find Amber out fighting crime. Stone however, stayed behind to tend to Bluestone's serious injuries and help with rehab. Bluestone was finally back on his feet and regaining his strength. "Are you sure you want to do that?" Rob asked. "It's been a week already. I'm fine." Jay replied. He then began lifting weights. "You know. I'm really sorry about what happened. I should have been here. I could have helped." Jay responded "It's fine. I didn't want you to be here when it happened. That's why I sent you on recon. I didn't want anybody to worry. I just didn't know it would go so wrong." Rob then said "Yeah. And their hideout was only a decoy. I went down, and they filled the whole place with psychotropic gases. I must have been out for hours, and even when I came back I wasn't myself. I had to use autopilot the whole time." Jay replied "So these people know our every move before we make them. There's a mole here. And it wasn't Amber because I've left her in the dark on everything that's been happening. I think it was most likely that Sapphire has been missing for days, and it's unlikely that we'll find him." Jay pulled out his phone and typed Ears everywhere. Microphones hacked. Rogues are Endgame backers. Rob then said "Oh. What now?" Jay continued typing We are likely targets. Prepare for battle. Bring Ruby back.



At a hotel, masked men were walking in to the ballroom. Hundreds of them began sitting down at tables. Once they had all settled down, the Headmaster walked in and took his seat at the front stage. "Too many times I have been ridiculed. Stomped on. Impeached. Protested against since I was sworn into office. And once they threatened to kick me out, I knew something had to be done. Tonight, my crown jewel has taken up an apprentice. And she will now be welcomed into our fellowship. And she will be given her first assignment to prove her worth." The back doors opened, and Onyx walked in first. Amber, now wearing silver and black, walked in behind him. "Headmaster!" Onyx said. "It is an honor to introduce my successor. I have seen first-hand, her potential. And I know that she will prove to be a valuable addition to Silent Death." Headmaster examined Amber closely, and said "Perhaps that is so, but how can we be sure she will remain loyal to our cause?" Amber chimed in and said "You have my word sir." Headmaster replied "We are The Society of Rogues. Actions speak louder than words kid. Your mask. Prove your worth." Amber hesitated. Her mask held her identity, and it could put her entire family at risk. "That's what I thought." Headmaster said "Onyx, toss her back down the hole she came from." Onyx replied "Wait!" He then turned to Amber and said "We discussed this." After a moment, Amber took a deep breath, and removed her mask.

As soon as she took off the mask, Headmaster recognized her immediately. She was there in Philadelphia. "The girl. She's one of them. Oh my. This changes everything. Imagine how badly we can hurt the Elites. Break their hearts and wills by killing this kid." Amber was in shock "NO! You don't understand! I'm..." She was cut off as metal bars rose from the ground and sealed her inside of a cage. "Don't bother trying to use your powers. These bars cut them off. Onyx! Kill her!" Onyx replied "No! She's supposed to take my place! She would take my place in the ritual. She would become a mummified shadow instead of me!" Amber said "You lied to me. Bluestone was right! You were using me!" "SHUT UP!" Onyx yelled. Headmaster chimed in "I swear we will find you a replacement. Now kill her!" Onyx replied "Yes Headmaster." As the cage opened, Amber tried to run, only to be pushed back in and slammed against it. Onyx then pulled out two knives, and was ready to carve her. But something happened. He couldn't do it.

Onyx then turned around and lunged at the audience, tossing knives at 6 of them at once. The audience went in a frenzy trying to escape the enraged shadow. He stood directly in front of Headmaster and said "Run." As Headmaster made a break for it, more and more masked men were killed by throwing knives. Many of the exit doors were locked. Onyx slowly made his way after Headmaster, slashing countless Rogues while stabbing even more with the throwing knives. Onyx even pulled a man's heart right out of his chest. Headmaster made his way into his suite and barricaded the doors with chairs. Just when he thought he was safe, swords pierced through the door, tearing it to shreds. "What have you done?" Headmaster said. Onyx then removed his mask, dropped it on the floor, and stabbed the eyes out with the swords. "I'm not your slave, a lackey, or even a hitman. I'm not one of you. And I never will be. That girl and I came out of the same hole. And you were kicked out of office because of not just her, but me too. Mr. Ex-President." Onyx removed Headmaster's mask. The man underneath was plump, with a serious face and blonde hair. "Admit it. You would have done the same to me." Onyx said. And with that, he stabbed the claws into Headmaster's torso, and broke his ribcage. And when he pulled his hand out, his heart came too. "Pleasure doing business with you."

When Onyx returned to the bloody scene, Amber was still in the cage, but her mask was back on. "I just sacrificed everything for you Nat. Now what will you do for me?" Onyx said in a steady tone. Amber tried to punch him through the bars, but Onyx caught her hands, and pulled her into the bars, knocking her down instantly.

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