Ch.1: Dave Franco Is Mine!

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-Thoughts (italics)
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-end of chapter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ch.1: Dave Franco Is Mine!
The school bell rings. Yes! I can finally leave this hell hole! I jump out of my seat, put my books away and dash out of the classroom. I see the front doors of the school and smile to myself....before being pushed against the locker. This can only be one person, Addison already got picked up. I look up to see him smirking down at me. Oliver Sullivan.

"How's my favorite nerd?" He asks, he puts his hands on both sides of my head. Damn! My only chance of escape! I roll my eyes. "I don't know, how are you?" I reply smirking a bit. That probably wasn't a good idea...His smirk fades. "You better watch what you say to me. Kayla and the others aren't around right now so one wrong move and you're dead, got it?" He asks through gritted teeth. I think he's staring into my soul..oh wait, what soul? I gulp and nod. After that, I stay quiet. One day my mouth will get me killed.

"Ugh, you're not worth my time." He mutters but since we're close to one another I heard. Instead of staying quiet, I say something like the idiot I am. "So then why are you here? Fail another test and decided to take your anger out on me?" I ask. He growls and I clamp a hand over my mouth when I realize what I said. Oh schnitzel. "In fact, I did fail another test...maybe you can help with that." He states while picking me up by my shirt. How dare he?! This is my favorite shirt of Teen Wolf!..Iris, now is not the time to be worried about your shirt! I close my eyes. God, I know I've done some bad and stupid things in life but I am way to scared to die! Please send help!

Before Oliver could send me flying across the school with just one throw, someone calls his name. "Oliver!" A familiar voice shouts. I open my eyes to see my best friend and savior from another hell hole, Kayla. "Damn!" Oliver mutters as he looks over at Kayla. "Put her down!" Kayla tells him as she runs over. Oliver smirks. "Okay, I'll put her down." Oliver says. I realize what he meant. "Don't you dar-" I was to late, Oliver drops me from the height he was holding me up at. Did I mention he's extremely tall and I'm extremely small? I let out a gasp and land on my bottom with an 'oof'. Oliver smirks. "Well, that was fun but I'll be off now. Bye Kayla! See ya, nerd!" Oliver says to us and walks out the front doors of the school.

Kayla drops to her knees beside me and puts her hands on my shoulder. "Are you alright?" She asks me. I let out a sigh. "I'm fine K." I reply. She raises an eyebrow. "I'm used to it by now and besides, I'm the one who's pushing all his buttons so it's my fault." I tell her, "Although, my bottom does hurt." I add. She laughs. "I'm sure it does. Now lets get going, your dad will wonder where you are." Kayla tells me. I stand up and she does as well. "Alright, lets go!" I say.

We get to the parking lot and walk to Kayla's car. Kayla is seventeen, she already got her license and as you can tell, a car. I take a seat in the passengers side while she gets in the drivers side.

"So, where's Adam?" I ask her. "He went home early today. He told me he had a really bad headache because of the fight today." Kayla answers casually and starts the engine. "Are you not worried?" I ask her, raising an eyebrow. "Oh believe me, I'm terrified for him but I will always love and support him no matter what." Kayla says, smiling at me. "I swear, one day someone is going to take advantage of your kindness, generosity and heart." I tell her and put my seatbelt on. She laughs a bit. "And you'll show up at my front door with their head." Kayla adds. "Also some ice cream." I add. "Yep, then we'll binge watch a series on Netflix." She says, we both laugh as she begins to drive away.

"Dylan O'Brien is mine!" Kayla yells. "Fine, then Dave Franco is mine!" I retaliate. Right now, Kayla and I are in our famous-person-that-will-never-love-us-but-we-think-they-do-war. Kayla gasps dramatically. "That's right, I called him, if you're not happy, you can suck it!" I exclaim. Kayla backs away as far as she can in her seat. "Excuse you but, I have a boyfriend." She says. "So that means I can have Dylan?" I ask her. "No!" She shouts and gets out of the car. I laugh and get out my side of the car. "Just be lucky I don't tell Adam!" I shout to her as I cross the street. Kayla and I live across the street from each other so it's very convenient for her to drive me to and from school. Plus, I can visit her whenever I want...well, of course when she's not busy or with Adam. "He already knows!" Kayla shouts back before stepping inside her house and shutting the door.

I silently laugh to myself before walking inside my own house. "If anything ever happens, I know I can count on you!" I hear my dad say. He's probably on the phone. "Alright, bye now." He says. I drop my bag and chuck my shoes off before entering the kitchen where he is.

"Hey dad!" I greet smiling. "Hey Iris, how was school?" He asks. "The same as usual." I reply, opening the fridge. "Boring and stupid?" He asks. "Yep." I say, popping the 'p'. I grab a bowl of grapes that was in there, shrug, and close the fridge door. "So, how was work?" I ask him, turning around. "It went well." He says. I walk over to him. "That doesn't sound believable." I tell him and raise an eyebrow. "No seriously, it went well today but apparently I need to stay in late tomorrow." He tells me. "Oh okay, is that bad?" I ask. "Well not really, but tomorrow's Friday. I don't want to miss our movie night." He says frowning. My dad and I have movie nights every Tuesday and Friday, on other nights it's karaoke or gaming. "Oh dad, it's alright, we can miss one movie night." I say." He sighs. "Alright." He mutters. "Now, I have some dumb math homework that I need to finish." I say. "Ah right, homework." He rolls his eyes,"Well go ahead, I don't want to keep you waiting." He says. "No, no, you can keep me waiting all you want." I say smiling innocently. "Iris." He says in a warning tone. I roll my eyes and sigh. "Fine.." I mumble and leave the kitchen.

I grab my bag and run upstairs to my bedroom. Once I get there, I hop on my bed and take out my math homework. "After this crap, I'm rewarding myself..." I say to myself after looking over the work.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ was it? Did you enjoy it? I'm honestly really nervous and..kinda sweaty...heh. Anyway, if you did enjoy please comment, like and give feedback. PEACE! FT OUT! ✌️❤


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