Sophie's Little Monsters

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When she was done eating, she asked to be excused and headed upstairs.  She entered her room, "Oh, you little monsters come out now, we need to talk." she said as she searches under her bed.  Then Axe, came out from under and said, "Good morning Sophie how did you sleep?" he asked her "How did I sleep, Really? You and your brothers kept me up all night with your fighting.  Now I have to watch Mrs. Anderson, tired." she replied "Sorry, we won't fight with you again.  So when are you going to take us to eat?" he asked  "Now that you mention that Mr. Jack comes by looking for his cat.  Has any of you seen her outside anywhere?" she asked them knowing that the cat was dead.

"What's a cat?" asked Ahoy  "Well, a cat is something like you but, he walks with four legs and you walk with two.  He has fur, oh, ya Mr. Jack's cat was all white." said explained as she observes their expressions.  "White, don't know what you talking about." said Che  "White, I don't know either." said Cha   Then as Ahoy was ready to talk, he happen to burp first, then he said, "White, I, we didn't eat anything white." as a furball falls out of his mouth.

"Really? So what just fell out of your mouth?" she asked as she looks at the nasty piece of a leftover cat on her floor.  "That, that was a white bird, right fellas, yesterday we had white birds for dinner," said Ahoy still trying to convince Sophie that they didn't eat the neighbor's cat.

"You're a creepy little liar, I know you ate Mr. Jack's cat.  Stop doing things that will get you and me in trouble. Do you understand?" she said in a mean tone.  The little monster all looked at her with their eyes wide opened and at the same time, they put their creepy little heads down and said,"We're sorry, we won't eat any more cats, that's what you said it was right?" asked Ahoy 

"Yes! Cat!  Now go outside and meet me in the yard, I'm going to take you to the dumps, before you going eating the others neighbors dog." she said as she began to put on her shoes.  "What neighbor has a dog?" asked Ake  "What is a dog?" asked Che  "Hey, is a dog bigger than a cat?" asked Ahoy  "Why all the question?  I'm not telling anything about the neighbor's pets. You not going to eat the dog too, understand me!" she yelled    "Hey, Hey chill, we did say we were going to eat your other neighbor's dog. So Chill." said Ake  

"Really, you didn't say it, but you were thinking it, go now, getting going, I meet you outside in twenty minutes, go now," she said as she opened the window for them to leave.  They all glanced up and looked at her, "Are you kidding me. I know I ate Mr. Jacks cat, but I'm not letting throw me out of the window again." .said Ahoy as he began to walk under the bed, "I'll meet you in the yard, like you said, later." he said as he went underneath the bed.  "Sophie, we'll meet you outside, and we didn't eat the cat, Ahoy lie," said Che as they all went under the bed into the hole, then appeared out of the lawn.  When they reach the yard, they began to scream up to Sophie.  She then looked out the window and waved.  Then she headed downstairs.

"Mom, Dad can I go outside for a while until Mr. Eric shows up with his grandmom?" she asked with a big smile.  "Where is it that you plan to go?" Julie asked her  "Just down the road.  I want to see if Tanya can come to keep me company later on." she explained  "Hey, that's a good idea, go, but be back in an hour.  Eric should be here by then." said her mother.  "Good, thanks, mom," said Sophie as she gives them both a kiss and ran out the front door.

She quickly ran to the yard, then she whispered, "Hey, I'm here.  Where are you?"  "Look this way!" yelled Ahoy who was up in a tree further up the road.  Sophie ran in that direction, hoping her mother didn't see her going the wrong way.   "What are you doing up there?" she asked  "We can see better when we're up high as you can see we are kind of little," said Ake as they all started to climb down the tree.

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