Sophie's Little Monsters

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Julie went caught up with her husband.  He was digging out Mr. and Mrs. Jordans front door. They were a very wealthy old couple.  They had children, but they moved away to the city.  So basically they were on their own.  They both were going in their eighties, very cute couple.   

Julie approached her husband, "Honey I hope you're done here." she said when she saw that the door was already opened.   "We're done here, I need to dig out their front steps and door of the house.  But I leave that for tomorrow.  I'm too tired." said Mark  "I don't blame you. You've been working all day long.  Let's go home." said Julie as she said hello to the elderly couple.  "Thank you, Mark, here takes this for your troubles," said Mr. Jordans   

"No, Sir, I do believe this is part of my job.  Sir, I'm going home, and I'll return tomorrow.  Please don't try to dig the entrance to your home out.  You're the first person I will visit in the morning.  So you two, get some rest, and don't worry, we have you in your home by tomorrow." said Mark as he helps the couple back down the steps to their shelter.  The Jordans agreed and Mark helped them lock the shelter's door, once they said their goodbyes.  

Now Sophie wasn't taking the chance again, she knew that if she went outside, she'll be punished for a long time.  So she sat in her room playing with her dolls.  Sophie had about ten dolls.  They were all sitting on a bench.  She took of them and began to change their clothes.  When she went to put them back, he saw a hole underneath of bench.  

She dropped her doll on the floor and got on her knees to take a closer look.  "What is this?  It looks the same way the dirt was under the swing.  Whatever was out there is now coming in here.   Should I stick something inside the hole to prevent him from coming in?  I did see them a little.  They looked like walking babies from a distance.   But if they're dangerous, better safe than sorry." she said as she took a wash rag and stuffed it into the hole.   

"Hey, did you see that?" said Ake  "Yes, someone stupid blocked our entrance. It's that little girl again." said Ahoy  "Push the giant rag, out of the hole." said Che  "I'm trying but this thing doesn't let me." said Ake  "Let's all pull it at the same time. On the count of one," suggested Ahoy as they all began pulling on the wash rag, they all said one and pulled.  They pulled and pulled when they all landed one on top of another.   "YO, get off of me!" yelled Cha   "You get off of me first!" said Ake  "When this dummy over here gets off of me, then maybe I can get off of you." said Che  "Who you calling dummy! Dummy!  Now get your foot off of my hand and maybe I can get up!" yelled Ake  There were four of them, sent by the others to find food.   

The others were busy underground digging a tunnel for their home.  They struggle for a good five minutes when they manage to get untangled and went back to what they were doing.

Sophie suddenly saw the washcloth disappear into the hole.   "Oh, no there back! I hope they didn't get angry with me for covering the hole," she said as she jumped on her bed and glanced from a distance.  Then slowly Ake poked his head out of the hole.  He looked around until he saw Sophie and they locked eyes.   "I see you!" she told him  "I see you too," he said as he disappeared back into the hole.  "Hey come back!" she screamed  

"There you go, you mess everything up.  Now the big mouth girl saw you and she knows it's us again." said Ahoy  "What are you talking about, she already knew when she placed that thing to block our exit." said Ake  "Listen guys, she's still calling you." said Che   "Ignore her, she'll believe that we left, and maybe she'll go to sleep and shut up." said Cha  "You don't like people?  Do you?" asked Ake  "Nope, and I don't deny it.  Their nothing but trouble.  They lie, steal and for no reason at all want to kill you.  So if you have a good reason why I should like them, do tell me what I don't know." said Cha

"You know, there are nice people out there, they just hard to find.  Maybe this girl is one of them." said Che  "You know, we should give her a chance, we still need a human to lock the door behind us." explained Ake   Then from the distance they heard, "He's right, a nice, give me a chance." yelled Sophie who was still standing on her bed.  Then out of the hole hopped Ahoy, "Did anyone ever tell you that listening to other conversation is rude, very rude." said Ahoy  "Did anyone ever tell you that digging holes in others bedroom, is rude, very rude." said Sophie as she stepped off the bed to take a closer look at Ahoy.

"Hey, you're creepy but cute.  What's your name?' she asked with a smile   "I'm not cute!  My name is Ahoy." said the troll making juster with its hands.  "Ahoy, where is your boat?" asked Sophie   "What do you mean where is my boat?  I don't have a boat." he replied  "So, why did you say Ahoy?" she asked   "What are you talking about?  I told you my name was Ahoy. That's what I've told you.  Boat!  who said anything about a boat!' he said  Then Sophie started laughing, she understood the mistake that she had made.  "Now what's so funny?" he asked   

"Nothing, you wouldn't understand.  So, Ahoy, why are you in my room?" she asked  "Well, it's a long story, but to make it a short one, we hungry.  We need food! Lot's of food!" said Che as he hopped out of the hole in the floor.   "Hey, how many, more are you?' she asked  "Why do you want to know, it's none of your business.  Now where's the food?" asked Cha as he also came out of the hole.  Then Ake jumped out, "Look, girl we need to know, are you going to feed us or not?" he said as he approached her.    

"Look girl is not a way to ask for things.  Maybe if you asked in a nicer way, I just might get you some chicken," she said as she began to put her slippers on.  "Nice, girl you lucky we need you, and we are not allowed to eat people." said Ahoy  "You know little one, you have an attitude problem and like my daddy says, that always gets you into trouble." she explained  "Who cares what your father says, where's the chicken?" said Ahoy as he jumped onto her bed and then sat at the edge.   

Sophie walked up to Ahoy and pulled his hair.  "Hey, Ake, she hit me.  You saw that right she hit me.  Can I eat her now or later?" said Ahoy  Then Ake also jumped up on the bed and smacked him across the back of his head.  "We aren't eating anyone!  Did you get that?" said Ake as he jumped back on the floor.  "Hey, it's all good, Ake, I will remember that," he said as he shut his mouth and kept quiet.

"Look, creepy things, wait, by the way, what are you?' she asked  "Girl stop interrogating us and get us that chicken already!" said Ahoy  "You really need to stop talking to me that way, I might just put something on your chicken to make you sleep for  a long time." she said   Ahoy glanced at her, it took him a while to realize what she meant.   He then rolled his eyes and again kept quiet.

"Look if you guys can keep quiet for a while, I'll go to the kitchen and get you what I promised." she explained  "That sounds great! We will keep quiet. Go, go now!" said Ake trying to smile with his creepy unusual face.  "One thing, while I'm gone, if anyone comes in, make sure they don't see you.  Some people don't understand when others are different.  Mostly all kids do, but some teenagers and grown-ups, something has difficulty understanding one's differences.  So stay out of sight! Got it?" she said as she closed the door behind her and headed to the kitchen.  

She checks on Mrs. Anderson, who was now fast asleep.  Then she went to the kitchen and took four pieces of cooked chicken and placed them on a plate.  She then headed back to her room.

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