Sophie's Little Monsters

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Now Felix ran through the yards jumping every fence that would appear along the way.  He had a big gash on his leg from the claws and he had a very nasty bite on his ankle.    Felix ran as fast as he was able to.  He kept falling every now and then, but he kept running.  He finally arrived at his house.  He quickly ran in and started to take care of his leg.   All the while screaming in pain, every time he poured alcohol directly on the cuts.  

"What the hell was that?" he asked Frank as he walked into the house.   "Really?  Are you asking me?  I don't know what in the world was that, but one thing I do know, that shit scared the shit out of me." said Frank  "Oh, yes I can tell, asshole, you didn't even try to help me.  You just ran like a bitch!  Wait, tell I'm better, I am kicking your ass for this." said Felix as he took care of his wounds.   

"Hey, you wanted to do a house so early, this is all on you.  I told to wait for nightfall, but no, greedy Felix couldn't wait.  Man you can blame me all you want, but you know this is all on you." said Frank as he opens the frig and grabbed a beer.  

"Whatever man, I still kicking your ass when I do get my strength back.  What was that thing?" asked Felix  "I don't have a clue, but it did look like some demon of some sort.  Tell one thing, that little thing was really messing you up!" said Frank with a smile  "Really, and that's funny to why?" asked Felix  

"No, I'm just saying. You wouldn't understand, you didn't see it happen." said Frank  "What?  Are you serious, how could I not see, when it was happening to me, ass hole?  Look do me a favor take a walk, cause right now you are really getting on my last fucken nerve!" yelled Felix as he picked up his shoe and tossed it at Frank.  Frank quickly moved out the way, "Fine, I'm gone already." he said as he walked out of the front door.  "Shit!  Such an asshole," he muttered to himself.

Frank hang out on the porch for a while.  When it began to get dark, he went back into the house.  "So, are you ready for tonight?" he asked Felix  "Really, look at my foot, you know damn well, I'm not going anywhere. Well I'll take Bill with me, he can be my lookout." said Frank  "Your look out, you just better make sure he knows about those little monsters we saw.  Once you tell him, he might decide not to go with you." said Felix   

"Then I guess I won't tell him.  I see when we get back," said Frank as he began to walk out.  "Really, you're not going to tell him?" asked Felix  "Those monsters were in that house, it doesn't mean, they're all over the place.  Chill already, we'll return in an hour or two.  Later Bro." said Frank as he went to the barn and invited Bill to go with him, of course without telling him about the little monster.

The two men took the trail through the forest, cause the yard to all the property was connected.  This made it easy for them not to be spotted.  They walked for a while and when they were able to see the yards to the homes, they sat down and waited.  "Look, we can stop here for a while." said Frank  "Why, don't we have to start digging them out the windows?" asked Bill "Yes, but it's only nine o'clock, not everyone asleep yet." he explained  "Oh, well, I'm closing my eyes for a while, when you're ready, let me know," said Bill as he sat on the ground and got comfortable.  Frank stood up, waiting.  

Now Sophie's patients and Eric arrived.  Sophie ran up to them, "Mom and Dad, what took you so long?" she asked as she hugged them.   "We ran into a little problem, nothing that concerns you.  Hey, what's all this?" Julie as she noticed all the boxes on the porch. 

 "Well, since dad and you were busy digging and help the neighbors, I decided to help you.  Look, mom, now there are only four boxes on the porch, but we placed every else in the living room," she explained not realizing what she said.  "We?  Who's we?" asked her father  "What?  Dad doesn't be silly, we're we.  I meant us." she said   "But we didn't help you?" asked her father  "No, Daddy you are really confusing me.  No now helped me.  I was here all day carry all this stuff from the bomb shelter to the house.  I'm really tired." she explained hoping to convince them and they stop asking her so many questions.

"You really moved all this on your own?" asked Julie with a smile  "Honey if someone stopped over and helped you, we won't get angry.  Did you really move all these items on your own?" again her father asked.  "Daddy, I did, now let it go already.  Are we sleeping in our house?" she said as she quickly changes the subject.

Her patients glanced at her and smile.  Then her father began to move the rest of the boxes inside the house.  "Well, I'm going to get my grandmom.  Mark, I'm taking the jeep, call me in the morning," said Eric as he headed to the shelter.  "That will be fine.  I sure I won't be up so early, I get to sleep in my real bed tonight.  See you tomorrow.  Thanks for everything." said Mark  "Thanks to you, my grandmom and I could also sleep in our own bed. See you tomorrow man." said Eric as he went on his way.  He then helped his mother up the steps and into the jeep.  Then he went on his way home.

Mark and Julie organized a couple of things.  They made something eat, then got ready for bed.  Sophie was very glad that she was finally sleeping in her own bed.  She ate, then headed to her room.   After a couple of minutes, her patients walked in and gave her a goodnight kiss then they went to their room.

Sophie began to fix her bed to get in when she heard someone tapping on her window.  She looked over and there stood Ahoy, waving.  Sophie found that so adorable, she quickly opened the window.  As he opened the window,  Ahoy fell off the frame down to the ground.  The others were still climbing up the electrical wires.   When they saw Ahoy passed them on the way down, they all began to laugh and also fell off the wires on top of Ahoy.  This really pissed him off.  "Get off of me, this is not funny," he said as he got out from under them, who of course was still laugh.  

"Oh, yes it was!" said Axe  "Ya man, you just had to see your face on the way down.  Man you were scared out your mind." said Che still giggling and laughing   "Kiss my nuts, I'm heading back up, and I'm pulling that girls hair hard." said Ahoy in a angry voice  "Really, go ahead bad boy, she going to throw you right out of the window again." said Cha  "That was an accident, she didn't mean that to happen." explained Ahoy  "Really, whatever you say, let's started climbing again." said Ake as he began to climb up the side wires.

When Sophie saw what she has done, she quickly ran down the steps and out the front door.  She then walked to the yard, and whispered, "Hey, where are you?" as she walked.  Then she hears the giggling.  "Hey, there you go. Are you alright?  I'm so sorry you fell.  I didn't mean for that to happen." she said with a smile as she picked Ahoy up and cuddle him.  The others got a little bit jealous.  "Hey, humans are not supposed to pick us up." said Axe  "Really?' she said  "Don't listen to him, he's lying," said Ahoy as he cuddles her back.  "What are you doing out here? It's late, there are lots of bad people out here," she said,  

"Like the one..." Ahoy tried to talk and Axe shook his head no.  So Ake didn't finish his sentence, he kept quiet.  "Like who?" asked Sophie  "I'm sorry, I was thinking of something else." said Axe  "So, what are you doing here?" she again asked again.   "Well, we were thinking that maybe we can talk some more.  You know, are you going to help us get back home?" asked Ahoy  "I don't know.  I'm a little girl. Going up that mountain is dangerous for children.  Let me think about it for a while." she said  "So, do you guys want to come in for a while and watch some TV?" she asked them with a pleasant smile.  

"Sure, but this time open the window before we climb." said Ahoy  "No, silly.  Follow me, my patients are sleeping, so make sure tip-toe all the way to my room." said Sophie as she headed to the front of the house.  The four little monsters literally followed every step she took.  When they arrived at the front door, Sophie slowly opens the door and whispered, "No one says a word, until we are all in my room.  Understand?" she said as all the little monster shook their head yes.  Then they quietly went into the house, up the step as quick and quiet as possible.

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