Sophie's Little Monsters

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Mark and Eric began to pull the door down.  They kept pulling until the door finally flew open.  "We got it!" said Eric as they both moved back, as the snow and ice entered.  There was no sign of light.  Mark and Eric grabbed the shovels and began to dig an exit.  Julie gave them some coffee as they dug for about two hours when they finally began to see the sunlight.

"Julie, I think we'll be done," said Mark as he began to step out of the bomb shelter, with Eric right behind him.   "Look at this, not one house in view.  The ice and snow covered all the homes.  We have a lot of digging out." said Eric  "Let's go by, house to house and make sure everyone is safe.  We can start with our neighbors.  Let's go see if they need any help." said Mark    There were five families that live close to Mark's home.  Mark and Eric began to dig the outer side of the neighbor's bomb shelter.  One by one the neighbors, making sure that they had an exit out o the shelter.

Meanwhile, Julie, Sophie, and Eric's mother decided to go out and get some air.  They went up the step and saw the after the mess of the avalanche.  "Mom, why did this happen?" asked Sophie as they talked about moving the trees out of the way.  "Sweetie, sometimes, mother nature gets angry and tears the ground and mountain apart.  

Then when she's no longer upset, she calms down and nature goes back to normal," explained Julie as she began to dig her steps out from under the snow and ice.   "Why?" she asked  "Because" answered Julie while shoveling. Then Sophie went towards the yard, she wanted to check on the swimming pool and swings.  "Where are you going?  Don't go too far we don't know if it's safe," said Julie as she continues on working.  She noticed saw that one of the swings was still intact, so she decided to swing for a while.

Sophie began to swing.  slow first then firster by the minute.  She placed her feet on the ground and pushed with her legs.   Then she heard her mother call her.  Sophie began to place her feet on the ground little by little to stop the swing from swinging.  Then she someone complained, "Shit! That hurt!"  "Move let me go first!" said the whispered that she heard.    

She was still sitting on the swing trying to stop.  Then again when she stepped onto the ground.  "Your right, there's something in the way." said the whispers.  Sophie thought to herself, "I know I heard someone talk and whatever it is is right under my feet, "  as she held her feet in the air making sure it didn't touch the ground.  She began to look at the ground, hoping she see who was whispering.

"Aka, I think we can get out now." said the tiny voice  "Hey, I think you're right," said his friend, as his small hand began to come out from underneath the ground.  Sophie was now standing on the swing, watching and waiting patiently a little afraid.

The dirt began to fly in the air in chunks.  Rock, branches, soda cans,  everything that was blocking their way, they slowly removed.  Then again "Sophie!  Where are you?  Time to go inside, I'm not leaving out here.  Sophie moved now!  cried her mother who was now helping Eric mother back inside.   

The moment the little creatures heard Julie's cries, they stopped digging and kept quiet.  Sophie jumped off the swing making sure she did disturb whatever was under that ground.  She landed on her knees, hurting her knees, she quietly got up and went to the front lawn where her mother was waiting.  As she ran away, she kept looking back.  She was a little scared.

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