Sophie's Little Monsters

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Sophie opened her bedroom door. She let the little monsters enter first, then she entered and locked the door behind her.  "So, have you found any food?" she asked them, as Ahoy jumps on her bed and sits down.  Ake climb up the dresser and took a seat there.  Che and Cha sat on the window sealed and began to look out.   

"Well, we did find something to eat, but we are still kind of hungry." said Ake  "Sorry, I don't like anything I bring you, so if you hang on until tomorrow, I'll make sure you get what you like to eat," she explained.  "Really?  You said there are lots of mice and rats where you taking us, you are not making that up, are you? asked Ahoy  "Wait and see, tomorrow you'll consider me your best friend.  Now, do you want to play cards?  I'm always alone, so it's hard to play cards by yourself." she explained.

"What is that?" Che asked as he jumped out the window sealed and walked towards the bed.  "Come, let's sit on the floor and form a circle.  I will show you how to play," she said as she sat down on the floor.   The little monster all quickly did the same.  "We are going to play pairs.  I'm going to place four cards down, I will give you four cars each.  You'll compare your cards, the with the four cards that are laid out.  If any of your cards is the same.  You take that card and place a card that you don't need.  We'll keep doing this until all this deck is gone. Then the one with the most points wins." she explained while shuffling and handing out the cards.

"So what do we win?" asked Cha  "You win the game." she said  "What?" asked Ahoy with a confused expression.  "That's not important pick up your cards.  Don't show them to anyone.  Ake you go first.  Look at the four cards, do you have any of those?" she asked him  "No." he said  "Well, now you take a card from the deck, and throw one out that you don't really need." she explained as she pointed to the deck.

They went around in a circle, then it was Ahoy turn, somehow he wasn't paying attention.  "Ahoy, wake up it's your turn," said Cha   Ahoy did say a word, he looked down, in a sad way.  Somehow Sophie knew what was wrong, "You ate my cards didn't you?" she asked with an angry look.  Ahoy shook his head no.  "No, really?  Open your mouth," she said as she approaches him.  Ahoy didn't want to open his mouth.  

Then Axe quickly walked up to him and pushed him on his stomach.  Ahoy screamed and opened his mouth wide enough to drop the reminders of the cards you were enjoying.  "No, why did you eat my card?  Game over, we can't continue playing with four cards missing," she said as she began to gather all her cards, to put them away.  

"Did you see what you've done?  I was really was winning, and you greedy self, just had to eat the cards," said Axe as he jumped on him and began hitting him.  Then Che and Cha began to instigate.  "Get Ake, that greedy thing, let me at him when you're done." said Che  "Ya, I want a turn too," said Cha  Sophie began to separate the two monsters.  She got in between and stopped them from fighting.   

She was holding on to Axe with one hand and Ahoy with the other.  Somehow Ahoy got away from her, "So you want a turn," he said as he jumped on Cha and the fight started again.  Sophie let go of Ake and went to separate the other when the doorknob began to move and from the other side of the door you hear, "Sophie, what are you doing? then her bedroom door opened up and her mother enters the room.  Sophie panic, "I can explain." she said not realizing that all her little monster friends were gone.  

"Why are you making so much noise, sorry girl time for bed." said her mother as she pushes her to her bed.  Sophie was still confused, as she climbs into her bed, she looks around, then realize that her mother didn't get to see them at all.  "Good night mom, sorry about the noise," she said as her mother give her a kiss and said goodnight.  She then went back to her room and went back to sleep.  

The moment she closed Sophie's bedroom door, the little monster came back out, "Hey, sorry we got you in trouble. You'll see you in the morning." whispered Che as he headed to a new home under her bed.  "Yes, we are really sorry.  It's this idiots fault." whispered Axe  "Hey, let's go the lady with the big mouth is going to hear us again." said Cha "Sorry, Sophie, good night, remember your promise." said Ahoy as he disappeared under the bed  Then the others did the same.  Sophie lay in bed, waiting for them to stop arguing under her bed.  After a long while, she finally fell asleep.

Now on the other side of town, Frank and Bill were breaking inside Johnson's home.  They were further up the mountain where the snow and ice were deeper.  The family was still sleeping in the bomb shelter and they knew this.  They didn't have any problem getting in and out.  This time, they left without covering the window back up with snow.  They notice that they were leaving foot points so they began jumping from spot to spot trying to confuse whoever would find the prints.  Then the two low life men went back home, where Felix was waiting in pain.

The following morning someone knocks on her family's door.  Mark and Julie were making breakfast.  Sophie was still sleeping, the little monster kept her up late.  Mark went to answer the door.  "Hey, Jack what are you doing here so early?" he asked him  "Dude, yesterday someone broke into my house.  Now today, I find my cat, well let me put it this way, what's left of my cat on my front lawn.  Something or someone, kill or ate my cat.  If you don't believe me, come I'll show you what's left." said Jack  

"What?  Maybe wolves came down from the mountain after the avalanche.  But you don't have to show me anything, I believe you.  Why don't you take a couple men with you and go to Eric's house, he has my jeep, Go look around, and do tell Eric that the Johnson need help to dig out their windows and doors." explained Mark  "Fine, but when I get whatever did that to my cat, it's going to regret it, I'll see you later." said Jack as he jumped in this truck and went on his way.

Mark went back inside and sat down to eat his breakfast.  "Honey who was at the door?" Julie asked  "Jake, apparently, someone or something, ate his cat." replied Mark  "What? Really? Poor thing, if an animal really ate his cat, you won't find him anywhere.  Jack's cat was fat as hell and they left with a full belly." said Julie  "That's funny but sad." said Mark as he started to eat his food.  "Sophie is still sleeping.  She was up late, talking to herself, I'm going to have a talk with her about that.  But right now I need you to go wake her up." said Julie   Mark put his spoon down and went upstairs to wake Sophie.   

When he approached the door he hears a sound, "You wake her up!  No, you wake her up."  He quickly opened the door, then wondered if he was hearing things, cause his daughter was still in bed asleep.  Before he woke her, he searches the room, for he knew he heard something, but found nothing.  So he sat on the side of Sophie's bed and began to shake her slowly, "Sweetie, it's morning, get up." he said   After a couple of shakes, she opened her eyes.  "Good morning daddy." she said with a smile  "Your mom wants you downstairs for breakfast.  Go brush your teeth I'll meet you downstairs." he said as he got up and went back downstairs to finish his breakfast.

Sophie did what she was told, then heading downstairs to the kitchen.  "Good morning mom," she said as she entered the kitchen.  "Good morning, here you go, eat up.  I'm might need you today to help watch Mrs. Anderson while the adult continues digging." Julie explained as she places Sophie's plate in front of her.    "Sure.  Is she coming here?" she asked,  "Yes, Eric isn't going to leave her alone after what happen to Jack's cat." Julie continues  

"What happens to Mr. Jack's cat mom?" Sophie asked with a puzzled look on her face.  "Sweetie, some type of animal ate Mr. Jack's cat." said Mark "Really? Why?' she asked  "We don't know, maybe the animal was hungry. Like I am right now, less talking and more eating." he said with a smile as he continues to eat.  The moment her father said the word hungry, Sophie knew that her little monster had something to do with the cat's death.  She didn't say another word, she wanted to finish eating.  She needs to go see her little greedy friends.

Sophie's Little Monstersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें