Sophie's Little Monsters

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They all started to dig quickly.  When they finally were able to open the door,  Eric ran into the house.  As he looked around he noticed the items that were missing.  Mark took pictures and began looking around for evidence, without any luck.  After half an hour, they cleaned up the mess the robber had made.  Then someone knocks on the door.  Mark went to answer.  It was two other neighbors.  They explained to Mark that they were going to dig out their doors today.  But somehow someone went through the side window and robbed their homes.   One of the neighbors didn't want to tell Mark what they robbed, for he knew it was illegal.  So they made sure they didn't mention the moonshine.

Mark wrote their names down, then Eric helped him visit the neighbors home.  They visit each family that was robbed and documented everything that was stolen.  Now they began going house to house, making sure that the other neighbors knew what was going on.

Meanwhile,  Sophie was now pretty bored.  Mrs. Anderson didn't talk much, she just stood staring at the television.  Sophie figured since her parents were taking long coming back, she will help out by taking the boxes and bags inside the house.  She went to asked Mrs. Anderson for permission, but she was asleep.  Sophie had forgotten all about the little monsters, she wanted to go back to her real bedroom.  So little by little, she began to carry items inside the house. 

Once she moved four boxes and two bags, she was tired out.  So she sat down on the steps, looking down the road, hoping that her patients appear.  While she stared down the road, she saw a lump in the middle of the road.  The road was muddy for the ice and snow were beginning to melt.  The ground began to lift up as dough someone was digging a trail.  Sophie, stood up to take a better look at the lump on the ground that was now approaching her at a very fast pace.  

After seeing the little monsters, Sophie wasn't alarm of what she saw.  She stood on the porch as the lump finally reach her house. Then suddenly she heard someone scream, "Shit, I hit my head, I think we're already here." said Ahoy  "Dig up stupid, dig up!" said Ake as he began with his long claws to dig up to the surface.  Then he popped his head right out, not expecting to see anyone, he screamed, "Oh, my goodness, you scared the crap out of him. Girl, what's your problem?" said Ake as he exited the ground.  

Then behind, his friends did the same.  They began to remove the dirt from their coats with their long claws.  "Hey, sorry if I've scared you.  What are you up to?" she asked as she looks down.  "Well, we went back to your room.  You weren't there, of course, you're here.  Then we all heard all this noise.  We saw peek out the window and saw what you were doing.  Che, here thought that you might need some help.  So do you? I mean Do you need some help?" he asked with a creepy smile.  

 The smile in a way did scare her a little, but she pretends it didn't bother her.   "Really?  You want to help me?" she asked as she sat down on the porch to be closer to them.  "Yes, we would like to help?" said Che  "How? I'm three times your size, and I'm already tired.  My patients should have been here by now, something must be wrong.  If you could really help me, I'll make sure I get some more hot dogs." she explained  "Look, girl, if that's all you got, keep your hot dog, we rather starve." said Cha  

"Hey, I have an idea.  We help you and in return, you can help us get back home." suggested Ake   "Take you home?  What do you mean?" she asked  "Well, the ice and snow came down the mountain, we happen to be outside playing, and it took us for a ride.  This how we got here." explained Ahoy as he leans on her knee.  

"I'm not sure, that mountain it's pretty high.  Do we have to go all the way to the top?" she asked as she touches Ahoy's nose.  "What do you do that for, don't touch my nose." he said  "You touch me first," said Sophie as she looks at his hand that was laying on her knee.  Ahoy look down, then quickly moved his hand away.  

This made the others and Sophie laugh.  "So, what's your decision?" asked Che  "Well, maybe if I ride my bike, it might not be so bad.  Fine, we have a deal. Let's shake on it." she said as she extended her hand.  Ahoy looked at her hand and spit on it, then he shook her hand.  "Eeek, that was nasty.  What's wrong with you? That's not the way you shake people's hands." she said as she wiped her hands on the grass. 

"That's spit is binding, no spit, no bonding, understand!" said Ahoy   "Fine, whatever, but I'm not shaking no one else's hand.  Let's get moving, I don't want my patient to show up and see you moving our things.  They might think you monsters or something dangerous." she explained as they all walked back to the bomb shelter, where Mrs. Anderson was still fast asleep.

They approached the boxes and bags and then like a flash, the speed back and forth.  In less than twenty minutes, all the boxes and bags were sitting inside the house on the living room floor.   Sophie watches in amazement.  Her little monster moved too quick to be seen.  When they went with the last items, Ahoy hears a noise around the back of the house.  "Ake did you hear that?" he asked as he headed in the direction.  

"Yes, it sounds like it comes from the back room," said Ake as they walked to the back of the house.  The sound came out of Sophie's bedroom.   Ake quickly open the door, and to his surprise, he saw a man's leg coming through the window.  Ahoy quickly grabbed onto the leg and began to pull.  Then Ake began to help him.  The man began to scream, "Let go of my leg you little creeps." not seeing who was pulling on his leg.   Then Felix and  Jordan struggled as he continued to fight to get his leg free from the little monster's grip.   

When Ahoy notices he was getting away, he grabbed his leg with his teeth and bite down as hard as he could.  The blood squirt all over his face.  Then as he tried to grab it, the claw the leg a couple of times.  They did try to stop him, but somehow he manages to escape.   Ake was about to jump out the window to follow him, but Ahoy, stopped him and told him not to, they have plenty of time to hunt him down. 

The taste of his blood, give him the smell that he needs to get a trail.  This made it easier for him, so while rush it.    "Ahoy, what do you think he was trying to do?" Ake asked  Ahoy headed to the bathroom and washed his face.   "Come, I'm ready, let's get out of here." said   "Should we tell the girl?" Ake asked  "I don't think that's a good idea, she's only a child.  We just need to keep an eye out, in case they decide to come back." said Ahoy as he headed out the front door to the porch.   "Hey, you two hand me worry for a minute there.  Where did you go?" she asked,  "We thought we heard a mouse.   But it was a false alarm." said Ahoy  

"What?  Mouse?  May I asked you something?" she asked with a confused look.   "Sure, ask me whatever you want?" said Ahoy  "When you heard the mouse, did you think, all no a mouse, run or did you say oh yes a mouse, dinner?  Which one is it?" she asked   "I could answer that, but promise us you won't judge us." said  Axe  

"Why should I, is not like you are humans?" she said as she waited for his answer.   "We go, wow, get that mouse!  Stump that mouse!  It's dinner time! That what we say.  Not exactly that, but something like that." explained Ake  "Oh, now I see why you hate what I've given you to eating the past.  I really sorry about that.  But if you like, I can show you a spot where lots of mice and rat hang out.  But if I take you there, you must promise not to attack, until I'm gone." she said  

"Really, is there really a place like that?  Girl don't mess with our stomach, it's not nice." said Ahoy  "Yes, there's a place like that,  I don't believe you move everything single thing.  So if you like, it's getting dark, but I can show you how to get there tomorrow." she said   "Well, girl, you just made a friend out of us, only if you're saying the truth." said Che  

"You'll wait until tomorrow," Sophie said when she suddenly heard her mother and father voice coming down the road.  "I think my patients are coming back, I really think you should hide," she said as she stood up on the steps and began to walk in her patient direction.   "I guess we're out of here!  let's go!" said Cha as he quickly carved his claws into the ground and made an entrance.  Then one by one said see you later, as they jumped into the hole in the ground.

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