Chapter 12

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I circled on an ad for a bank clerk job. I wanted to try something new. I took a sip of coffee and looked at the clock. It was only 10 in the morning. I was still in my pj's with my hair in a messy bun. 

As I was scanning the news paper, Michael walked in, with no shirt and sweat pants. He walked over to the coffee maker and pour himself a cup of coffee. 

"What you doing?" He asked as he turned around and leaned over the island. "Looking for a job, huh?" He asked as I circled one that said bartender. 

"Yeah, why?" I took another sip of my coffee. Michael then lifted my chin up so that I was facing him. 

"You look sexy as hell." He grinned at me. I rolled my eyes at him and looked back down to the newspaper. He looked down at one of the ads I had circled. "Don't work at a nightclub. I don't want other guys hitting on you." 

I finished my coffee and got up and poured myself another cup. "I'm single. I'll do whatever I want with who ever I want." I walked back over and took the newspaper and looked back over to Michael. "By the way, that thing I said last night, I didn't mean it."

He smiled and looked to me. "That's fine, but there's one thing that I gonna do." He walked over me.

"That is?" I asked. 

"I'm gonna make you fall in love with me all over again." He then kissed my forehead and sat down at the island. 

I walked up the stairs and walked into my room. Sat down at my desk and kept looking in the ads, but I ended up falling asleep on my desk. I didn't sleep very well last night.

In fact, I haven't slept very well the past couple of days, but the more sleep I could get, the better. Just to keep my mind off of everything, especially Justin. My fear was that he was going to find us and that would be it, I wouldn't be able to have my own life. 

I woke up an hour later, got dressed and then grabbed the newspaper, I was just about to leave, when I bumped into Michael. He glared up and down me, a grin appeared on his face. I wasn't even wearing anything that was sexy, but then I realized that my cleavage was showing. 

"Really?" I said, rolling my eyes at him and then walked away. 

"Where you going, especially looking like that?" He stopped me before I started to go down the stairs. "You're not going out to go get other guys are you? I'll kick their ass, just like I did the other night." 

I pulled away from his grip and walked away, ignoring him. I didn't want to deal with this crap today. I was really getting tired of this jealously, but it was kinda cute that he got so jealous. He didn't get jealous when I was dating Justin. 

Then again, Justin was more jealous of Michael, due to how close we were. Justin was even more jealous with how close I was with my brother. 

I walked down the stairs and walked out the front door. As I got outside, my brother was on the porch, tanning on one of the lawn chairs. He smiled at me as I returned the smile. 

"If I knew you were going to be tanning, I wouldn't be job hunting." I said, putting on my sunglasses, since it was really bright and hot today. 

"Well, I went to ask you, but you were asleep." He laughed, I looked on my phone and realized that it was Saturday. "Hunny, you have been job searching for days, you need to relax." 

I had just started job searching since yesterday, but knowing my brother, he likes to overthink things. "I've been doing it since yesterday, but since it's Saturday,  you wanna go watch topless guys play volleyball on the beach?" 

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