Chapter 1

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When I woke up this morning, it didn't feel like a normal day. It felt different. I looked over to see Justin still sleeping on the other side of the bed. I slowly got up, grabbed clothes and got into the shower. 

I was glad today was Friday. With the work week I had, drinks are needed after I got out of work. I've been staying late almost every time for the past few months because of my little sister Sammy. 

The water felt nice on my skin, I really didn't want to get out, but it was already 7:43 a.m. I had to be at work for 8, but it looks like I'll be a little late. 

When I got out of the shower, Justin was already dressed and ready to go. I grabbed my clothes and dropped my towel. I had enough time to put my bra and underwear on before I felt his warm hands go down my arms. 

"Let's not go into work. Stay home with me, baby." He slowly kissed my shoulder, going closer to my neck and lightly nibbled. "Please, baby? Take today off, I'm sure your parents will understand."

I pulled away from him to put my jeans on and one of my favorite plaid button-up shirts. "I wish, but they don't get it. I can't have a life, but they can with Sammy." I then grabbed my red leather jacket, that my Mimi gave me before she died. "I'll try my best to get out early and then we can go to the bar, have a few drinks, and spend time together." He kissed me and then smiled. 

"We can do that. I really wish you had today off, but to make the day even better, how about I bring you to work?"He then grabbed his coat and his car keys. I grabbed my bag and then we left for work. 

"You're late, again." I heard my mother's voice as I was trying to eat my breakfast. She walked in and sat down in front of my desk. "Why were you late this time?" 

I took a sip of my coffee and then looked at her. "Oh, I don't know. Probably because my boyfriend wants to spend more time with me because for the last couple months, I have been working late."

"I'm sorry, but you have more important things to do. Your father and I do like Justin, but you have duties here that you have to attend with."

"I know." I then took a bite out of my breakfast sandwich as she rolled her eyes, when she saw what I was wearing. "What's the problem now?" 

"You need to dress more formally if you're going to be in the office all day. I raised you better than this, Elizabeth." She then stood up as my older brother walked in. She looked at my brother and left our office. 

"Well, what did you do to her now?" Tim asked as he closed the door. "Okay, now spill it." He then sat down at his desk. 

"She bitched at me for being late again. I told her that I would like to spend more time with my boyfriend, but that's not important." I ranted to him. "But, anyway, I see that she is still not talking to you."

"Nope. Did I forget to mention that Dad stopped by my house last night?" Tim then put a file on his desk. "No way, why did he come over?" I asked. 

"First of all, he was completely wasted, screaming and yelling in front of my house. I guess that's what happen's when I finally had the guts to tell them your gay." He then got up and threw down a file.

My eyes widen when I saw the name of who the file was on. It was him. A name that I never thought I would see again. Michael James Locke.

My Secret Love (18+)Where stories live. Discover now