Chapter 4

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I woke up to a boy and a girl, jumping on the bed. They looked so much like me. 

"Mommy, mommy! Wake up!" The little boy said as he tried pulling me out of bed. "Come on Mommy. Daddy says that we can open presents now." The little girl said as I got out of bed and walked down the stairs, holding their little hands. 

I walked into the living room to find a fully decorative tree, lights went all around the room. Then I saw him. He was grabbing a little box that was hidden underneath the tree. I sat done with the little ones, as they cuddled up close to me. 

"Jacob. Lila. Can you give this to Mommy?" he said, handing the kids a tiny box. They gave it to me, but I still couldn't see who it was. 

As I opened the box, my eyes widen. No one knew what the meaning of this present, but two people. I knew what it was, so didn't Michael. I picked up the necklace that had a shell, sand dollar, and a little bottle of sand.

My eyes started to water as he came closer to me. When I opened my eyes, it was Michael. I didn't know what to think. 

I woke up and looked around the room. I was still home. I sat up and checked the time then rubbed my eyes. Tanner was still sleeping and I slowly got out of bed and went into the living room. I looked towards the balcony and saw a figure. 

I walked toward the glass doors to the balcony and then I saw him. 

"What are you doing here, Michael?" I asked as I saw the faint grin that was coming off his face. His black hoodie was still over his head. 

"What, no more Mikey?" He said. 

"You need to go before Justin wakes up and sees you." 

"Or what? He'll kick my ass? I doubt that. I've kicked his ass plenty of times." He chuckled. I crossed my arms and gave him an disgusted look, but he came closer to me. "I've missed you, sweetheart and so haven't you." 

"No, just leave, okay? I'm happy with Justin. I don't need you to repeat the past." I said as he took off his hood and I stared into his eyes. He brushed his hand up against my cheek. Chills went up my back, but it felt good. 

"Okay, okay, I'll just come back another time." He pulled away and threw a hand through his hair. "I'll be in town for awhile. I'll come visit you when you're in a better mood, but I can't leave without this."

He walked back towards me, brushed my hair behind my ear and then pulled me in for a kiss. That spark we had when we kissed, make me warm and happy inside, like his lips were a drug that I wanted to abuse, but I pulled away.

"Stop doing that!" I said. "I love Justin." 

He laughed, but then slowly came closer to my ear. "If you really loved him, you wouldn't of let me kiss you." Just like that, he was gone. Jumped down the fire escape and ran into the small woods that were right behind where I lived. 

I then went back inside and locked the door to the balcony. I didn't know what to do about him, but my one question is what is he doing here? Why did he come back? I laid in my bed, trying to answer some of my questions. 

I laid on Justin's chest, slowly drifted off to sleep.  

My Secret Love (18+)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin