Chapter 5

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I was woken up by Justin, he was planting kisses down my arm. His hands started to travel down, but I stopped them. "No, let me sleep." I said.

"It's noon, babe. We are going shopping, remember?" He said as he got up and pulled the blanket off of me. I remember that before we went to bed, he had asked if I wanted to go with him to help pick out a gift for my mother's birthday. 

"I'll get up in a few." 

"Come on, let's go. We need to get that gift before tonight." I was confused. Her birthday is next weekend. I sat up and checked my phone. When I went into my messages, my mom had sent me a text saying that they were throwing a party tonight because she and my father are going on a mini vacation the week of her birthday. 

The only thing that pissed me off, is that Justin went through my phone, again. I have no problem with him going through my phone, but if he checks my messages, he should at least tell me if someone texted me. 

I dropped my phone on the bed and went to go put some clothes on. "What's wrong?" Justin asked. Seriously? I turned around after I had gotten dressed and faced him. 

"I have no problem with you checked my phone, but if someone texts me, let me know." I said as a grabbed my phone and walked through the kitchen. He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. 

"I'm sorry, but don't get pissed off because I went through your phone. You to the same."

"I did, but I trust you enough that I don't need to check your phone, but when it comes to me, it's a big deal. You know I don't cheat." I said. He was getting pissed. I could see it in his eyes. "But why do you always have to check my phone? Do you not trust me?"

He threw his hands through his black hair. Then looked at me. "Your mom told me about Michael. I heard he was back in town and I didn't know if you were talking to him at all." 

"Are you kidding me? She told you everything and you're worried that I'm gonna still talk to him?" I said crossing my arms. I've told him about Michael, I just never mention his name. "I want nothing to do with him after what he did to me." 

"She told me that he used to get you into lots of trouble and that your father caught you and him in a car, naked." He paused, "I don't want you around him. Last thing I don't want to happen is him breaking us up."

"Why do you say that?" 

"Never mind, forget that I even said anything." He turned and walked into the bedroom and came back into the kitchen with his jacket and car keys. I put my red leather jacket on and then he looked at me. "Look, I'm sorry. I have a lot going on with work and I'm taking it out on you, especially tonight." 

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, but he wouldn't tell me as we walked down the stairs and out the apartment door. He opened the door for me and even when he got into the drivers seat, he was completely silent. 

The entire ride there and back was silent. The only time we spoke was when we were getting a gift for my mother. Which we ended up getting her a scrapbook and a 50 dollar gift card to Krafty Krafts, which is a arts and crafts that its my favorite place to go. 

Justin pulled into my parent's drive way. We ended up going back home because he wanted me to change into something nice. He never asks me to do that, I feel that he's up to something. 

He gets out of the car and walks over to open my door. I smile, as he looks at me, he gives me a smile in return. 

"Please talk to me. Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?" I said as he grabs my hand and walks me over to the two wooden swings that hung from the huge tree that was in front of my parents house. "Justin, what's going on?" I asked, sitting down on one of the swings. 

I looked up at him as he then got down on one knee and grabbed my hand. Oh my god, is he doing what I think he is doing? I felt my face getting goosebumps, as he was holding my hand. 

"Elizabeth, I know I've been acting awkward all day, but it's because I was so nervous to do this." He then pulled out a tiny box and placed it in my hand. "Elizabeth, I love you so much and there isn't anyone else I would rather spend my life with than you. I want to grown old together as we watch our children and grandchildren grown up. So what I'm asking is, will you marry me?"

My heart dropped. I was completely speechless and shocked. When he opened the box, there was a really pretty ring in there. My mouth dropped as I saw the ring. "Oh, Justin. It's beautiful."

He then took it out of the box and placed it on my hand. "I take it that was a yes?" I shook my head yes as he then kissed me. He then picked me up as I jumped into his arms, closing my eyes, but when I opened them, I saw Michael. 

He was across the street from my parents house, standing in the road smoking. A tear fell from my cheeks as Justin put me down and kissed me, again. 

"I love you so much." Justin said, holding my hands tight. "Oh, babe, I didn't mean to make you cry."

"No, it's okay, they are tears of joy. Plus the wind is also not helping." I said.

"Right, let's go inside." As we walked to the door together. "By the way, this is our engagement party, it was my idea and your moms." 

I smiled, he went inside as I turned back to see if Michael was still there, but he wasn't. My heart ached a little. I hated seeing that look on his face. Something tells me that this night was just the beginning.

My Secret Love (18+)Where stories live. Discover now