Chapter 2

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"When did you get this?" I asked. I carefully took a sip of coffee. 

"A week ago. I hid it in my desk. I was going to tell you, but you seemed stressed out at the time." My brother said. I just couldn't believe that out of all files, he wouldn't be the one to show up on my desk. "He's wanted for murder, again."

"Again? When did this happen?" I opened the file and saw that he was involved with the death of his parents. "But I thought that he was proven not guilty?" 

"He was, but he disappeared after the trial. No one had hear from him in years, until now." I got up from my desk and paced back and forth. "What's wrong?" 

I stopped and looked out the window, it was a beautiful fall morning. My brother walked over and looked at me as I kept staring at the window. "Nothing. I'm fine." 

Tim knew something was up, but left the subject alone as we went back to work. I looked over his file again. Rereading the same line, over and over again. 

Wanted for the murder of  Alison Stonewall 

The day went by pretty fast. Finished all the paper work for the day, but I didn't get started on the file my brother gave me. I decided to lock it in my desk and pretend that it wasn't there. Tim was texting on his phone, when our mother walked in. 

"Elizabeth, may I have a word with you?" She looked over at my brother as he frowned. My father and her weren't happy that Tim decided to come out to the closet. 

"Whatever you have to say, just say it now. I'm getting ready to leave." I said, making sure that I grabbed everything that I needed. 

"I need you to stay late again. Your father and I need to talk to you." I knew it. 

"Well, what is it about? Justin is going to be here any minute now." I said, ready to walk out the door, until my father stood in front of the door. "Hun, let her go. We can talk about it later." 

"We need to talk to her about that." My mother wasn't very happy. I had an idea of what they wanted to talk about because my brother then dropped his phone on his desk and then walked over to our father. 

"Is it because I came out to you and told you that I'm gay? You think this is a illness? Something that I will just get over?" Tim paused and looked at our mother. "Just because you don't believe in same-sex couples, doesn't change who I am. Out of all people, I thought that you two would understand." 

Tim then grabbed my hand and we walked past them. "Wow." I said once we reached the parking garage. 

"I know, but I feel so much better." We both hugged each other as Justin's car pulled right next to Tim's truck. "Looks like your stud muffin is here." 

Justin got out of the car, as he walked over to hug me, then kissed me on the lips. "Hey Tim, hows everything?" Justin asked as Tim smiled. 

"Oh, peaches!" Tim then opened his car door and got right in. "You take care of my sister. Make sure she doesn't drink too much. 

"Don't worry, I won't go over board." I said as he drove off. 

Once we got into the car, Justin drove off to where we used to make-out all the time. I was confused, but as soon as he turned the car off, he grabbed two beers. 

"So how was work?" He asked, but I didn't answer him, until after I chugged my first beer. "That bad?"

"Well, let's just say that I want to have a good time and just forget about it all, just for tonight." I said, as he handed me my second beer. 

"Don't worry, babe." He turned to me and grinned. "Forget about work, just relax." He then started to kiss me. My hands started to wander up and down his body as were his hands were going up and down on my body. 

I pulled away as he softly brushed his hand against my cheek. I then pulled him in for one last kiss. "Okay, you ready to go have some fun tonight?" I nodded yes as we then drove off to one of my favorite night clubs. 

The club was packed as hell, but we found two seats by the bar. Justin got us our first round of shots. We both took 5 or 6 shots each and then headed onto the dance floor. 

I grinded up and down on Justin, I could feel that he was starting to get hard, but then he stopped me from grinning and pulled me in for another kiss. Then we started kissing. Before we knew it, we were making out hard core, walking all the way down to the bathrooms. 

I pulled away from his lips, while he started kissing my neck and his fingers traveled down my stomach. He tensed me by running his fingers slowly in between the beginning of my underwear line. Making it seem like his fingers were going to travel further. 

A moan escaped from my mouth. Justin then kissed me and looked at me. "Ready to go home?" He asked. I nodded. "Meet me out by the car while I pay the tab." 

He kissed me one more time as I walked in front of him, swaying my hips back and fourth. He slapped my ass and whispered in my ear, "Stop being so naughty, or you're gonna get it." I giggled and then walked out of the club. 

It's very hard to walk straight when you see two of everything. I finally reached the car, but tripped right next to it. "Shit." I mumbled. 

"Hammered much?" A voice said, but chills ran up my spine. I recognized that voice, a voice I hadn't heard in years. I got up and looked at him. "I-I-I'm fine." 

I couldn't see his face, only his eyes. Bright blue eyes, that had gold in the middle. I remembered those eyes. It couldn't of been him. He pushed my hair behind my ears. 

"God, you are so beautiful." He said as he leaned in and kissed me. I felt a spark, that same spark I hadn't felt in a long time. He then pulled away, before I even opened my eyes, he was gone. 

I touched my lips and tried to recall what had just happen, but Justin came back to the car and we went home. Even though I was drunk, I kept thinking about that kiss. I didn't know if I should tell Justin. 

Once we parked in the drive way, Justin ended up carrying me to our bedroom. He laid me down on the bed, taking off my shoes and his. "Who was that you were talking to?" He asked. I was so drunk and tired that I ended up passing out. 

The next morning, I didn't feel good. I ran to the bathroom, puked my brains out. I brushed my teeth and when I walked into the bedroom, Justin wasn't in bed. I walked into the kitchen to see that he had made me coffee and breakfast. Still, I couldn't find him.

I sat down and starting eating, when Justin walked into the kitchen, as he came from the front door. "Morning. How you feeling?" I gave him a dirty look. 

"I feel like someone took a big ass hammer and is hitting me in the head, repeatedly." I said, he smiled, but then he looked serious. 

"So about last night." He paused and sat down at the table next to me. "Who was that you were talking to?" 

"I don't know. I couldn't really see his face." I said. 


"I think, why?"

"Just curious." He took a sip of his coffee. "I saw him get close to you. I didn't know if it was a friend or not."

"I don't think I know him." I lied. I know I've met him before, but I can't remember where. I wasn't paying attention to what I was saying, but it slipped out. "I think he kissed me, but I think I was just imaging it."

"So, you knew him?" Justin questioned me again. Why was he being so worried? If I told him that I knew that guy, he would want to know who, but even I don't know who. 

"No, I don't remember much after we had our hard core make-out session." 

"Okay, I was just making sure." He paused and then touched my hand that was on the table. "I care about you too much and I don't want to lose you. I love you, Elizabeth." 

"I love you, too." I finished breakfast and then I decided that I wanted to get more sleep, so Justin and I cuddled the entire day. It was perfect, but my mind was still wondering who that mysterious guy was.  

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