Part 2

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He clasped the chain and said " happy fourth anniversary" by kissing on my neck.

My whole world stopped when he said.

" four years of my marriage? But why I am not getting anything?" My heart gripped with fear and mind wandered with unwanted thoughts.

" no he must be joking "

My thoughts were interrupted by clock sound. I looked at the clock showing 12 Am March 10 2016

Is it not 2011? It's 2016!!!

I excused myself from there and released my tears in washroom.

" why I am not getting even one thing between us? I just thought we both new wed but no ,its four year we got married?" I cried myself fearing how my family will react to this.

I remember why I came to new York . yes, I came to new York to unite my family members not for the studies.
Then why I am not getting any memory with him of these 4 years.

"I don't even know that I have a husband until the nurse initiated the conversation."

My whole body is shivering and my mind went numb . suddenly I started feeling a lone in this city.

"Let it be, I will recall myself and act like nothing happened to me" I wiped my tears and came out of the room.

I didn't initiate any conversation ,who knows the conversation may be take to my past.

I came out of the washroom after checking my eyes which weren't red, there he is pacing on the ground.

He looked at me and now his eyes were showing full of desires. I averted my eyes to other side immediately.

" is he expecting love making?"

" please don't ask anything, I already freaking out with these sudden shocks" I mumbled myself.

" NISHA " he called my name.

I hummed and he asked me to look at him.

I lifted my eyes slowly and met his eyes ,still I am not have courage nor accepting him with all my heart to fulfill his needs.

" did you take your medicines?" He asked.

" y..yes" I stuttered.

" sleep" he said and I looked at him horror.

" you can't force on me" I thought and when I about to say his words cut me " you feel drowsy when you take medicines. Now sleep ".

I went to my side to sleep and he also dipped on his side.

I slept. No!! my sleep is far away from the real.

Sun rays greeted my face making me aware of the new day. I tried to get up but failed. I opened my eyes and totally trapped by his weight.

I turned to his side ,he is sleeping like a baby and his features are soften on his face. A few hair strands falling on his for head.

How can someone look so cute while sleeping?

I tried to release from his grip but my little movement made him stir and roll over taking along with him. I am totally on top of him.

I swatted him on his shoulder but he is unaware of my presence it seems.

Finally I pinched him on his stomach and made me gracefully landed on the floor.

I muttered in my native language to which he looked at me suspiciously.

" what are you saying?" He asked to which I replied " good morning".

He gave me a look like I - believe .

When we both ate our breakfast , he told me that " Aysha will come by this evening" to which I nodded .

" who is Aysha?" I frowned and locked the door.

I wandered all the rooms where our pictures were hanged on the wall.

I never knew I am that close to him seeing all the pictures of us and my legs glued to the floor when I witnessed the picture.

The picture is in that Its me,Augustine and a girl of 3 years or may be, we all were showing our tooth grin .

The tears are streaming down continuously why my fate is written like this?.

I don't want to freak out my family saying all I lost my memory .I cried my self until I my eyes drooped.

I opened my eyes and saw there she is. Her chocolate brown eyes,rose petal lips ,pinkish cheeks and a mole on her chin,a silky wavy hair and a small bindi between her eyebrows.

She just resembles me and now I concluded indeed she is my daughter.

" mom" she squealed , a lone tear escaped from my eyes listening her voice.

I hugged her to me even though I am not able to get the past memories with her.

" Is this the feeling I am missing" I thought and she brushed off my tears and asked " why are you crying?".

Till then I didn't noticed myself that I am crying.

I hugged her to my heart that I missed everything and controlled to stop my tears.

" I love you mom" she said.

I showered her with kisses and said " your mom loves you a lot AYSHA".

There he sat with amusement in his eyes like " watching a movie" and composed his posture.

After half an hour he stood from his place and came near me. He bent to my level which is very few inches away. His blue eyes , dimples , a few strands of hair on his forehead ,some gold and brown color hair, cleaned shave.

I shamelessly gawking at him.

He took Aysha in his arms and took her to our room.

I started singing a lullaby for her.

How much time I sang ,I don't know I slept along with her.

The next 2 days were passed blur. Never thought that time passes in a blink.

He sometimes make me irritate with his complains about my cooking, not keeping the things in a place what not everything he point out on each things and I am totally fed up with him and at the same time feeling guilty.

I don't even know or courage on how to ask him about how I am used to be with him.

"I don't know about his lifestyle as if I remembered " I seethed in anger .

I and Aysha alone in home. I kept DVD player which are popular songs. We both are hooting with songs. We are singing almost to the top of our lungs and it looks like the top floor may creased out.

I hold spatula as mike and she is dancing as she is a fan of me. We are in our own worlds nothing is compared to what happening from outside to us.

Suddenly someone gazing at me which made me feel the presence of him. I turned to see him and he joined his hands and started clapping.

He started laughing showing his dimples. He is encouraging Aysha and lifted her in his arms and swirling in circle. The hall is filled with their laughter's.

He kept her on sofa and went to upstairs and my eyes travelled on him. Suddenly he looked back and said " why is the stupid smile on your face?"

That is the time I realised I am smiling like an idiot.

Anything I can do to his million dollar smile and now I understood the meaning of his eyes.
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