Chapter Fifty-one

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Almost half a year later, and I was standing in front of a floor-length mirror, decked out in a golden wedding dress.

I was alone. I hadn't wanted anyone with me in the morning, even though Faye offered multiple times. However, I refused her, instead deciding to dress myself. I had done it enough times for Faye, I knew exactly what to do when it came to myself.

There was a knock and a servent called through the door that it was almost time for me to walk down the aisle. I clenched my fists, nervously looking at my reflection.

I had decided to show my scar. It would be the first time anyone other than Gaius and myself would be seeing the burnt flesh, and I was more than a little bit insecure.

I shook my head, standing up straighter. I was more than some scar. Through the months that followed the battle, I managed to gain the respect of Camelot. People weren't very accepting at first, but once word got around that I saved their King and gave everyone the strategies that helped us win the battle, they quickly opened up to me.

I took in a deep breath and left the room. The corridor was empty and I couldn't help but feel pleased at that. I managed to make my way down to the throne room without running into anyone.

I stood just outside the closed doors, taking deep breaths. I was undeniably nervous. It wasn't that I was getting cold feet, I just knew this was the first step to becoming the Queen of Camelot. That was a huge step.

I heard the music cue, and the doors opened almost automatically. I looked up and my eyes immediately met Arthur's, who was standing up at the front of the room.

As soon as I saw his face, all of my doubts and anxieties melted away. I was marrying the man I loved today, and nothing could beat that.

As I walked down the aisle, I could see the people I loved. Merlin was standing off to the left, with Hunith at his side. Across from them, Faye stood with one hand in Gwaine's and the other laying on her swollen, pregnant belly. A little ways down from them, stood the knights, their faces proud as they watched me walk past.

When I finally reached Arthur's side, he smiled and reached over to run his fingers hesitantly up my scar. I looked down, but he quickly pulled my chin back up so I had to face him.

"You are just as beautiful as ever." He whispered.

I blushed and turned away, knowing that if I didn't, I would have kissed him right then and there.

The ceremony was short and sweet, keeping it simple. It couldn't have been more perfect. And when Arthur turned to me, to kiss me as his new bride, I could practically feel my heart bursting with love and joy.

When we broke away from the kiss, a cheer rose up from the crowd. I blushed slightly, but I couldn't keep the smile off my face. Arthur grabbed my hand, and we walked back up the aisle and out the door.

As soon as we were out of sight of the guests, Arthur backed me up against the wall and kissed me more passionately than he had in the throne room.

"Very risqué, my dear husband." I purred, when he pulled away.

He smirked down at me, his face practically glowing.

"Only for you, Lady Pendragon."

I shivered at the sound of my new name. I was Dawn Pendragon. The sound of it woke the desire in my body and I grabbed him by the back of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. I tried to deepen it, but he pulled away.

"Tonight." He promised, breathlessly, "Tonight our wait will be over, and I will take you in such a way, that you won't remember any name but my own."

I grew flustered and wanted nothing more than to take him into my arms, but he stepped away. Just in time, as it turned out, because the guests rounded the corner just then, heading for the Great Hall where the feast would be held.

"We better follow after them, my love." Arthur said, smiling down at me, "After all, we are the guests of honor."

I scoffed, but let him drag me to the Great Hall. It was decorated beautifully, but what made me happy, when I walked in, was seeing everyone I loved all in the same room, alive and well.

Arthur and I split apart, moving around the room to say hello to everyone and thank them for coming. I tried to keep it short, but I couldn't help but stay for awhile when I ran into the Knights and Faye.

Faye squealed and hurried over, wrapping her arms around me tightly. I laughed and hugged her back. I hadn't been able to see her as much lately, since I am not her servent anymore, but we have tried to make time for each other.

"I can't believe this day has come!" She exclaimed when she pulled away, "Who would have ever thought we would have ended up like this?"

I laughed, "I couldn't agree more."

The Knights surrounded in a hug and began to tease me about the wedding. I rolled my eyes and went along with it, but I knew I had seen some tears in some of their eyes.

Eventually, we all sat down to eat, and afterwards, the music started up and people took to the dancefloor. I was immediately asked go dance by Leon, and I gladly accepted.

He whirled me around the room and I was happy to see everyone else dancing as well. Merlin danced with his mother, and Gwaine and Fayelinn were slowly spinning off to the side.

As the music changed, I was passed from partner to partner. We danced and laughed well into the night. Slowly, people started making their leave until it was only the people closest to Arthur and I who were still there.

I was currently dancing with Gwaine, but Arthur came up behind him and tapped on his shoulder.

"May I finally have a dance with my bride?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I opened my mouth to chastise him for being so rude, but Gwaine only laughed and spun me into Arthur's arms. Gwaine then left to find his own wife, leaving me alone with my husband.

The song slowed to a ballad, and Arthur slowly spun me around the room, his eyes flashed with happiness,

"I love you, so much." I told him finally, smiling up at him.

He grinned and leaned down to kiss my lips. It had only been meant as a quick peck, but it deepened and became more passionate. We forgot where we were, and when we pulled away, we were both breathing heavily.

I looked up at him with hooded eyes and said, "Can we make our leave now?" -- I trailed my finger up his bicep -- "After all, I believe you promised me an unforgettable night."

His eyes darkened with lust as he looked down at me. A minute later, he was pulling me out the door and towards the bedroom we would be sharing.


Sorry for attacking you with a billion updates! I'm just eager to write, since we are so close to the end! Speaking of which, we only have four more chapters in this book, before it's the end!

Also, I will not be having any smutty scenes here, so if that's what you're looking for, you're out of luck. The next chapter will start the morning after they...have a bit of fun. ;)

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora