Chapter Thirteen

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I paced back and forth in the room, swearing underneath my breath. I felt the need to do something, but I had two more days before I could begin work again.

I groaned loudly and kicked the chest at the end of my bed. Finally, I flopped down on the chair in the corner, opening up a book.  I became quickly irritated, though, and slammed it shut. I slapped it down on the table next to me and huffed loudly.

I gritted my teeth together, and stood up, preparing to pace again, but Faye raced into the room, her eyes frantic.

"I need your help!" She exclaimed, hurrying forward to grab my hands in hers.

I was secretly relieved to have something to do, but I said aloud, "I'm meant to be resting."

"Forget about that! We have something much bigger on our hands!" She exclaimed, waving my protests off.

"What's going on?" I asked, my curiosity spiking.

"Prince Arthur has asked me to accompany him on a picnic in the woods!" She told me, excited as she turned away.

I stared at her, unsure of what to do. I was glad she couldn't see my face, because I had no idea what emotion she would see. My heart clenched at the thought of the two of them going on a picnic together, but I brushed it away.

"That's wonderful!" I exclaimed. Even I could hear the false note of happiness in my voice, but Faye didn't seem to pick up on it.

"I believe so." She agreed.

I schooled my face into a smile and moved so I could look into her face. She was grinning broadly. I took once glance at that face and knew I would do whatever I could to keep it there, even if it meant hurting myself.

Though, I'm not quite sure why it hurts.

"I would be happy to help, Princess, but I do not know what good I'll be able to do." I told her.

"I need you to come with me!"

I frowned. My first impulse was to do exactly the opposite of going with her. I turned away, so she couldn't see my expression.

"Surely this is a moment of privacy for you and the prince alone." I protested, making myself busy by cleaning up the jewelry Faye had left on the table earlier.

"Merlin is going." She explained, "I need you to come with us and talk to him so Arthur won't be distracted."

I bit my lip, and weighed my options. Finally I said, "Alright. When is this outing?"

When Faye didn't answer, I turned around to look at her. She had that grin still on her face, but she looked a little sheepish this time.

"In an hour."


"You shouldn't be here."

I glared at Merlin, shouldering the pack. He was watching me, as if I would collapse any second. I rolled my eyes, adding another pack to the load on my back. My leg began to burn slightly, but I ignored it.

"I'm serious, Dawn." He said, "If Arthur knew you were joining us..."

"Arthur won't know a thing!" I snapped, whirling around to glare at him. "Faye wants me here, so I'm going to be here! You can accept that and help me carry everything, or you can whine. Choose."

He stared at me in shock. Finally, he reached out to take one of the bags from me. I nodded and turned away, sighing slightly.

"Just promise you'll be careful." He said.


"Promise me, Dawn."

I sighed, "I promise."

He nodded. We continued packing up in comfortable silence. Eventually, Arthur and Faye rode out of the stables together, not even glancing over at us. I huffed out a sigh and we began to follow them on foot.

Merlin and I didn't talk as we walked, but I could see him shoot worried glances over at me every once in awhile, especially when I began limping.

"Dawn..." Merlin started when he noticed.

"I'm fine, Merlin, honestly. I just haven't walked this much since I saw Gaius. It's normal." I soothed him, swinging the pack to the other shoulder.

He shot me another worried glance, but didn't say anything more. I sighed in relief, trying not to focus on the slight burning of my leg.

Finally we reached the small meadow Arthur had planned for the picnic to be set in. I stayed back so Arthur wouldn't notice I was there, but Merlin leaped forward and began setting up. Soon, the two lovebirds were lounging against some pillows eating and laughing together.

I felt my heart clench again, and I had to turn away.

Merlin and I sat together in the shade of the trees, talking quietly throughout the meal. Eventually, Arthur and Faye stood up and announced they were going on a walk, before disappearing through the trees.

My leg felt on fire by then, and I just wanted to lay down.

"You aren't being careful." Merlin accused.

"I'm being as careful as I can afford to be."

He came over next to me and I leaned against him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"That wasn't the deal." He pointed out.

I didn't say anything. We sat there together in peace, content to just be in each other's company.

Finally he broke the silence and said, "Will Faye be a good Queen?"

I paused.

I had to think on that answer. She was a natural leader, albeit a little selfish. But she wasn't good with children, or the needy, or anyone who couldn't bathe regularly.

"She could grow to be." I finally said, feeling as if I had just betrayed her.

Silence fell again.

"Will Arthur be a good King?"

Merlin answered without hesitation, "He will be the best king Camelot has ever and will ever know."

"That's a big destiny." I sighed.

"You have no idea."

I was about to ask what he meant, but before I could, a scream pierced the air.


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