Chapter Sixteen

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I hummed as I went down the hall. My thigh barely twinged as I walked, and I couldn't help but smile at the thought. I had taken the rest of the week off like Arthur ordered, and I had never felt more relaxed.

But it had also been my first day back to work and I couldn't be happier.

I practically skipped down the hallway, and when I went around the counter, I ran face first into a knight. I yelped as I fell, landing on my butt.

I glared up at the knight, even though I knew it was my fault. The knight looked down at me, smiling.

"I'm apologize, pretty lady." He said, his smirk growing. He reached out a hand.

"Oh, you look apologetic." I grumbled sarcastically, grabbing a hold of his hand. He pulled me to my feet and I brushed off my skirts.

He let out a laugh and I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. The knight was handsome in a scruffy way. He looked like someone who would show you a good time, but wouldn't fall in love.

"I'm Dawn, the princess's handmaid." I said, smiling at him.

"I am Gwaine." He told me, bowing with flourish.

"One of Arthur's nights, I assume?"

"What was your first clue?" He said, flapping his blood red cape dramatically.

I couldn't help but laugh, tossing my head back.

"What is a lady so beautiful doing as a servent? You should be a Queen!" He said, winking.

"Oh, put away your charms, Gwaine." I giggled, rolling my eyes, "You're not getting me in bed."

He pretended to be affronted, but there was a devious smirk on his face.

"Does someone else have claim on your heart, my queen?" He asked.

Arthur's face flashed across my mind, but I shoved it back quickly. I tried to compose myself, but Gwaine's grin grew.

"Oh, so there is! Who is the lucky man?"

I blushed, and shook my head. He chuckled, but didn't say anything else.

"Well, as much fun as it was getting run down by you, I need to get to work." I teased when I found my voice. I started walking down the hall again. "It was nice meeting you, Gwaine."

"Say, a bunch of the servents and knights are going out to the pub later tonight. You should come." His voice called after me.

I paused to look back at him and raised my eyebrow, "Is that really a good idea when everyone has to work in the morning?"

"It's a rubbish idea!" He admitted with a wicked grin, "So what do you say? You coming?"

"I'll think about it." I said giving him a sly smile.

"Mysterious, eh? I like that in a woman," He winked, "We'll be down at the Cock and Hen, if you want to come."

"Thank you, Gwaine."

"Anytime, my queen."

I rolled eyes, but I couldn't help my grin. I turned and started on my way again. I couldn't help but feel a thrill go through me. Maybe I was finally fitting in.

I grinned at that thought and practically skipped all the way to Faye's room. I whipped open the door and pranced in a grin on my face.

"Good evening, my lady!" I said in a singsong voice.

She grunted in response and I couldn't help but giggle. She whirled to look at me, her eyes narrowed.

"Who are you and what have you done with my Dawn?" She demanded.

I giggled again, "Oh, my lady, you are so silly."

Faye gave me a weird look, so I cleared my throat and tried to reign in my emotions.

"I'm here to help you prepare for bed."

She sighed and nodded. I quickly hurried over to untie the laces on the back of her dress. When I was done, she hurried behind the divider and I moved to grab her nightgown. I could see the moon just starting to rise through the clouds.

The nights were slowly growing shorter as the summer approached, and I couldn't help but wonder what Camelot looked like when everything was in full bloom.


At the sound of Faye's shout, I snapped out of my reverie and hurried over to pass her the gown.

"Where is your thoughts at tonight?" She exclaimed, walking into my line of sight.

"Forgive me, princess." I said, bowing.

She sighed, "Of course I do, Dawn. I just worry about you so."

I felt a jolt of surprise course through me. I had never heard Faye something so personal before. She seemed to be a little shocked herself and tried to cover it up by saying, "I mean, I do need you do fetch my water. If I touched those pails, my hands would be ruined!"

I turned to hide my smile from her.

Faye started gravitating towards the bed, and I decided to ask her now before she became too tired and grumpy to answer.

"My lady?"

"Yes, Dawn?"

"May I have the rest of the night off?"

There was a pause. I could feel her looking at me, but I refused to face her.

"Whatever for?" She finally inquired. "You know I like my laundry done before the morning."

I didn't answer. There was no way I could put that I was avoiding my work to go to a pub.

Finally she sighed, "Of course."

I smiled, turning around to face her. I honestly hadn't expected that answer.


"Go, before I change my mind!" She snapped, but I could see the small smile she was trying to hide.

I didn't bother waiting for her to say anything more and raced out the door. I was practically grinning ear to ear as I hurried down the hall.

In the last few weeks, I had learned much about the castle, and didn't hesitate in the slightest turning the corners.

I was almost to the doors that led into the courtyard when I ran into the prince.


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