Chapter Forty-six

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Everywhere I looked, all I could see were people dying. At least it seemed that way.

Blood streamed down the cobblestone street in little rivulets. The common people where fighting with everything they had, but it wasn't enough. Knights were everywhere, carrying out the plan, and evacuating the people. Children were crying and I couldn't help but feel pain for them. They were going through the exact thing that still haunts Faye and I. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

Nobody gave me a second look as I raced past. The sword hung at my side, getting dangerously close to slicing my leg open. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I was in the general vicinity of the sorcerer.

I heard a yell and I turned to see a bandit running towards me, his sword up in the air. I ducked from his swing, slashing his side on my way past. I ran away and didn't look back.

I couldn't focus on every single person when Arthur had less than an hour to live.

As I move closer and closer into the thick of the battle, I began noticing familiar faces. Leon and Percival were fighting back to back, their expressions grim. An aged Merlin strode past, fire leaping from his finger tips. Gwaine and Fayelonn were facing bandits side by side, a surprisingly strong force.

I caught Faye's eye as I ran past and her eyes widened. She knew I wouldn't be out here if something bad hadn't happened.

I was out of her sight before she even had time to process my presence.

Another bandit ran up to me, and this time I turned to face him directly, the sword out in front of me. I was angry.

He pulled up, noticing my expression. He smirked as if this would be an easy battle and held up his own sword. We both simultaneously leaped into battle.

I let out a yell, ducking underneath his blade. I went to slice his side, but he dodged out of the way. I spun around quickly, my braid whipping around, just in time to parry another attack from the bandit. I slashed my blade out, but I left my left side wide open and he managed to slice my upper arm.

I hissed, glaring at him, strand of my hair falling into my eyes. I was breathing heavily. I had trained a little bit with the knights when I first arrived, but I haven't been able to since I left to go live with Hunith in Merlin's home village.

I was regretting that now.

I lunged at the man, my blade flashing. I managed to slice his cheek, and blood started flowing down his face. He spat at me, cursing violently.

"That's not any way to talk to a woman." I retorted, unable to bite it back.

His face grew red with rage and he lunged at me. Unfortunately for me, he managed to get past my defenses, and slammed me down against the ground. He landed on top of me and I lost my breath.

He smirked down at me as I gasped for breath. He held up his sword, ready to put an end to my life. I closed my eyes, preparing myself.

Suddenly, his weight flew off me. I gasped in air, jolting up as my eyes whipped open. I could see Gwaine fighting the bandit. Fayelinn knelt down next to me, looking me over for any wounds.

"Why are you out here?!" She demanded, her tone angry, "Do you know what Arthur would do if he lost you?!"

"Arthur is dying." I rasped, coughing.

She reeled back in shock, her face pale. She exclaimed, "What?!"

I quickly explained, climbing to my feet. Gwaine fought off anyone who tried to attack us, giving Fayelinn and I a chance to talk.

"Blood?" She repeated, "Of a sorcerer?"

I nodded, reaching up to wipe the blood off my wound. Thankfully, it was only surface level and it wouldn't even scar. I didn't bother wrapping it and leaned down to wipe my hands off on my pants.

I'd have to apologize to Merlin later for ruining his clothes.

"I'm coming with you." Faye announced, brushing herself off.

"No you're not." Gwaine and I said in unison.

She glared at both of us, but I got the full force of the look as Gwaine moved to defend us again. She propped her hands on her hips.

"And why not?" She demanded, "Face it, you need help."

"I am not putting you in danger." I told her, shaking my head.

"The kingdom is under attack! I'm going to be in danger either way!"

I faltered knowing she had a point. She latched onto my moment of uncertainty and grabbed my arms. She said, "You know you could use my help. We've been through everything together. We might as well finish it together."

Finally, I nodded, sighing. She flashed me a smile, relieved that she didn't have to argue with me anymore.

"I'm still not agreeing to this!" Gwaine called, throwing a bandit into a nearby wall.

"You don't have to be!" Fayelinn announced, tossing her hair back.
He sighed and raced over to give her a quick kiss on the lips before leaping back into battle.

"Be safe!" He said sternly.

"Aren't I always?"

He rolled his eyes and plunged into battle. Faye turned to me, raising an eyebrow.

"How are we supposed to find this sorcerer?" She asked, skeptically.

Suddenly, a huge explosion rocked the ground. I whirled around and saw a building on fire a street away. I turned to Faye and grinned, racing towards the inferno.

I could hear her following after me. We were surrounded by people racing away from the fire, as we raced for it. Everyone was scared, I could see it on their faces. I hated that they felt like that.

I'm going to end this. I promise.

Finally, we burst through the crowd, coming to a halt as we watched the scene in front of us.

Morgana was in the center of a ring of fire, cackling manically. I watched, stunned, as fire burst from her fingertips and caught on another building.

Morgana was a sorceress?!

Faye cursed from her spot next to me, but she didn't seem to be surprised. I whirled on her, glaring.

"You couldn't bother to tell me that Morgana was a sorceress?" I demanded.

"It all happened while you were away!" She exclaimed, "We never expected it to be her!"

I let out a growl. This was a personal vendetta then. I didn't care, though. I was never close to the Lady Morgana and if I had to kill her to get a drop of her blood, then so be it.

I tightened my grip my the blade and started forward. Morgana seemed to know I was coming and whirled around with a wicked grin. She flicked her hand at me and fire burst forth, making me leap back in order to dodge.

I would never be able to get close to her alone.

Fayelinn seemed to read my mind, and moved up next to me. Her face was tight with fear, but she took my handed in hers and nodded firmly.

"We will save Arthur, Dawn." She reassured me. "We will do it together."

I looked away from her and back towards Morgana, who seemed to taunt me with her haunted grin.

"Let's fight."

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