Chapter Fourteen

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When I heard the scream, I hopped to my feet and was racing away within seconds. I could hear Merlin crashing through the trees behind me.

The scream had ended and all I could hear was our footsteps and ragged breathing. I yelped as I accidently hit my thigh against a tree, but I kept going, ignoring the pain.

I could hear voices just up ahead and I pumped my legs faster, eager to reach Faye.

I burst into the clearing, nearly tripping over a large rock. I was panting and my vision was going black around the edges. I searched the clearing for Faye, and relaxed when I saw her perfectly unharmed.

"Dawn!" Faye exclaimed. I could hear the note of frustration in her voice. "Just what exactly are you doing here?"

"I heard you scream, My Lady." I said. My voice sounded tinny to my own ears, and I started seeing black spots.

Faye seemed to soften a little bit, but she still had an edge to her voice when she said, "Very well. You needn't stay any longer. Merlin can walk you back to the horses."

"Of course, princess." Merlin said from behind me. I hadn't realized he had arrived.

I could feel myself start to sway as I lost even more of my vision.

"You are okay then, my lady?" I asked, ignoring her obvious hints to scram.

"I'm in perfect health, Dawn."

Before I could respond, I swayed to far in one direction and began to fall. I reached out to catch myself on a nearby tree, but the world spun and I missed.

I watched in slow motion as I headed straight down for a rock. I knew if I hit it, I would be stuck in bed for weeks, but I was too out of it to protect myself.

Then, I watched as the rock moved out of the way.

Then, I hit the ground.

I looked up just in time to see the fading trace of magic in Merlin's luminous eyes. Arthur raced forward, blocking my view of him. I could see his lips moving, but I couldn't hear anything.

He kneeled down next to him, and cupped my face in his hands.

Within the next second, I passed out.


"You shouldn't have let her come with us!"

It was Arthur's voice. I wanted to call out to him, but I couldn't seem able to.

"She's a servent! It's her job!"

That was Faye. She sounded upset, and I wanted to soothe her.

"She was injured!"

"An injury I had no knowledge of!"

"Why else would she be resting for a week?"

I groaned, and the arguing came to a halt.


This time it was Merlin. I groaned again, and my eyelids fluttered open slightly. I could see Merlin hovering above me anxiously. I sighed and began to push myself up slowly.

Merlin pushed me back down firmly, his eyes narrowed. I didn't bother to protest.

I could see Arthur and Faye behind Merlin, watching with concerm. Gaius was in the doorway, and it was only then that I realized I was on the bed in the room Faye and I shared.

"Are you okay, Dawn?" Merlin asked, his eyes worried.

"I'm perfectly healthy." I told him. I started sitting up again and this time Merlin didn't push me back down.

"Actually--" Gaius started to disagree.

"I'm fine." I interupted. "I'll be ready to start work again in a couple days."

Immediately, everyone but Fayelinn began to protest. I sighed, turning to swung my legs off the edge of the bed.

"You took an awfully hard hit to the head, Dawn." Gaius said, stepping further into the room, "You were lucky you didn't hit a rock or a stump."

My eyes flashed to Merlin, but he avoided looking at me.

"Yes." I finally said, moving my gaze back to the physician. "I was lucky, wasn't I?"

Gaius narrowed his eyes at me, but nodded solemnly. His eyes flickered over to Merlin, before flashing over at me.

He knew.

"I recommend bed rest for the next few days. Once you begin working again, you'll have to take it easy." He told me, "The wound on your leg reopened when you fell, so you'll have to be careful over that as well."

I nodded, "Thank you, Gaius."

"Now, I suggest we let Dawn have her rest." He announced, heading back towards the door. "I need everyone to leave the room."

Faye huffed and whirled around to leave. She reached the door before she turned around and said, "Are you coming, Prince Arthur?"

My eyes flickered over to look at the soon-to-be king. He was staring at me intently. I smiled weakly in his direction. Finally, he reluctantly turned and left with Faye.

Merlin stood as if to follow, but I reached out and grabbed his arm to pull him to a stop. He looked back at me with a guarded expression.

"Stay?" I requested, "Please?"

His eyes softened and he nodded, before sitting down on the stool they had placed next to the bed. He looked back at Gaius and nodded. I didn't miss the warning look Gaius sent in response.

Gaius left, shutting the door behind him. The two of us were left alone and silence fell upon the room.

Finally I sighed, bringing his attention to me.

"Who knows?" I finally asked.

He faked innocence and said, "Whatever do you mean?"

"Gaius obviously knows, but Arthur doesn't seem to." I said, ignoring the question.

I stared straight at him, but he couldn't seem to meet my eyes.

"I honestly don't know what you mean, Dawn."

"What I mean to say, " I said, my voice firm.

He looked up to finally meet my eyes.

"Is how many people know you have magic?"

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora