Chapter Forty-eight

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I burst into the room, breathing heavily and dragging Fayelinn behind me. Gaius jumped up from his seat next to Arthur, completely shocked by our sudden appearance.

My arm was throbbing with agony and I knew I wouldn't be able to stay on my feet for much longer. I gasped, and let go of Faye to move to Arthur's side.

He looked worse. His skin was cold and pale, his breathing shallow. I bit my lip to hold in a cry of pain, and grabbed his clammy hand in mine.

"I'm back." I whispered to him, my injured arm hanging limp at my side.

"Dawn!" Gaius exclaimed, seeing my arm. "Come sit down so I can look at that."

"No!" I exclaimed, my voice hoarse, "Arthur first."

I held out the bloodied blade. Gaius's eyes widened when he saw it, and grabbed it out of my arms. He immediately started to get to work on the cure for Arthur.

I started to collapse and Faye ran over to catch me. She went to lay me down on a cot, but I protested, climbing back to my feet. I was swaying slightly, but I stayed upright. Faye kept an arm around me to make sure I wouldn't collapse again and hurt myself.

"Go." I insisted, pushing her away slightly, "Go to Gwaine, I know you want to."

She immediately shook her head, "I am not going anywhere."

I pushed her away harder, frowning. I said, "I am just a servent. I know how to take care of myself."

"You are more than a servent!" She exclaimed, her voice hardening, "You are a Queen--"

"Not yet." I interrupted.

"--and you are my friend." She continued as if I hadn't said anything at all.

I softened, looking at her and smiling. I couldn't help the emotion that rose in my throat, choking me slightly. I loved her; she was my best friend.

"Go to your knight." I insisted, smiling, "Even if it is to remind him that he owes me money from last night."

It was hard to believe that just last night we were all at the pub, dancing and gambling. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

Faye laughed, and nodded. While she was serious about staying with me and giving me comfort, I could tell she was relieved to go find her husband.

She kissed my cheek, flashed me a smile, and raced off. I immediately groaned in pain when she was gone, my knees buckling. I leaned hard against the table, breathing deeply.

I saw a pile of bandages out of the corner of my eye, and grabbed them. I started bandaging them up and down my arm, wincing when they touched my scorched flesh.

"You need to wait!" Gaius scolded me from across the room, "If you don't wait for me to do that, it will scar!"

"There is no time." I snapped, my tone hardened with my pain, "I need to go back out there. The people need someone. If that is me, then so be it."

I finished tying off my arm and stood up again. I was dizzy and I started swaying again, pitching violently. Gaius moved to help me, but I waved him away. He seemed hesitant, but Arthur started violently coughing and he hurried to work again.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to Arthur, but I knew I needed to go help Camelot. I steeled myself and started taking hesitant steps towards the door.

"It will scar!" Gaius called after me in a warning.

"Gaius, I don't want that." I said, refusing to turn around, "I would like nothing more than to sit down next to Arthur and let you tend to my wound. However, we both know I can't afford that right now. Camelot cannot afford me to take a break. I need to go back out there and survey the battle. Only then will I let you look after me."

I knew he wanted to protest, but he wisely kept his mouth shut, turning all his focus to his work. I nodded and left the room.

I kept one hand on a wall at all times, making sure to support myself as I walked. I checked on the makeshift infirmary in the Great Hall.

There were a lot less injured than I thought there would be. Gwen raced around the room, making sure everyone had what they needed. I smiled and turned back around, knowing the injured were in good hands.

I was slow. Every move I made twinged the burn. It covered my whole left arm, and parts of my rib cage and collarbone. It would leave one hell of a scar.

I averted my eyes, not wanting to think about it. Instead, I focused on making my way to the courtyard.

It was a slow process, but I eventually found myself in the courtyard, heading for the wall; the same wall Arthur and I spent the night on, and the wall Merlin now stood on top of, defending the castle.

I creeped my way up the steps and eventually I was standing right next to an aged Merlin. We looked out over the ruins of the city, not saying a word.

Fires burned everywhere, but the sounds of battle seemed to have decreased. When Morgana realized Arthur would soon be back on his feet, she must have called off the attack. Now, all that was left were the sounds of leftover skirmishes.

I leaned heavily against the wall, breathing deeply. The scents of smoke and pure magic floated on the breeze, almost choking me. Next to me, Merlin reached his hand up to his face, drinking a potion.

Before long, the face of the Merlin I know and love, was staring back at me.

"It was Morgana, wasn't it?" He asked, his voice low.

"Yes." I whispered, my voice hoarse, "This is not your fault."

"I do not see how it isn't." He sighed, "This is not her last attempt. There will be a day when Morgana attacks and we will not be able to fend her off."

"That day is far off."

"I truly hope for that, Dawn."

There was silence again for a couple of minutes. I turned to look at him.

"Is it over?"

We both knew I wasn't just talking about the battle we had gone through today.

"I don't know, Dawn. I just don't know."

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