Chapter Nineteen

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Arthur groaned from his spot at the table. He had his head in his hands, and had almost tossed his sleeve in his eggs.

I couldn't help but giggle. I had told him last night that he would regret drinking so much, but I doubt he even remembered any of last night after the fifth round.

Our crowned prince was a lightweight.

Uther said something to his son, but I couldn't hear. Arthur's eyes flashed over to mine, and I couldn't help but smirk. Arthur narrowed his eyes playfully, and Uther grunted, obviously unhappy with being ignored. Uther slammed his fist against the table next to Arthur's plate, causing everyone to jump.

"I would prefer if my own son listened to me when I am talking to him!"

Fayelinn and Morgana kept quiet, and Arthur glared at his father, but no one protested. I turned away to smother my giggles.

Merlin seemed to notice my amusement and hurried over to stand next to me. He nudged my shoulder with his own and said, "What has you laughing so?"

"The effects of alcohol among the royal family." I told him, smirking.

Merlin's face scrunched up in confusion and I couldn't help but laugh some more. Every time I giggled, I could feel Arthur's gaze on my back.

"I am confused." Merlin finally admitted.

"Oh, forget about it." I laughed, "It's nothing to be concerned about."

We stood in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes, waiting for someone at the table to call us over. I had helped serve them, along with the other servants, but, now there wasn't much to do until we were specifically called over.

Finally, Merlin broke the silence and said, "I hear that Fayelinn and Arthur are going on another outing together."

I gasped, making sure it was loud and exaggerated.

"What?! They are?" I exclaimed, moving to cup my own face in mock surprise.

Merlin glared at me, his eyes narrowed. "You already knew."

"Of course I already knew. Faye tells me everything." I replied, lowering my hands.

"Well, I think they will be a beautiful team to rule Camelot." He told me, turning serious. "Who knows? Maybe they'll set a date for the wedding on this outing."

I frowned, turning away. There was a twinge of jealousy, and I couldn't help but berate myself. He was intended to marry Fayelinn, for goodness sake.

I glanced over at the table. Morgana had left, and Faye and Uther were talking enthusiastically, but Arthur was staring at me, his eyes filled with amusement. I don't know what he had found so funny, but I blushed either way.

I turned my back on him, grimacing. I wanted to beat my fluttering heart into submission, but I couldn't help my emotions, especially when they were running rampant.

"How's your leg?" Merlin finally asked when I didn't say anything more.

"It's much better!" I said, eager for a distraction.

"Gaius was asking about you. Especially when you ignored his orders to check in with him every other day." He said, narrowing his eyes playfully.

"Well, I have never been the best patient." I said, sheepishly.

"You are horribly stubborn." He acknowledged, "Worse than a goblin."

I overly gasped again, and went to say something, but Merlin slapped his hand over my mouth.

"Stop that!" He hissed, his eyes narrowing playfully.

I giggled, rolling my eyes and pulling away. We chatted for a couple more minutes before falling silent when Uther stood up from the table, his chair screeching backwards.

"I'll leave you two alone now." He announced, shifting his eyes between Arthur and Fayelinn. "I have some...duties to report to."

Merlin snorted softly beside me, chuckling bitterly. There seemed to be more behind that story, but I ignored it, knowing that it was none of my business.

Arthur stood up suddenly, seemingly angry, but I couldn't tell if I missed something or if it was just a side effect of his hangover.

"Father," He said through clenched teeth, "What duties would this be?"

It was obvious from the tone of his voice that Arthur knew Uther was only trying to get the couple closer. Arthur didn't seem happy with this development.

Uther narrowed his eyes at his son, but before he could say anything, a knight burst into the room without bothering to announce himself.

He hurried over to the table, and bowed quickly. When he stopped moving, I could see the obvious signs of distress.

My stomach turned to knots, and I tensed up. The last time I had seen a knight this upset was when Deira had been attacked. I clenched my fists and started scooting towards the table.

Merlin hissed at me to get back, but I ignored him, making sure I was close enough to hear everything that was going on. Fayelinn seemed to recognize the danger, and looked over her shoulder to make sure I was near. When she saw me, she visibly relaxed.

"How dare you--"

"Sire!" The knight interrupted.

I tensed even more. No knight would dare to interrupt the king unless it was of highest importance. Arthur finally seemed to notice the tone of the room, and he turned to look at me, his eyes fearful.

My heart clenched. Was he scared for me?

I shook my head of those thoughts and moved closer to the table, until I was right beside Faye. She didn't seem to notice my presence, and she kept her eyes on the knight.

Uther was oblivious.

"Well?" He demanded, "What is it?"

The knight seemed to cower under his wrath. I clenched my fists, silently urging Uther not to be a dolt.

The knight hurried forward, until he was right next to the king, lowering his voice so only Uther could hear.

My blood chilled, and my muscles tensed. As soon as I caught a glimpse of the knight's face, I knew.

I bent down so that my mouth was next to Faye's ear.

"Let's go!" I whispered, tugging the sleeve of her dress.


Uther cut her off, his voice booming across the room, making the knight and several servents flinch.

"What do you mean we are under attack?!"

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Where stories live. Discover now