Chapter Forty-five

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I immediately bolted to Arthur's side, brushing past Gaius without even thinking about it. I knelt down next to the small cot and pressed my hand against Arthur's forehead.

He was burning hot to the touch, and he was pale. He had sweat beads on his forehead, and he couldn't seem to breathe normally.

I looked up at Gaius in desperation. I took a hold of Arthur's hand, squeezing it tightly. It was as if I was reassuring myself that he was still here. There was still a chance of his recovery.

"What is happening?" I asked, my voice pained, "The poison shouldn't be this accelerated yet! Have you determined the antidote, yet?"

Gaius looked down at his feet. I could tell he was reluctant to tell me the news, but he also knew I wouldn't let up until I got the information.

"I have determined the poison that is coursing through his system." Gaius said.

"That's great!" I exclaimed, trying not to sound to hopeful. "We can determine the antidote from that, can we not?"

"That's the thing, Dawn." He said, "It's magic. It was made specifically for him, which is why it is working so fast. He will probably die by the end of the hour."

I let out a sob that I didn't even know was building. I reached up and felt tears streaming down my face. I leaned over and pressed my forehead against Arthur's chest, feeling his shallow breaths.

"Is there no hope then?" I asked, clenching my hands into fists.

Gaius hesitated. I looked up at him, my eyes narrowed. He was trying to hide something from me. I wiped my face so I could focus on him completely.

"Gaius." I said, my voice a warning.

"There is one way we can save him." Gaius admitted, "But it'll be difficult."

"Tell me." I demanded, climbing to my feet.

He shuffled his feet. He didn't want to tell me, because he knew I would do whatever this dangerous task was if it meant I saved Arthur. Gaius was trying to protect me.

"The poison was made from the sorcerer's blood." He finally said, "In order to save Arthur, I need more of that same sorcerer's blood. If I get the blood, I'll be able to make a potion that will cancel out the poison."

"There is a sorcerer in the lower city, right now, fighting against us. Is there any chance he is one and the same?" I asked, my brow furrowing.

"There is no doubt. The easiest way to destroy a kingdom is to take out its ruler." Gaius said, "They must be working together."

I nodded. I went to move towards the door, but Gaius stepped in my way, effectively blocking my passage.

"Get out of my way, Gaius." I told him through clenched teeth.

"I cannot let you go against the sorcerer, Dawn." He said, "You know that. Merlin can take care of it."

"Merlin is unavailable." I announced, "He is our only hope of winning the battle and I am not willing to pull him away from that task."

"Then we can wait--"

"We don't have time to wait!" I snapped, motioning towards Arthur behind me. "He is dying now! You said yourself, he won't live through the hour if we do not get this blood. I am more than capable of doing this job."

"It's dangerous." He protested.

"Gaius, I'm not asking your permission. I'm informing you that I am going to go get that blood whether you like it or not. You can either help me or get out of my way."

He sighed, looking away from me. He clearly did not like the idea of me going up against this sorcerer, but we both knew I was Arthur's last chance. He would die if I didn't get the blood.

"You can't go out like that." He finally said, relenting.

I looked down at myself. My dress had been ripped and soiled, I had lost one of the dainty shoes I had picked out for the wedding, and my hair was an absolute mess.

"No," I agreed, "I suppose I can't."

"Merlin has some clothes in his room. I'm sure he won't mind having you borrow some." He said, pointing in the direction of the room.

I thanked him and hurried over. As soon as I was in the room, I peeled out of the dress. I couldn't help but mourn the loss of such a fine piece of cloth.

I hurried and dressed in some of Merlin's clothes. I had to roll the hems of both the pants and the shirt sleeves. The pants were a little loose around the waist, so I took some ribbon from the mangled dress and used it as a makeshift belt. Merlin, it turned out, had weirdly small feet; his boots were a little loose on me, but fit nicely overall.

I brushed my fingers through my hair real fast, before braiding it so that it would be out of my way. I started to leave the room, but saw a sword standing in the corner next to the bed.

It must have been one of Arthur's, left there by Merlin to polish later. I went over and grabbed it before exiting the room.

Gaius was waiting anxiously for me. I ignored him for a moment and moved to Arthur's side. I bent down and kissed his forehead.

"I'll be back." I whispered, my lips brushing his skin. "I promise."

I stood up again and faced Gaius, who had respectfully turned away as I said my goodbye to Arthur. I moved to his side, resting my hand on his arm.

"I know you don't like this, but it needs to be done." I said, my voice firm, "It's the only chance Arthur has of living."

"A single drop of blood would be good enough." He said, patting my hand, "Do not try to be a hero and get yourself killed in the process. Only a drop is needed."

"Then so be it."

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