The naming ceremony-Final chapter

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This was it. The naming ceremony, or the christening, if you'd like to call it that. Ty and I have no objection to this tradition. We were to give the babies their official names and stones.

I believe the names we gave them were right,they suited the little ones.

It has been over a week since I gave birth on September 5, 2016. It is now September 11th, a Sunday. I got out of the hospital on September 6th. My twins were born at 11 in the evening. Uriah at 11:41 and Harmony at 11: 46.

It's been hard, with twins especially. But,I wouldn't trade it for anything. The crying is still like a choir to my heart and smiles are the fireworks.

I see Ty come in with Caleb and Cassandra. The sweet couple.

Then, I see someone I had not seen in a ridiculously long time, my best friend.


I ran to my friend, I could do now that I am not pregnant. She looked happy. No, she looked radiant.

She walked over to me, "Oh Amy!" She exclaimed giving me a hug,"I'm so happy for you. "

We chit-chatted for a bit, while a few people piled in.

It was time to start.

"Welcome, everyone. For 5 generations this has been a tradition, my great-grandfather Samuel Bartlett was born during the storm of a century. There was no place to have a christening so my ancestors decided to have it here in front of this very fireplace, on this very ranch and dedicate Samuel Bartlett. So, it has been a long lasting tradition, and this is the first time ever that there have been twins to be dedicated, so you younglings are the first ever twins to be dedicated in this here name ceremony," Jack said to Ty and I who were standing off at the side of the fireplace, "And the new parents are going to do all the rest of this here ceremony."

Ty and I walked up, Ty had Uriah, who was in a cute sleeper and I had Harmony who was in a little cute dress. I mean why not have my little baby girl in a dress? It was a necessity.

Ty, my darling husband took the lead of the ceremony, he sucked in a breath and said, "Here is our little boy. He is to be a proud Borden. We, -Amy and I- love this little guy here, and we always will. Now for announcing the Godparent. For this here little guy, we are proud to announce that my best man and best friend Caleb will be my firstborn Son's Godfather."

Caleb walked up,in and Ty was smiling uncontrollably, as he slowly put my son, Uriah Jackson Borden into his arms. As soon as Caleb had a firm grip on our little boy, Ty exhaled, "Amy and I, have decided to name our Son Uriah Jackson Borden. Uriah, come and let's decide your stone."

Ty walked, over casually but I could sense the nervousness that no one else could as I have a very good observant eye. His steps were just a tad quicker than usual, and his steps stooped lower, but it was not noticeable, except to me of course.

I saw Ty's eye wandering, and resting on a smooth stone, but it was jagged at the ends, Ty thought it would look smooth like my son's face, and his adorable chubby cheeks.

"This stone here will be the Uriah Jackson Borden stone. Uriah, my little man," Ty grabbed the young baby's hand and placed it on his stone, "keep this stone in your heart and know that Jesus loves you, and that you have been dedicated to him."

There was a clap.

It was now my turn.

"We aren't over yet," I told all those standing and on the couch, "Now there is my daughter to be put in the naming ceremony."

Caleb carefully placed Uriah, back in Ty's arms, and Ty walked off to the side of the fireplace. 

I announced, "This here is Harmony Louise Borden. She was born second. I named her Harmony, for being my Harmony. And Louise after Lou. She is such a blessing to me, and of course, Ty would say the exact same. I am pleased to announce her GodMother to be my best friend, Soraya."

Soraya gasped and walked into the spotlight, and grabbed ahold of Harmony.

I continued, "Harmony. Your stone has been picked, right next to your brothers because we want you two to be thicker than thieves, and be there for each other. Now please Harmony, be our Harmony, our smooth voice, our solution."

Smiles were all around me, and a tear rolled down my cheek, not out of sadness but the happiness of the moment.

It all started with the words "Ty, you're gonna be a Father."

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