Month 8

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I sat down on the couch inside the main house. Lou was frantic that I was always being with someone or watched by someone, since it was possiable I could go into birth now. She made me be with someone, wether it was Ty, Herself, Georgie, Grandpa, Lisa or even Mitch. Yes,  I had hung around while Mitch was just sitting there. Trust me, there is nothing more awkward than sitting on the couch with someone for two whole hours. It's torture.

But now I was with Katie for a few minutes, as Lou couldn't sit with me for a half hour, and Ty would be coming home in a bit.

Katie was drawing with her pencil crayons. It was a picture of people.

"What's that?" I asked Katie, motioning my hand to her drawing,which I could barely make out, with her crayons and coloring pencils blocking the view.

"It's our family!" She exclaimed, "This is mommy," she pointed to a lady in a dress and crazy black scribbles for hair, "This is daddy" she showed Peter in a far away place, I feeled for the poor little girl, "This is Georgie," there was Georgie on a horse, with also crazy hair, "And Ty," She her hand rumaged over the page to ty, who was in a doctors, coat or really a fluffy pillow, but it was Ty, my husband nether the less, then katie  pointed to another person, "this is you Auntie Amy!" I looked at myself in the drawing, I was astounded, she drew me, holding onto my husband, Ty's hand and holding hands with my two little ones.

"Who are these two?" I asked, looking at Katie, tears forming in my eyes, out of happiness of course.

"Your babies," Katie replied, a genuine smile plastered on her young face, what a loving girl.

Tears prickled my eyes, "oh, Katie" a tear slid down my right cheek. I was so in awe of how a young kindergarten girl could make me so happy. This was definitely not my hormones of being pregnant.

"Why are you crying, Amy?" Katie asked, questioning the soon to be mother, "You don't like the drawing?"

"No, I love the drawing. I'm just so happy that you included my family in it." I told her, "This is what you call tears of happiness. "

Katie gave me a hug, having a huge smile on her face. Her hands could not get around my overgrown belly, but she didn't care.

Just then, Lou walked through the door with a hand load of groceries. She stopped in her tracks, "What a lovely scene to come back home to."

I looked up to Lou who was smiling with a hand on her heart. "Momma!" Katie yelled, running to hug her mother. I saw the look of love on both of their faces. Katie's love for her mother and Lou's love for Katie.

It was simply amazing.

Ty arrived home late that night. He wasn't in a good mood.

I was at the table as he walked in.

"Hey sweetie," I replied, welcoming him in a loving hug.

"Hi," he told her bitterly, not showing much love in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sensing his unhappiness. I was worried about him.

"Nothing, " he replied,  walking away.

"Something is wrong, Ty. I know something is. Please tell me," I tried to touch his hand, he pulled it away, trying to slip away from me, "What is it Ty?"

"Amy. I've had a bad day. The partnership isn't going well. Just please go away!" He yelled.

A tear slipped down my cheek, and my heart broke, "Okay. I'll leave you alone." My voice broke at that and I rushed out of the room.

All I heard behind me was "Amy! No I didn't mean that!"

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